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Valentine’sDay is on the February 14 each year. It is celebrated in many countries aroundthe world, although it remains a working day in most of them. After New Year'sDay, it is the most celebrated holiday around the world. It’s a holiday forlovers or couples. This is a festival of love and romance, as well as flowers,chocolates, greeting cards. On that day, there are many activities for couplesto celebrate, showing their love to mate. Gift exchanging is the most common. Inrecent years, February 14 become much more popular than before, although thereis another Valentine’s Day in China. Besides, there are many people choose thatday to propose marriage or get married. In short, it’s a day of love.

情人节英语作文 情人节英语作文_情人节英语作文精选


Today is March 14ththat isWhiteValentine's Day. White is regarded as naive, pure, spiritual in Europeancountries, just like Westerners will wear white wedding dress when they getmarried. Gradually, "white" represents hope and happiness, which is blessingto lovers.This has become one of the most important source for the coming WhiteValentine's Day. White Valentine's Day is popular in Japan, Taiwan and otherregions. what we know about it is a continuation of the Western Valentine'sday. There are big differences in giving gifts between those two Valentines' day: in Chinese mainland, England, America and Canada, the boy will send a giftto the girl on February 14th, Valentine's day. Most of the gifts arerose or chocolate. In Japan and Taiwan, the situation is opposite. In Japan,usually the female would like to express her love to her lover would send giftsto the male on t Valentine's Day (February 14th). And the male will returngifts and tells the girl his love on March 14th. Of course, he will only sendgifts to the one he would like to. In some places of Asia, the young peoplewill celebrate this festival, too. All the lovers, enjoy your day!


Valentine's day, looking at one couple out the door, I really, very upset. Because mom and dad out the valentine's day, just put my soul in the home, my in the mind of course right away. More hate the, ssi cast me into the home was the reason for valentine's day, two men to eat western food specials, take me to spend a money. I was angry to mad. They also say, valentine's day with a child out is not like a lover. Alas, I had to stay at home.



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