英雄双行体Heroic Couplet
英雄双行体HeroicCouplet 也译为英雄联句,是英文双行体Couplet中的一种形式,英文双行体的定义如下:
Couplet: It is a pair of rhyming verse lines,usually of the same length; one of the most widely used verse-formsin European poetry. Chaucer established the use of couplets inEnglish, notably in the Canterbury Tales, using rhyming iambicpentameters later known as heroiccouplets
Heroic Couplet:英雄双行体A rhyming couplet of iambic pentameter, often “closed”,i.e., containing a complete thought, there being a fairly heavypause at the end of the first line and a still heavier one at theend of the second. Commonly there is a parallel or antithesiswithin a line, or between the two lines. It is heroic because inEngland, especially in the eighteenth century, it was much used forheroic (epic) poems.
The Heroic Couplet at a Glance
1.It is a rhyming pair oflines.
2.The meter is usually iambicpentameter but may also be tetrameter.
3.A pentameter couplet had tensyllables with alternating stresses.

4.The rhyme scheme progresses asaabbcc, etc.
5.the heroic couplet, so-called,denoted that it was a form in which a high subject matter could bewritten. This was the form often used for translation of epicpoetry from the classical Latin and Greek.
6.It works by adapting the oldChaucerian line and allowing a strong pause or caesura in themiddle of the line.
7.The caesura usually comes afterthe fifth or sixth syllable. Its sharp rhymes and regular beat madeit widely used in the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenthcenturies for epigrammatic and satirical poetry.
The History of the Form.
At first glance, the couplet seems to be an element of form ratherthan a form in itself. It evolved out of parts of a poem, and onemodel of a line in particular—Chaucer’s spacious rhyming couplet.This is one of the few forms that we have not annotated with acontemporary context. We mean this section to be almost a smalllaboratory to show how a single , unassuming form could suddenlyrise to express the grander hopes of atime.
Even as a useful, witty, and musical unit, no one could havepredicted the extraordinary development in the couplet thathappened in the sixteenth century. Suddenly poets began to think,to argue, and to explain in the couplet. This then took the name“the heroic couplet,” denoting a high subjectmatter.
By the eighteenth century the heroic couplet reigned supreme. Thesharp, end-stop rhymes, the regular stresses, and the pause thathappened in the middle of the line all made it perfect formoralizing, warning, satirizing, and poking fun at another’sexpense.
In many cases, for the poets who adopted it so enthusiastically inthe eighteenth century, the heroic couplet became a self-consciousreconnection to a golden age of wit and closure. Samuel Johnson’sThe Vanity of HumanWishes for example is subtitled The Tenth Satire of Juvenal Imitatedby Samuel Johnson.
In the Augustan Age when order was the dream, and decorum anecessity, the couplet seemed a micro-model of the age’sintentions: closed-in, certain, attractive to the reason, andfinally, reassuring to the limits of that elegantworld.
Thecouplet allows us to observe an element of form becoming a form: bythe eighteenth century the heroic couplet—for good and ill—was aform. It began to shape the concept of the poem, as well assensibility became an emblem for thetimes.
TomThumb’s Alphabet
A was an arche, and shot at afrog;
B was a butcher, and kept abull-dog.
C was captain, all covered withlace;
D was a drunkard, and had a redface.
E was an esquire, with insolentbrow;
F was a farmer, and followed theplough.
G was a gamester, who had but illluck;
H was a hunter, and hunted abuck.
I was an innkeeper, who loved tocarouse;
J was a joiner, and built up ahouse.
K was a king, so mighty andgrand;
L was a lady, who had a whitehand.
M was a miser, and hoarded upgold;
N was a nobleman, gallant andbold.
O was an oyster girl, and went abouttown;
P was a parson, and wore a blackgown.
Q was a queen, who sailed in aship;
R was a robber, and wanted awhip.
S was a sailor, and spent all hegot;
T was a tinker, and mended apot.
U was a usurer, a miserableelf;
V was a vintners, who drank allhimself.
W was a watchman, and guarded thedoor;
X was expensive, and so becamepoor.
Y was a youth, that did not loveschool;
Z was a zany, a poor harmlessfool.
-------From Children’s literature, P35
Rand MeNally & Companyby
Charles Madison Curry andErle
Elsworth Clippinger.