英特尔有个不成文的传统,每位离职的同事在最后一个工作日都要发一封email,即farewell letter。以前看别人写的时候没有太多的感觉,觉得很有趣,因为每个人离职的时候写的FarewellLetter都很有个性,这次轮到自己写了,还真不知该定个什么基调,但在Intel确实学习到了很多,交了不少朋友,体验了一下在外企工作的感觉,也给自己留下了美好的回忆,于是忍不住在此留下痕迹,以纪念我的Intern生活。 以下是我的Farewell Letter 现场版^_^: From: Shi, Shuguang DearAll, Since I started working as an intern inIntel, five months has passed, it is too short for me, during the past days, Intel hastaught me so much, which can greatly enrich my life, beyondcareer…and also I made many good friendshere. Today is my lastworking day in Intel. Taking this opportunity, I want tosay: ToJessica& Sheng: Jessica,I have learned a lot fromyou In the passed 5months, for example, how to do things in the company, how toimprove efficiency, how to programming and do testing, whichwill benefit myself a lot. Thank you for your encouragement andpatient guidance; Sheng,a nice young guy, give me great supportin my work, very appreciate your knowledge about programming. Iwant to thank both of you for your loyal support& guidance.Your generous sharing of insights, experiences, and concerns hashelped to make my work well. Thank you. I'll miss you, mybuddy. ToYoung& Glory: Young, a nicemanager,you are always wearing a warmsmile, which encourages me, thanks for giving me a chanceworking in DHG; Glory, you are so kindly to us, very appreciateyour humor and wisdom, I find your style much the same as a goodfriend of me, love you so much, If I come to Shanghai next year,I'll invite you to have dinner. Keep healthy and do enjoy yourlife. ToHuan, Xu& Kathy, Vivian: Two handsome boys andtwo pretty girls, also bel-esprit of Intel, Your attitudes towards work have influencedme a lot, I sincerelywish you all happiness everyday. To WangFang, Zhen Jing& Meng Lei: Three nice girls, enjoy the days working with you,It is my treasure to havefriends like you… Wish you all find a goodjob! To ZhouHongmin: Youare an enthusiastic young man, I will never forget the time wetalking about life, about outlook on the future. When shall we meetagain? J Wish U and your girlfriend be happy and all find a good job inBeijing. ToXiaojie, Wang Yu& Junfeng: It'shardformetoforgetthehappydayswespenttogetherforthepastfivemonths.The time we playing basketball, kicking shuttlecock afterlunch will be memorablemoment for me and I really have had a good time with all ofyou…Iam sure you will get a brilliantfuture! Toothers: I have been quiteappreciating all your kind help during the 5 months we spent onside by side. Good luck to you! Aftertoday, this computer will not belong to me any longer and therewill be another one using it and the account ofshuguang.shi@intel.com. may not exist anymore. But all of you,myfriends, will always be in my mind. Partingdoesn't mean ending, nor meeting beginning, for neither of themlasts but a moment. What's unforgettable is our friendship! I doenjoy working with you and wish I will come back again in thefuture. I’ll keepall these sweet memories in my heart, very nice to meetallof you ~~~~^_^ Thank youvery much again and I bet I'll miss you all. Pls. contact me viamy MSN: ssgdawn@hotmail.com QQ: 86xx8338 Cell Phone: 137640215xx Email: hustdawn@gmail.com All bestregards, SunnyShi From:Zhen, Jing 不同一天来,同一天走,也是一种缘J BestRegards, ZhenJing From: Zhou, Hongmin Subject: RE: Farewell letter fromshuguang 大哥,缘分哪!~!·#¥ From: Yu,Xiaojie Subject: RE:Farewell letter from shuguang Good luck! Wish youevery success in the future and keep in touch. From: Wang, YuA Subject: RE:Farewell letter from shuguang 小伙很帅!到上海来找工作,带点特产过来。 From: Li, Cathy Subject: RE: Farewell letter fromshuguang Wish you find a goodjob and have a brilliant future. Just like your name sunny, behappy everyday! Thanks! --Cathy From: Ji, Jessica Subject: RE: Farewell letter fromshuguang Shuguang, thanks foryour warm heart and great support in our team. Hope you can findgood job. Keep in touch. Thanks --------Jessica From: Wang, Junfeng Subject: FW: Farewell letter fromshuguang 好人一生平安。 Niceman!Wave~~~ BestWishes!! WangJunfeng From: Meng,Lei Subject: RE:Farewell letter from shuguang 青岛老乡,得知你也不回山东支援我们的山东建设了,为我们山东失去你这样一位又帅又有能力的人才而惋惜,呵呵,祝在上海找到份好工作! From: Wang,Fang F Subject: RE:Farewell letter from shuguang From: Hao, Glory ![]() Sent: 2007年9月7日星期五 16:39 Subject: RE: Farewell letterfrom shuguang i'll be here waiting foryou dinner!!Fighting!=================================================================== |
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