研究生英语阅读教程 有关于电话英语教程阅读



A: Hello. I need to make an appointment.

B: Were you mandated by the court to go to traffic school?

A: Yes, I was. Does that matter?

B: Yes, it does. Let me have your full name.

A: It's David Johnson. What days do you have available?

B: We have Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

A: Oh, okay. I can make it on Thursday. What time should I be in?

B: Come in at 9 a.m. if you can't make it during that time, please call.

A: Great. I will see you this Thursday.

B: Remember to bring your court papers. We will need to sign those.

A: I seem to have lost them. Could I go to court to get another copy?

B: Yes, go to the court and print them out before you come over.


A: Good morning. ABC company.


B: Hello. This is Dick Smith of DEF Company. May I speak to Mr. John Black, please?


A: I'm sorry. Mr. Black, please?


B: Can you take a message for me?


A:I don't think the meeting will go on much longer. Shall I ask him to call you when he is free?


B:Yes, that would be nice.


A:Could I have your phone number, please?


B:Yes. 021-64358796.



A: I need to speak with someone from the water company.

B: Is there something that I can do for you?

A: Actually, there is something I need help with.

B: How may I assist you?

A: Well, I’m going to be moving in a few days.

B: How can I assist you with your move?

A: My water needs to be turned on.

B: Okay, when exactly will you need this done?

A: I need the water turned on no later than Saturday evening.

B: I can have it turned on for you by then.

研究生英语阅读教程 有关于电话英语教程阅读

A: What information do I need to give you to have that done?

B: What I need is your social security number, full name, and your new address.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/251461/968401934.html


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