什么是多维度意识? 意识的维度

什么是多维度意识? 意识的维度



“Dimensions” are ameans of organizing different planes of existence according totheir vibratory rate. Each dimension has certain sets of laws andprinciples that are specific to the frequency of thatdimension.


“Consciousness”represents awareness. The inhabitants of each dimension functionclearly, easily, and with a minimum of resistance within that planebecause their consciousness vibrates in resonance with thefrequency of that dimension.


“MultidimensionalConsciousness” is the ability to be “conscious” of more than onedimension. To be multidimensional in our consciousness we mustremember that we have within us the potential to expand ourperceptual awareness to the dimensions above and below our physicalplane.


“Unconscious” meansunaware of and unable to attend to internal and/or external stimuliwithin the inhabitants’ own dimension or within another dimension.Third dimensional humans are largely unaware of their firstdimensional, second dimensional, and fourth dimensional selves. Thehuman unconscious is best accessed through physical body messages,introspection, dreams, and meditation.


“Conscious” meansaware of and able to attend to stimuli within the inhabitants’ owndimension. The third dimensional self is conscious of what can beperceived by the five physical senses of sight, hearing, touch,taste, and smell.


“Superconscious” is ahigher order of consciousness of the fifth dimension and above inwhich the inhabitants are able to be aware of and attend stimuli oftheir own dimension as well as all the lower dimensions. Thesuperconscious is innately multidimensional. The third dimensionalself can become “conscious” of the superconscious throughmeditation, prayer, and by surrendering to the enfoldment of thehigher order consciousness.



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