Mr. Smith, our new teacher, is very kind tous. 我们的新老师史密斯先生对我们很好。(“Mr.Smith”是主语,“our newteacher”是同位语,指同一人。)
Yesterday I met Tom, a friend of mybrother's. 昨天我遇到了我弟弟的朋友汤姆。(Tom是宾语,“a friend of mybrother's”是同位语,指同一人。)
Mr.Johnson cares for us students verymuch.约翰逊先生非常关心我们学生。
We sdudents all respect him Mr. Johnson,our English teacher.我们学生都尊重他,我们的英语老师约翰逊先生。
Qinghai Lake, the largest inland body of saltwater in China, lies 3198 metres above sealevel.青海湖,中国最大的内陆湖,海拔3198米。
We have everything we need: land, wealth, andtechnology.我们需要的一切,土地、财富和技术,都有了。
We Chinese people are brave andhardworking. 我们中国人民是勤劳勇敢的。
He read all kinds of books, ancient and modern,Chinese and foreign.他读过各种各样的古今中外的书籍。
People here, men and women, old andyoung,supported the project.这儿的男女老少都支持这项工程。
Then we three, Li Ming, Wang Ping andI,begain to prepare for the trip.接着,李明、王平和我三人开始为那次行程做准备。
You may leave it to ustwo.你可以把这件事交给我们两个。
I’m looking for a job, repairingcars.我在找一份修车的工作。
3、像for example, that is, including,particularly等也可以引出同位语。例如:
He is interested in sports, especially ballgames. 他喜欢运动,特别是球类运动。
They visited eight cities, for example, Londonand Paris.他参观了八个城市,如伦敦和巴黎。
My best friend, (that is to say) Anna, washere with me last night.我最好的朋友,也就是安娜,昨天晚上和我在一起。
4、both, all,each等作同位语要放在助动词、系动词和情态动词之后。例如:
They are both in favor of theplan.他们俩都同意这个计划。
We can all speakEnglish.我们都会讲英语。
Have you each handed in a picture tome?你们每人都交画子给我了吗?
It’s a real-eyeopener__what I have seentoday.在这儿看到的真叫我大开眼界那。
It’s worth discussing, the ponit you broughtup.这个,你提的问题值得讨论。
He is a complete gunius, that brother ofyours.他,你这个弟弟真是个天才。
His only interest in life, (which is)travellingaround, has brought him a lot of friends.他唯一的兴趣,到处旅游给他带来了很多朋友。
Alice,(who is) a shy girl, argued heatedlywith us.爱丽丝,一个腼腆的姑娘,当时跟我们辩论是非常激烈。
1.作同位语的句子叫同位语从句。被同位语从句解释的名词也叫先行词,同位语从句的先行词只能是名词或代词,而且名词仅限于belief,doubt,conclusion, fact,hope,idea,information,news, plan,,promise, question,rumour,suggestion,theoryt,thought,tuth,等少数名词:例如:
The fact that he had not said anythingsurprised everybody.他什么都没说,这个事实是大家很吃惊。
His suggestion that we should finish the workby the weekend is reasonable.他建议我们在周末前把活干完是有道理的。
3)、who, whom, which, whose, where, when, why,how疑问词引导特殊问句,语序正装,在从句中担任句子成分,本身有意思。例如:
We expressed the hope that they would come andvisit China again.我们都希望他们能再来中国访问。
I have no idea whether he will agree withus.我不知道他是否同意我们的观点。
I had no idea when the thinghappened.我当时不知道那件事是什么时候发生的。
The question how we try out the top playerwill be discussed next week.如何选拔运动员,这个问题我们下周在讨论。
They haven’t solved the problem what went wrongwhith the machine.机器出故障的问题他们还没解决。
5)、在when, where,why等连接副词引导的同位语从句中,其先行词不是时间、地点或原因名词;而在它们引导的定语从句中,先行词必须是时间、地点或原因名词。其它连接词也是这样。例如:
Next, let’s talk about the matter who will goto the conference.下面我们来谈谈这个问题,事谁去开会。(同位语从句)
Next, let’s talk about the person who will goto the conference.下面我们来谈谈去开会的人选。(定语从句)
The question is who will go to theconference.问题是谁去开会。(表语从句。这个句子是正确的,而第二个句子就不能这么变了。)
I have no idea when he was born.我不知道他什么时间出生的。(同位语从句)
I don’t know the time when he wasborn.我不知道他出生的时间。(定语从句)