猛男組合The Geordie shore boys全裸露出一身肌肉,為雜誌拍照、增添節日氣氛。
Here come the boys! The cast of Geordie Shore leave little tothe imagination as they strip down for racy festive shoot
By Daily Mail Reporter
They're never been shy about whipping off their shirts and showingoff their torsos to the world.
But the perma-tanned boys of Geordie Shore have taken it one stepfurther and decided to bare all for a new raunchy photo shoot inNow Magazine.
Getting into the festive spirit, the fun-loving lads had just a fewstrategically placed items to preserve their modesty as theirshirts and trousers came off.
Clearly not worried about displaying their toned and perfectlyprimped bodies for all to see, the reality show stars seemedcomfortable to spend time together in the buff.
Scott Timlin popped open a bottle of champagne, spraying it overeveryone else, while Daniel Thomas Tuck held a bunch of mistletoeover Ricci Guarnaccio's intimate areas.

The boys then changed into tiny pairs of festive G-strings as theyjoked around together on set.
Obviously looking forward to Christmas, the boys opened up aboutwhat they were hoping for over the festive period.
While Gaz Beadle revealed that a Rolex, a Ferrari and 'to make hisfamily cry' was on his wishlist this year, Ricci admitted that allhe wanted was girlfriend Vicky Pattinson in a 'sexy outfit.'
Unfortunately for Ricci, the relationship between the pair seems tohave cooled, after calling off their engagement during an episodeof the MTV show at the beginning of the month.
The 26-year-old TV star demanded the ring back from his fiancéduring a drunken row after a night out in Newcastle.
Looking ahead to New Year's Eve, Ricci revealed that he wouldn't bespending it in his home town this year.
'They're always a let down, but I'm in Dubai this year,' hesaid.
But Daniel admitted that a New Year's Eve spent in Newcastle isnothing to be scoffed at Last year out on the Toon in Newcastle -doesn't get much better than that,' he said.