
下面内容转自一个养生网站:http://www.dietmindspirit.org/20 ...-catfish-gray-sole/
Don’t Eat this fish: Pangas (Pangasius, Vietnamese River Cobbler,White Catfish, Gray Sole)
2011-10-25 23:48 上传下载附件 (22.38KB)
Cheap cheap fish! The above is an ad (from one of the largesupermarket chains in France) for the fish known as Pangas (alsocalled, Pangasius, Vietnamese River Cobbler, Basa Fish and WhiteCatfish, Tra, Gray Sole). It was a reminder to tell you about thedangers of this strange but increasingly popular fish. I learnedabout them and how they’re raised a while ago on an informativedocumentary online here: Documentary about Pangas. (which is inFrench. If you don’t speak French, read below.)
Would the French call it Poisson ou poison?
Industrially farmed in Vietnam along the Mekong River, Pangas orwhatever they’re calling it, has only been recently introduced tothe French market. However, in a very short amount of time, it hasgrown in popularity in France. The French are slurping up Pangaslike it’s their last meal of soup noodles. They are very, veryaffordable (cheap), are sold in filets with no bones and they havea neutral (bland) flavor and texture; many would compare it to codand sole, only much cheaper. But as tasty as some people may findit, there’s, in fact, something hugely unsavory about it. I hopethe information provided here will serve as very importantinformation for you and your future choices. Here’s why I think itis better left in the shops (and not on your dinner plates):
2011-10-25 23:48 上传下载附件 (15.56KB)
1. Pangas are teeming with high levels of poisons and bacteria.(industrial effluents, arsenic, and toxic and hazardous by-productsof the growing industrial sector, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs),DDT and its metabolites (DDTs), metal contaminants,chlordane-related compounds (CHLs), hexachlorocyclohexane isomers(HCHs), and hexachlorobenzene (HCB)). The reasons are that theMekong River is one of the most polluted rivers on the planet andthis is where pangas are farmed and industries along the river dumpchemicals and industrial waste directly into it. To Note: a friendlab tests these fish and tells us to avoid eating them due to highamounts of contamination. Regardless of the reports andrecommendations against selling them, the supermarkets still sellthem to the general public knowing they are contaminated.
2. They freeze Pangas in contaminated river water.Ew.用来冷冻龙利鱼的水也是受了污染的河水。
2011-10-25 23:48 上传下载附件 (13.85KB)
3. Pangas are not environmentally sustainable, a most unsustainablefood you could possibly eat – “Buy local” means creating the leastamount of environmental harm as possible. This is the very oppositeend of the spectrum of sustainable consumerism. Pangas are raisedin Vietnam. Pangas are fed food that comes from Peru (more on thatbelow), their hormones (which are injected into the female Pangas)come from China. (More about that below) and finally, they aretransported from Vietnam to France. That’s not just a giant carbonfoot print, that’s a carbon continent of a foot print.龙利鱼不环保。估计能是最不环保的东西了。--大家要多吃当地食物。龙利鱼长在越南,而吃的东西却来自秘鲁,激素来自帝国。然后再运输到法国。这得排放多少的碳啊。
4. There’s nothing natural about Pangas – They’re fed dead fishremnants and bones, dried and ground into a flour, from SouthAmerica, manioc (cassava) and residue from soy and grains. Thiskind of nourishment doesn’t even remotely resemble what they eat innature. But what it does resemble is the method of feeding mad cows(cows were fed cows, remember?) What they feed pangas is completelyunregulated so there are most likely other dangerous substances andhormones thrown into the mix. The pangas grow at a speed light(practically!): 4 times faster than in nature…so it makes youwonder what exactly is in their food? Your guess is as good asmine.
2011-10-25 23:48 上传下载附件 (16.96KB)
5. Pangas are Injected with Hormones Derived from Urine – I don’tknow how someone came up with this one out but they’ve discoveredthat if they inject female Pangas with hormones made from thedehydrated urine of pregnant women, the female Pangas grow muchquicker and produce eggs faster (one Panga can lay approximately500,000 eggs at one time). Essentially, they’re injecting fish withhormones (they come all of the way from a pharmaceutical company inChina) to speed up the process of growth and reproduction. Thatisn’t good. Some of you might not mind eating fish injected withdehydrated pee so if you don’t good for you, but just consider therest of the reasons to NOT eat it.
6. You get what you pay for – and then some. Don’t be lured in byinsanely cheap price of Pangas. Is it worth risking your health andthe health of your family?
7. Buying Pangas supports unscrupulous, greedy evil corporationsand food conglomerates that don’t care about the health andwell-being of human beings. They only are concerned about sellingas many pangas as possible to unsuspecting consumers. Thesecorporations only care about selling and making more money atwhatever cost to the public.8. Pangas will make you sick – If (forreasons in #1 above) you don’t get immediately ill with vomiting,diarrhea and effects from severe food poisoning, congratulations,you have an iron stomach! But you’re still ingesting POISON notpoisson.Final important note: Because of the prodigious amount ofavailability of Pangas, be warned that they will certainly findtheir way into other foods: surimi (those pressed fish things,imitation crab sticks), fish sticks, fish terrines, and probably insome pet foods. (Warn your dogs and cats and hamsters and gerbilsand even your pet fish!)购买龙利鱼就鼓励了奸商。
Watch this Report on Pangas (in French) (Video excerpt fromCapitale on M6, which aired about 3 months ago)