连一向自傲的日本也不得不推崇Natural Beauty 自然美のLumene
优姿婷维生素C+焕采霜 Vitamin C+ Radiant Day Cream |
中性皮肤适用,成熟肌肤尤佳 |
这款优姿婷维C焕采霜(所有皮肤适用)属于特殊护理类。 在欧洲进行的14个国际名牌测试中,获证实为最有效的祛除细纹霜,亦是唯一品牌得到最高的(优良)评级,并在(淡化细纹)一项中获取满分。 蕴含芬兰独有的芸莓种子油,配合脂质体密纯维生素C,明显改善肤质。维生素C能促过皮肤的胶原制造,同时加以滋润,增强肤质弹性,使你的肌肤散发尖力光彩,倍感清新亮丽和富有能量。 超过85%用者感觉皮肤更轻柔润滑! PS: 这款是此系列中非常有名的一款,也屡次获得国际大奖。去面色的暗沉和黄气特别有效,自己每年冬天一过都是用它来去晦涩之气提亮肤色,当然也配合其他维他命系列,大概一周到两周后观察素颜的肌肤色泽对比没使用前感觉有明显改善,用下来的确很赞,推荐给JMS! |
芬兰独有芸莓植物种子油,配合全新VitaoptimaleTM维生素导向技术,让维生素能量充分发挥至肌肤。令肌肤获取源活性与能量,有效抗氧化,明显改善肤质。肌肤因它而紧实度增加,黄气隐形,细纹淡化,光泽平滑,亮丽柔润,无论目睹或感触,肌肤都如你所愿。 |
优姿婷维生素C+丰盈日霜Vitamin C+ Nourishing DayCream干性皮肤适用,成熟肌肤尤佳芬兰独有芸莓植物种子油,配合全新 VitaoptimaleTM维生素导向技术,让维生素能量充分发挥至肌肤。滋润及修复干性肌肤,维持健康状态,使肌肤持久绽放柔润与弹性,焕发健康活力。 PS: 因为有焕彩霜和带防晒的日霜,所以这款买的少,个人觉得同样是日霜,不妨选择带SPF的更合适。 |
Vitamin C+Protecting Day Cream |
所有皮肤适用,成熟肌肤尤佳 |
产品效果 |
芬兰独有芸莓植物种子油,配合全新VitaoptimaleTM维生素导向技术,让维生素能量充分发挥至肌肤。令肌肤获取源活性与能量,有效抗氧化,明显改善肤质。肌肤因它而紧实度增加,黄气隐形,细纹淡化,光泽平滑,亮丽柔润,配合防晒功能,让肌肤不受紫外线伤害,如你所愿。 |
PS: 觉得这款很适合夏天 用在底霜的下面也不错,没有出现不融合搓泥现象,加上有防晒,换肤色时会搭配焕采霜用,不错 |
Vitamin C+Nourishing Night Care |
中性/干性皮肤适用,成熟肌肤尤佳 |
产品效果 |
芬兰独有芸莓植物种子油,配合全新VitaoptimaleTM维生素导向技术,让维生素能量充分发挥至肌肤。在夜间修复因环境及都市生活对肌肤带来的伤害,有效调节皮肤生理平衡,恢复健康肌肤节奏。帮助您在熟睡时促进细胞新陈代谢,平复细纹,使肌肤年轻、润泽、充满弹力,让您感受到前所未有的清爽与活力,在每一个早晨都活力充沛。 PS: 睡前用这款,早上脸上肤色会比用其他的晚霜均匀,当然也不是完全掩饰没有了暗黄,但是触摸脸部皮肤柔软,感觉很好,个人觉得再搭配一款紧肤的晚霜交替使用,很棒。 |
Vitamin C+Balancing Day Cream |
混合性皮肤适用 |
产品效果 |
芬兰独有芸莓植物种子油,配合全新VitaoptimaleTM技术,让维生素能量充分发挥至肌肤。产品质地丰盈,能平衡混合性皮肤的多油部位,给缺水部位补水,为肌肤提供纯水份的滋润,并有效控制油脂分泌,平爽细致、不可思议的水漾美丽立即呈现。 PS: 觉得有点可以当一款面膜使用:) |
使用方法 |
每天早上洁肤及爽肤后,取适量均匀涂抹于面颈部。 | Vitamin C+ BalancingNight Cream | 混合性皮肤适用 | | 产品效果 | 芬兰独有芸莓植物种子油,配合全新VitaoptimaleTM维生素导向技术,让维生素能量充分发挥至肌肤。产品质地丰盈,能平衡混合性皮肤的多油部位,给缺水部位补水,在晚间发挥修复功效,细致毛孔,让肌肤保持清爽。 PS: 这款晚霜也不错。LUMENE的晚霜都特别适合在北欧干燥的气候里使用,补水特别好,不知道油性皮肤的MM是不是合适。。。 | | 使用方法 | 每天晚上洁肤及爽肤后,取适量均匀涂抹于面颈部。 |
Vitamin C+Beautifying Eye Cream SPF6 |
所有皮肤适用 |
产品效果 |
北欧天然果实的丰富成分,配合全新VitaoptimaleTM维生素精华导向技术,让维生素能量完全发挥至肌肤。北欧天然果实的丰富成分,细腻滋润眼部幼嫩肌肤,补充水份,减少细纹,让眼部肌肤更细致滑溜,闪亮动人。不含色素及香料、不刺激皮肤、SPF6、防紫外线UVA/UVB的魅力,更是具抗氧化及强化功效,为眼周提供周全保护,缓解浮肿,让眼部护肤更紧致年轻,明眸善睐。 没有脂肪粒,带SPF,而且还带抗氧化!用在眼部彩妆的底下也没有任何问题,不干也不油,自己很喜欢,但是否能阻击皱纹,暂时还没看出来:) |
Vitamin C+Invigorating Eye Serum |
所有肌肤适用 |
产品效果 |
芬兰独有芸莓植物种子油,配合全新VitaoptimaleTM维生素导向技术,让维生素能量充分发挥至肌肤。细致滋润眼部幼嫩肌肤,减少细纹。令肌肤紧致平滑,具抗氧化及强化功效,提供周全保护,延缓衰老。并促进血液循环,缓解浮肿和黑眼圈。不含色素及香料,不刺激皮肤 这款我颇为纠结,直觉告诉我这是个好东西,但是每次洗完脸后用这个精华有点小刺疼。。不知道为啥。。而且这个小瓶子前面的滚珠设计,每每用它在眼部轻滚都会觉得包住滚珠的边缘不光滑,会刮痛的皮肤。。。除此以外,用后觉得它的确有紧肤的功效。。。 还好现在它有了代替品,新出的Vitamin C+ Anti-Puffiness Roll-onEye Serum,这就解决问题了:) |
优姿婷维生素C+盈采修护精华Lumene Vitamin C+ Energy Cocktail Intensive Care |
中性/干性皮肤适用 |
产品效果 |
芬兰独有芸莓植物种子油及红莓种子油,配合全新VitaoptimaleTM维生素导向技术,让维生素能量充分发挥至肌肤。芸莓及红莓种子油,含丰富抗氧化维生素及多种脂肪酸,拥有多方面修护肌肤的本领,修复干燥暗哑疲倦肌肤,全面补水、淡化细纹;增强皮肤弹性;显著提升肌肤自身的修护能力和抗氧化功能,让肌肤达到您梦想的活力境界。 |
使用方法 |
每天洁肤及爽肤后,摇动瓶子使精华素混合均匀,按取适量于掌心,用两手摩擦均匀再涂抹于面颈部;干性肌肤早、晚均适用,缺水混合性皮肤可于晚间使用。 | Vitamin C+Energisin Morning Serum&Age-Defying NightSerum | 所有皮肤适用 | | 产品效果 | 芬兰独有芸莓植物种子油及蓝莓植物种子油,配合全新VitaoptimaleTM维生素导向技术,让维生素能量充分发挥至肌肤。分别于日间及晚间滋润及修复肌肤,维持健康状态,使肌肤持久绽放柔润与弹性,焕发健康活力。 | | 使用方法 | 每天早上洁肤及爽肤后,在使用日霜前,将橙色的精华均匀涂于面颈部。每天晚上洁肤及爽肤后,在使用晚霜前,将蓝色的精华均匀涂于面颈部 这一款也是非常有名的在维C系列中,最近也一直在用。 非常的容易吸收也非常的保养皮肤香味淡雅!赞得很! 说实话觉得像这样的精华素,品质比使用过的很多大牌更为出色,而价格只是它们的一半,真的觉得好赚啊呵呵!推荐给JMS,值得拥有不要错过! |
优姿婷维生素C+芸莓焕采身体乳液 Vitamin+ Radiant Glow BodyLotion |
所有皮肤适用 |
产品效果 |
芬兰独有的天然芸莓植物种子油有助于抵御肌肤老化的现象,使你的肌肤看起来更加光滑更加明润有弹性。 因为一直有在用娇韵诗的BodyLotion,所以这款没有用过没试过的也可以买来看看,也许会有惊喜VITAMIN+ Glow Body LotionThis moisturizing lotion gradually produces a light andnatural-looking tan. Contains arctic cloudberry seed oil which provides the skin with energy andhelps in the fight against the first signs of aging. |
| 优姿婷维生素C+亮肤精华液 Vitamin C+ Radiant BeautyDrops 产品效果 | 有效的护理疲劳、沉闷和缺少活力的肌肤,含有丰富的维生素C成份能够为你的肌肤提供持久的保护和亮白的质感。 | | 使用方法 | 一天使用一粒维生素C胶囊,一瓶可以使用超过28天。首先把胶囊的顶端剪掉,然后把胶囊里的精华挤压到你的指尖涂抹于脸上,适用于在清洁后的脸颈部使用。避免触及到眼睛周围敏感的皮肤。 性价比超高的一款精华液。前段时间做活动居然只卖15欧!如果碰到不要手软啊JMS~~ 下面的这些是LUMENE才推出不久的新款 其实功效大概都一样,应该现在只在北欧有售 优姿婷VitaminC+ Pure Radiance 维他命焕彩系列 |
Vitamin C+ Pure Radiance NightCream Rich and soft cream renews and conditions the skinduring the night. For normal to dry skin. Fresh and soft creamdeep-nourishes and balances the skin's functions during the night.The plant sterols contained in the seed oil of arctic cloudberryhelp to restore the well-being of the skin's natural protectivelayer. The detox properties of cloudberry nectar help to make theskin look brighter and more radiant. Apply to cleansed face everynight.Vitamin C+ Pure RadianceDay Cream For Normal and dry skin. Rich and soft cream gives your skininstant radiance, moisture and energy. Arctic cloudberry seed oil,which is bursting with natural antioxidants, fortifies the skin andprotects it from both external and internal stress factors. Thedetox properties of cloudberry nectar help to make the skin lookbrighter and more radiant. Optically reflecting pigments make theskin look softer and smoother. Apply to cleansed face everymorning. Vitamin C+ PureRadiance DayCream SPF 15Refreshing cream with sunscreen protection. For all skintypes. Fresh cream gives your skin radiance while protecting itagainst the harmful effects of the sun. Optimal UVA protection.Arctic cloudberry seed oil, which is bursting with naturalantioxidants, fortifies the skin and protects it from both externaland internal stress factors. The detox properties of cloudberrynectar help to make the skin look brighter and more radiant. Applyto cleansed face every morning.
VITAMIN C+ Moisturizing Body ShimmerProvides skin with moisture and has a light shimmery shadewhich evens out skin leaving it glowing. Arctic cloudberry seed oil strengthens andprotects skin. The product is especially suitable for legs, armsand décolleté.LUMENE VITAMIN C+ Body ScrubContains dual-effect micro-grains which gently exfoliate andmassage skin while
 stimulating the body's fluid circulation. Arctic cloudberry seedoil promotes skin renewal. Exfoliation smoothes and brightens skin leaving it feelingsilky soft. Vitamin C+ Anti-Puffiness Roll-on Eye SerumThe serum refreshes and moisturises tired skin around the eyesand speeds up the metabolism, helping to reduce puffiness. The newroll-on applicator gently massages the skin during use. Arcticcloudberry and lingonberry help to fade out dark under-eye circlesand reduce puffiness, making your skin glow with radiance. Thedetox properties of cloudberry nectar help to make the skin lookbrighter and more radiant. For all skin types. Vitamin c+ Pure Radiance Eye Cream SPF 6For all skin types. Protecting eye cream that brightens theskin / Optimal conditioning for the delicate skin around the eyes.Optimal conditioning for the delicate skin around the eyes.Active ingredients of cloudberry brighten theskin, improve moisture balance and protect against harmfulenvironmental effects. Arctic cloudberry seed oil, which isbursting with natural antioxidants, protects the skin from stressfactors. The detox properties of cloudberry nectar help to make theskin look brighter and more radiant. Optically reflecting pigmentsmake the skin look softer and smoother. UVA/UVB protection SPF6.Vitamin C+ Pure Radiance 24h LotionNatural radiance & detox forbrighter skin! Normal to combination skin. Refreshinglotion invigorates and balances the skin's functions. The lotionleaves a matte surface on the skin. Regular use normalises sebumproduction and helps to reduce the appearance of pores.Apply to cleansed face every morning andnight.Vitamin C+ Bright Skin Radiance NectarBeautiful radiance with nature's own active ingredients. Theformula of the treatment, containing unique cloudberry nectar,supports the skin's fluid- and micro-circulation, gently exfoliatestaking care of the skin's optimal thickness, minimizes the pores,and makes the skin look smooth. The detox properties of cloudberrynectar help to make the skin look brighter and more radiant.Result: clear skin that glows vitality.Especially for normal or combination skin.Vitamin C+ Dry Skin Confort Radiance CocktailThe active ingredients of cloudberry brighten the skin,improve moisture balance and protect against harmful environmentaleffects. Highly conditioning cranberry seed oil combined withcloudberry help to nourish and vitalise even the driest skin. Thedetox properties of cloudberry nectar help to make the skin lookbrighter and more radiant. Result: velvety soft skin. For normal todry skin.Shake before use. Apply before day or night cream. Beauty tip: Perfect for conditioningthewinterskin. |
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