来自天堂的歌手Eva Cassidy |
1963年2月2日,EvaCassidy出生于美国马里兰州。在她的生活里充满著艺术与音乐,而民歌与爵士是他们家族最热爱的音乐类型。在EvaCassidy的音乐当中,元素从民谣、乡村、爵士、到流行与摇滚都有。虽然Eva Cassidy因为性格内向到了几乎是一种麦克风恐惧症的情形,迫使让她选择绘画为其志向〔EvaCassidy的绘画作品是她的另一项杰作〕。不过,总算在1996年出了她的第一张专辑《Live At Blues Alley /後街蓝调》,这是一张现场演唱的专辑,收录当时Cassidy在“BlueAlley”这家俱乐部实况演出的作品,虽然她不是很满意自己的表现,但是这张专辑在华府一带得到了很大的回响。
1999年EvaCassidy演唱的《Over the Rainbow》〔原唱者∶Judy Garland〕,让英国BBC的DJ PaulWalters为之惊艳,在电台播送这首歌时,引起听众热烈回响,後来搭配英国BBC的一个慈善节目,这才令世人真正发现了这颗深海遗珠,所以《Songbird》这张专辑当时在英国狂卖,还曾夺下过英国金榜的冠军。英国BBC民选统计的20世纪最伟大歌手名单中,EvaCassidy名列第21位。
老范最喜欢EvaCassidy的歌是《Fields ofGold》。虽然听了很多年,还是要时常拿出来听听。这首歌没有视频的版本,只好收集一个用这首歌制作的动画跟大家分享了。
Fieldsof Gold
You'll remember me when the west wind moves,
Among the fields of barley.
You can tell the sun in his jealous sky,
When we walked in fields of gold.
So she took her love for to gaze a while,
Among the fields of barley.
In his arms she fell as her hair came down,
Among the fields of gold.
Will you stay with me,
Will you be my love among the fields of barley?
And you can tell the sun in it's jealous sky,
When we walked in fields of gold.
I never made promises lightly.
And there have been some that I've broken.
But I swear in the days still left,
We will walk in fields of gold.
We'll walk in fields of gold
Many years have passed since those summer days,
Among the fields of barley.
See the children run as the sun goes down,
As you lie in fields of gold.
You'll remember me when the west wind moves,
Among the fields of barley.
You can tell the sun in his jealous sky,
When we walked in fields of gold.
When we walked in fields of gold.

When we walked in fields of gold.