MyEclipse6.6/6.0经典版本注册及官方下载新增网盘 myeclipse官方下载

MyEclipse 6.x 最新注册码(有效期至2013年):

Subscriber: java.gzit.orgSubscription Code: wLR8ZC-655411-68525856439453120


Subscriber: java.gzit.orgProduct ID: E3MP (MyEclipse Professional Subscription)License version: 1.0Full Maintenance IncludedSubscription expiration date (YYYYMMDD): 20130703Number of licenses: 966

官方站点下载 6.6:

下载链接(因屏蔽,右击用迅雷等工具下载) (MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench 6.6.0 GAfor Eclipse 3.3.x and Windows 98/2000/NT/XP/Vista 11/06/2008)
Version: 6.6.0 GA | File size: 447.00 MB
MD5 : 3bedd177b9559d1afc508eeb0713d9e0


官方站点下载 6.5:

下载链接(因屏蔽,右击用迅雷等工具下载) (MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench 6.5.0 GAfor Eclipse 3.3.x and Windows 98/2000/NT/XP/Vista 06/18/2008)
Version: 6.5.0 GA | File size: 442.00 MB
MD5 : d1ac87a9edadf19751fe9b802387d6b4

官方站点下载 6.5 Blue:

下载链接(因屏蔽,右击用迅雷等工具下载) (MyEclipse Blue Edition 6.5.0 GA forEclipse 3.3.x and Windows 98/2000/NT/XP/Vista 06/18/2008)
说明:MyEclipse Blue Edition is a custom version of MyEclipseEnterprise Workbench tailored specifically for IBM WebSphereapplication server development.
Version: 6.5.0 GA | File size: 512.00 MB
MD5 : 4fdd661b1996654d6533b2bacb3e4c54

附MyEclipse 6.6系列最新发行说明:

1. Overview MyEclipse 6.6.0 provides key feature enhancements andgeneral maintenance to our previous 6.5 release. Highlights of thisrelease include: Maven4MyEclipse Improved support between MyEclipseproject capabiliites and Maven dependency support POM editor Optionto enable full access to m2e plugin features Editor PlatformUpgrade - upgraded editors and platform to WTP 2.0.3 New Oracle 11support

Upgraded MyEclipse Hibernate Tools to support reverse engineeringof entities and DAOs Upgraded Database Explorer support for DDLgeneration from schemes IceFaces 1.7.2 library upgrade for JSFdevelopment Improved UML reliability and support for Java 6runtime

MyEclipse 6.5 delivers Java enterprise developers new strategicapplication lifecycle management (ALM) features. In addition, itincludes improvements of MyEclipse's industry leading Java EE toolsand 1-click Java application technology repository andruntime.

MyEclipse's new ALM features are founded upon the integration ofMaven2 project and build management tools for MyEclipse(Maven4MyEclipse). Using Maven4MyEclipse developers can now developMaven versions of MyEclipse Java and Java EE projects. This takesadvantage of the full suite of rich MyEclipse applicationtechnology frameworks and tools in their MyEclipse Maven projects.Additionally, Maven4MyEclipse allows developers to seamlesslyleverage their strategic Maven-based ALM processes from withinMyEclipse.

MyEclipse6.6/6.0经典版本注册及官方下载(新增网盘) myeclipse官方下载
MyEclipse Java EE tools include improved JSF &Facelets visual design and coding, Spring IDE 2.0 for MyEclipsewith Spring Web Flow, Hibernate Tools 3.2 for MyEclipse, JSR 168Portlet development tools, and new web.xml and JSP tag library(TLD) editors. Working through a partnership with ICEsoft,MyEclipse ICEfaces support has been updated to support visualdesign and deployment of the latest ICEfaces 1.7.0 JSF Ajaxcomponent library.

MyEclipse 1-click Java application technology services include ajar library repository of all Java EE and related technologies,e.g., Struts, Hibernate, ... and a custom embedded Tomcat 6 serverruntime for rapid testing of Java EE web applications and examples.The repository has been updated to jar libraries for Spring 2.5,Hibernate 3.2, Struts 1.3.8, JSR 168 Portlet API and JAX-WS 2.1.The integrated MyEclipse Tomcat 6 server has been updated with aJAX-WS 2.1 (Metro) runtime as well as a sample security realm foruse by a soon to be release set of JAX-WS web services securityexamples.

MyEclipse 6.5 is built upon the Eclipse 3.3 and Web Tools 2.0.2platforms, i.e., Europa distro. Backwards compatibility withMyEclipse versions 6.x - 4.x projects and features is maintained tothe maximum degree possible.

2. MyEclipse 6.5 GA Highlights This section presents an overview ofnew and improved MyEclipse 6.5 features. To learn more about themany MyEclipse features browse the MyEclipse Learning Center.

Maven4MyEclipse Maven2 project support is available for MyEclipseWeb Projects MyEclipse EJB Projects Java Projects MyEclipseCapabilities Wizards automatically detect and configure Maven jardependencies includes Struts, Hibernate, Spring, JSF, ICEfaces,JPA, Portlets, MyEclipse Reports Maven Dependency ConfigurationWizard Execute Maven goals from MyEclipse Automated installationand configuration of local repository includes Sun jarsinstallation Maven Jar Import Wizard Easy JDK configuration BuildMyEclipse Maven projects from Maven commandline

Spring IDE 2.0 for MyEclipse Upgrade Custom implementation ofSpring IDE 2.0 for MyEclipse Spring Java config support Spring WebFlow 1.0 support with graphical web flow editor New SpringExplorer, Beans Cross References and and AOP Event views ProjectExplorer view integration AOP analysis and validation Renamerefactoring support for bean Ids, properties and classes Mylynintegration Fine grained validation control Hibernate Tools 3.3.2for MyEclipse Upgrade Upgraded to Hibernate Tools 3.2.2CR1Hibernate Mapping File Editor (hbm) Hibernate 3.2 support forstandalone Hibernate Projects Hibernate annotations supportMyEclipse advanced Spring-Hibernate tools support Hibernateannotation-based projects Reverse engineer annotated POJOs fromdatabase schema Updated HQL and Criteria editors to recognizeannotated Hibernate configurations Named query validation Javaeditor content assist support for Hibernate annoations Easily testand correct HQL and Criteria queries Updated XML catalog with newhibernate-mapping and hibernate-config DTDs (version 3.2.5)

Web Services JAX-WS 2.0 web services framework support Top-down andbottom-up JAX-WS creation wizards Generate JAX-WS client from localor remote WSDL files Test JAX-WS web services using Web ServiceExplorer JAX-WS web security examples to be available via ExamplesOn-Demand

JSR 168 Portlet Support Portlet Project Capabilities Wizard PortletCreation Wizard using standard templates Enabled for standard webproject deployment to JSR 168 portal Use MyEclipse visual webdesign tools to develop HTML, JSP, Struts and JSF portlet content1-click Java Application Technology Services Jar Library Repositoryenhancements Added libraries for: Hibernate 3.2, Spring 2.5, JAX-WS2.0 Web Services MyEclipse Tomcat 6 Server (6.0.11-custom) IncludesJAX-WS 2.1 runtime Example security realm added for upcoming JavaServer Faces and Facelet Tools Visual JSF Page Designer New codeassist and validation for all facelets libraries New preview moderenders JSF faces.xml flow editor New form-based Design mode andconfiguration wizards

Managed-bean validation and code-assist ICEfaces 1.7 JSF Ajax UIcomponent library support (use Community Essentials to install thisfeature) JSF Designer Feature Overview document see MyEclipseLearning Center under Help Contents menu

MyEclipse UML improvements: Convert class diagram to XSD file


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