I knew I would not need my youporn tonight
We go to her place and we fooled around
We throw all our clothes to the ground
We begin as she turns out the lights
I start but feel something so very extra tight

I hear her cry and I see her frown
I look at the condom it is all brown
Last night I stuck it in the wrong hole
I’m so sorry from the bottom of my soul
Cause I stuck it in the wrong hole
Try some preparation H it’ll make you feel better
In my defense those holes are so close together
Oh baby baby don’t feel defiled
It’s a common accident during doggy style
It was so dark I couldn’t see so good
I had no idea where I put my wood
I want to make things better want to make it alright
If you want you can put on a strap on and give it back to me allnight ( I’d rather if she didn’t)
Last night I stuck it in the wrong hole
I’m so sorry from the bottom of my soul
I never ever want to make you feel hurting
I guess that’s why God made that hole not for inserting
Tell me how you feel baby please don’t pause
Now I know how they feel in that HBO show OZ
Maybe take some advit your pain it will fix
From the way you are walking you can compete in the specialolympics
If this was Alabama we would be on trial
That’s how my mom took my temperature when I was a child
I’ve got a confession and I think you wont mind
I kinda liked when you put it in my behind
I don’t know baby I’m no Sodomite
Can’t we just try it again tonight?
Every night I stick it in the wrong hole
It’s so much fun and we don’t need no birth control
When we stick it in the wrong hole.
I stuck in your ass.
HBO showOZ=美剧,其中有关于监狱的剧情:沐浴间中某个罪犯的肥皂滑落在地面上,意味着他要被鸡奸。
关于“肛*交”,各种方法,各种技巧,不仅适用于男同志们,也适用于那些热衷于“肛*交”的异性恋伴侣们。不过,传授技巧很容易,改变大家的错误观念则很难。今天,我要给大家推荐一部关于“肛*交”的音乐MV——《Stuckin the wrong hole》(误入菊花),希望可以帮助大家,从正确的角度看待这种独特的性行为方式。
《Stuck in the wrong hole》(中文意译:误入菊花)是一首美国流行歌曲,由DJLubel主唱。歌词内容是男主角与女友约会亲密时,因“ 插错洞口”引起女性不快而感到悔疚。