小学生英语故事阅读 小学生英语故事阅读_关于少儿英语故事



During a long, cold winter, people all over the world spend the days longing for the fertile days of Spring and Summer.


Like all northern races, the people of northern Europe are no strangers to the hardships thatcome with cold and snow.


The natural environment in their countries was beautiful. However, the major flaw was that this part of the world experienced very cold temperatures for almost half of the year.


In ancient times, for the whole winter, a village of people would dream of being able to flee from with the four walls of their houses, and run through fields and meadows under a hot sun.


Fortunately for them, the Winter was finite, and soon Spring would come.


They always celebrated the coming of Spring with a holiday.


Their traditional Spring festival usually fell on the first of May, and was called "May Day".


The different countries had different ways to celebrate this holiday, and the traditions were flexible.


Sometimes, federate villages that shared a similar government would celebrate together.


Every family would put on new and beautiful summer clothing that they had made during the winter.


They wore bright colors to remind themselves of the blue Summer sky and green Summer grasses.


The ladies would wear special dresses that they knew would flatter a woman's figure. The children were allowed to stay home from school. The whole village would gather together and have a huge feast.


The village leaders would hold a meeting to discuss what manner of celebration was feasible, and then use the town's money to finance the buying of special foods.


They would feed themselves whatever flavour of dishes people in their country happened to favour most; eating rich meats and whatever vegetables were fresh at that time.


On a flat rock they would build a huge fire, using wood from felled trees, and would warm themselves in the heat. Every flame would remind them of the warmth of the Spring that was coming.


In some places, the people would take turns to jump over the fire. Any villager fit enough to try, would first stretch their legs (weak and feeble due to a long winter of inactivity).


小学生英语故事阅读 小学生英语故事阅读_关于少儿英语故事

One by one they would file into a long line, and risk leaping the flames of the fire.


The fire would dangerously flash and flare under the people's feet. Jumping over the fire was thought to bring them luck in the new year.


May Day was a happy time, which brought the village people closer together, and filled them with joy.



Nick grabbed his bag and looked around for his boat. He didn't know which one was his. Thereweere only two left at the dock. This one must be it, he thought to himself as he quicklyboarded the old ship. He got a new job shrimp fishing and today was his first day.


It was a strange looking fishing boat. He didn't see any nets. Nor did he see any fish. He lookedup and saw a black flag with a skull on it. "Oh, no!!" thought Nick. "I am on a pirate ship."


Just then the captain came out. He was an ugly man with only one eye. "So, we have astowaway," said the captain. "No, I want to be a fisherman," said Nick, "I got on the wrongboat. Please let me off."

就在那时船长出现了,是个丑陋的独眼龙。“看来我们有偷渡客了,”船长说:“你想当海盗吗?”“不, 我想当渔夫,”尼克说:“我上错船了,请饶了我吧。”

"ARRR," said the pirate, "You must walk the plank if you want to get off this boat." Nick didn'tknow what to do. They were already far out to sea. But he didn't want to be a pirate so hewalked to the edge of the plank and jumped.


He swam until another boat picked him up and saved his life.



Sacks has the best job in the world, or at least he thinks so! He tests virtual reality videogames. Every morning he gets up at 7 a.m., has a shower, reads the paper on the subway andarrives at the office at 8:30 a.m.


But Sack's office isn't a normal office. The ceiling is painted to look like outer space with stars,planets and galaxies. The halls are filled with life-size cardboard cutouts of aliens, movie stars,action figures and other fictional characters.


As Sacks rounds the corner in to his office his receptionist greets him good morning. Her hair iddyed pink and her nose is pierced in three different places. Sacks takes his office and sits downin front of a theatre-sized screen. He straps on a visor, and headset.


Within seconds, Sack is transported to a combat warship. He is invading alien planets. Somedays he is racing horses across the Sahara desert. Other days he is rescuing beautiful womanfrom burning building.


No matter what day of the week it is, Sack is always in for a virtual adventure.



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