SexinShangHai(中英文对照收藏版)未成年勿入! sexinchinese

From ChinaBounder's blog
InChina, all students have to study English from fairly young age,since it so called "international language".But ,few people canspeak good English.They also know little of western culture. Iftalking about western world, the first thing they would thinkis"sleep around", in order to catch up with "international speed",they began to sleep around and ONS.They know some English but theyare extremely ignorant. They didn't know East or West,sleepingaround is not a good thing any way. They didn't keep the traditonalvirtues, they didn't learn the core of western culture either.theyare women who slept with this old, ordianry looking,lying britishguy. Sadness not only for the poor British, but for the poorgirls.

Hunt for Chinabounder
A whileback I mentioned a blog called Sex in Shanghai in which a Westernguy tells about all his exploits with Chinese women here inShanghai. (That blog is still #1 on the “hottest blogs” list on theCBL, but it now seems to be inaccessible.) Since then, the Chinesehave found out about the blog, and they are (understandably)pissed.

DNA World reports:

From time to time, Chinabounder uses his ownexperiences as a springboard to make sweeping generalisations on,among other things, the sexual frustrations in Chinese marriages,the failings of Chinese men, and the overly tradition-boundupbringing of Chinese girls which makes them rebellious andsexually adventurous. Chinese netizens have routinely been postingvenomous messages on his blog in response to his pop-socialcommentaries — and his occasional outpourings on the CulturalRevolution and Mao Zedong’s womanising ways.

But last week, a professor of psychology at theprestigious Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences gave new directionto this hyperventilating when he called for an Internet manhunt “tofind this foreign trash until we kick him out of China.” In aposting on his own blog, Prof. Zhang Jiehai said that Chinabounder,“an immoral foreigner”, had routinely used “obscene and filthylanguage to record how he used his status as a teacher to dallywith Chinese women… At the same time, he did everything that hecould to insult the Chinese government and men.”

Giving sparse details about Chinabounder’sidentity (he’s probably a 34-year-old Briton) Zhang called on“Chinese netizens and compatriots” to join this “Internet hunt forthe immoral foreigner”. That message has found echo in numerousChinese websites and blogs, which have resonated with calls forlynching Chinabounder.

Yikes! Real life consequences for licentiousbehavior in Shanghai? What is this world coming to?







Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Seducing Ellen

English parts quotes from ChinaBounder, Translated by Kikoo.

Now Ellen was maybe one of the most passionatewomen I've had in all my years here. Ebullient, eager, uninhibited.She's one of my favorite memories, perhaps my finestfuck.


I taught her some time back, last August or so, auniversity vacation course at Tongji. There were maybe 50 studentsin that class, so when she popped up online after the class hadwrapped up, I did not really know who she was. But then she sent afew photos of herself, and I remembered her just fine – remembered,indeed, that she had seemed rather bored in class. And since, inthose photos, she looked appealing I took the opportunity to steerour conversation into more flirty waters when she mentioned anex-boyfriend:-

我以前教过她,大概是去年八月份,在同济大学的暑期课程。当时那间教室有 50个学生,因此上完课之后当她上网在线时,我并不知道她是谁。后来她发了很多相片给我,才有点印象---确实记得,在课堂上她看起来很无聊。但从那些照片中,她看起来很诱人,当她提起她的前任男友时,我乘机将我们的谈话掺入更多的调戏成分.

Ellen: um.....seems heppened in longlongagooooooooooo

Ellen:恩 …好象很久以前发生的

Me: but these memories from when we were youngshould not be forgotten

Me:但是这些事发生在我们小的时候 ,不应该忘记.

Me: and u should never regret the love u felt in thepast


Ellen: although we broke up on this January (thatis, January 2005)

Ellen:虽然我们今年一月份分手了(是在 2005年1 月)

Me: well, it is a good thing t have a few differentboyfriends, u know



Ellen:我们一起四年了 …哇… 不敢相信

Ellen: of couse!!

Ellen:当然 !

Ellen: i m 22years old...i am youngenough

Ellen:我才 22岁… 还很年轻.

Me: gosh, yes... well, so u must have got togetherwhen u were 18... that;s quite young in this culture. i admirethat

Me:是的 …那你们在一起时肯定是你18 岁时…我承认在你们文化中是最年轻的了.

Ellen: no ,i hv the first bf at 16 haha, but when iwas 16 i hv no idea with it

Ellen:不 ,我16 岁时就有第一个男友了, 哈哈,但是那时什么都不懂.

Me: of course. no one has any idea the firsttime

Me:当然 .第一次谁都不懂.

Ellen: but i hv no idea even when we broken haha(She meant 'no idea about sex')

Ellen:但就连我们分手了我也不懂 ,哈哈( 她的意思是 "不懂性 "

Me: oh... it sounds like he was not a very....manly... bf!

Me:噢 …听起来他不是一个非常… 男人的…男朋友 .

Ellen: yes.chinese is not as mature as you at thattime

Ellen:是的 .中国人在那时没有你们成熟.

Me: mm, i see... how long were u together with thisguy?

Me:我明白了 …那你和这人一起有多久?

Ellen: the whole 9grade,when we leave school,webroke

Ellen:整个 9年级, 当我们毕业时就分手了.

Me: i see..well... did he at least kiss unicely?

Me:我明白了 ….那他有没好好地吻过你?

Ellen: haha no kiss (Chinese dating!)

Ellen: 哈哈 .没有接吻( 中国式的交往)

Me: oh, that's so sweet! chinese culture can be soinnocent

Me:噢 …太可爱了! 中国文化很无知

Ellen: he hvnt...."upgrowth" that time

Ellen:他那时还没有 … "发育"

Me: well... i hope ur last bf was more...satisfying?

Me:我希望你对前任男有更加 …满意.

Ellen: haha yes, of course

Ellen:哈哈 ,当然啦.

Ellen: thats not good,made us brokeup,thentogether,then brokeup,then togegher!!made me mad

Ellen:一点也不好 ,我们分了又和, 和了又分,又和 !这让我发疯 .

Me: ah, guys can be like that... they are not goodat knowing what they want

Me:人就是这样 …根本不知道自己想要什么

Ellen: so they should be known what is "noway!!!

Ellen:那他们应该知道什么是 "不行 "

Me: guys never know where the `no way' markis

Me:人们从来不知道 "不行" 标记在哪里

Me: Ellen, this is what men are like

Me: Ellen,男人就是这样的 .

Me: for them, sex is at the center ofeverything

Me:对他们来说 ,凡是都以性为中心.

Ellen: to a girl he really could he?at least he should make clear if i am still love him

Ellen:他真的放弃一个女孩。。。他怎么可以 ? 至少,他应该弄清楚我是否还爱他.

Me: ah, again, for guys, love and sex are totallydifferent

Me:对男人 ,爱和性是两回事.

Me: he might abandon u to chase other women... butif he thinks u will still sleep with him, he will still chaseu

Me:他可能抛弃你又去找别的女人 …要是他觉得你仍会和他睡觉,他就会继续追求你.

Ellen: ummmm...may be.but we all move on westill friends some way he is still good friend

Ellen:也许吧 . 但我们仍然在交往, 在某些方面他还是一个好朋友.

Me: that is good too. i always feel it is a shame ifa couple never keep in touch after they have split up

Me:那样也很好啊 .我总觉得如果一对情侣分开了就不再往来是一种羞耻.

Ellen: hehe why?

Ellen:为什么 ?

SexinShangHai(中英文对照收藏版)未成年勿入! sexinchinese
Me: well... u see, if u do not keep in touch, itsuggests that ALL the time u spend together was a mistake, thatthere were no good times at all. that's sad.

Me:你看 ,如果你们不再联系, 那就说明你们在一起是个错误,那就没有什么快乐而言.

Ellen: but there is more easy to hv sex againbecause you feel so suitable in sex and not so easy to find anotherone in china, Brian

Ellen:那就更容易又一起上床啦 ,因为你觉得做爱很合适, 但在中国再找一个很不容易的,Brian

Me: yes, that's part of it, too.... but it is alsogood to find new partners for sex... i know that sounds crude, buti do think it is true. experience is important.

Me:是的 ,那也是一部分… 但是找新的伙伴做爱也很不错啊…我知道这听起来很粗鲁,但我觉得真是这样 .经验很重要 .

Ellen: experience is important???why i heard thatguys always like gril with less experience

Ellen:经验很重要 ?为什么我老是听那些男人说喜欢经验少的女孩啊?

Me: i think a lot of traditional guys like that,yes

Me:我想那些传统的男人就是这样想 .

Me: but there are 2 things to considerhere

Me:但我们这里要考虑 2方面

Me: first of all, the woman has a right to exploreher own sexuality. it should not be limited by what guys want herto be, and, two, more modern guys are more cool about this. in mycase, for example, i would never marry a virgin. i would want awoman with experience. Guys like me feel a woman with experience isa lot more fun in bed.

Me:第一 ,女人有权利探究自己的性欲. 不能局限于那些人要她怎样.第二,更多的现代男子对此都不介意 .就拿我来说 ,我绝对不会和一个处女结婚. 我要一个有经验的女人.向我这样的男人就觉得有经验的女人床上工夫不错.

Ellen: but in chinese.the traditional guys aremajority


This conversation went on for a couple of hours, andat the end we had arranged to meet for dinner a day or twolater.


I was certain she was a sure thing; the flirtyresponsiveness in her conversation, her openness andinquisitiveness about sexuality convinced me of it. Indeed, so surewas I about it that, the morning before we met, while I waschecking out the night's emule porn download, I had a stroke whilelooking at her picture too, saying half out loud, `Tonight I amgoing to fuck you.'

她肯定是我的; 从她谈话中的挑逗语气, 还有她对性的开放和求知,让我很肯定 .的确 ,在我们见面之前的早上, 我很肯定要得到她,因为我整晚用电炉下载色情电影 ,我自摸了 .同时我看到她的相片,半大声地说出来:今晚我要操你 .

So we met and headed for dinner. My first choice, aHunan style restaurant called Di Shui Dong ( 滴水洞), had a queuewaiting, so I doubled back to another nearby place, just round thecorner on Maoming Lu. I'd not chosen it at first primarily becauseI had planned to take Jojo there the next night and, good as it is,twice in a row is a bit much. Plus it seemed to me Di Shui Dong wasmore the style for Ellen with its bright, noisy cheerful and downto earth style. Le Garcon is more suitable to a slightly older,more sophisticated woman. And maybe even I could add that I waspretty sure Ellen was in the bag, so there was no need to pull outall the stops. Why go to the expense of the finer place when thecheaper Hunan place would answer just as well?

于是我们见面了, 并且讨论吃晚饭的地方. 我的第一选择是一家叫 "滴水洞 "的湖南菜馆,但是要排队等, 于是决定去附近别的餐馆, 就在茂名路的街角.最初我没选择这里 ,是因为我打算第二天晚上带 JOJO去,而且一周去两次有点多。加上滴水洞更适合ELLEN ,因为那里明亮,热闹,并且够实在。LeGarcon比较适合那些成熟的女性。也许还因为我十分确定ELLEN是我的了,所以没必要花大钱。既然湖南餐馆便宜,为什么要去那些贵价地方呢?

She was dressed cute, Shanghainese, a vest-type top,simple enough, but bare on the shoulders and arms, showing theshape of her body. We ate, chatted, flirted with eyes and thenwords.


She told me some about herself, such as that lastnight she stayed up all night long singing karaoke with herfriends, and about her various part time jobs at a restaurant and aJapanese run firm. She did not much like the latter and, here, Iexpected the usual ignorant anti-Japan tirade which marks so muchof Chinese attitudes to Japan.


But not so – she gave the far more cogent reasonthat Japanese guys are just weird about women. And this, from myacquaintance with Japanese porn, and the crazy and fascinatingstory another friend to me about her run in with her Japanese guy,I can believe.


She told me her boss told her she was too fat – acomment which would get him sacked in a better-run country (and acomment wholly untrue) and that they made her dance for them everylunchtime. That was just weird… this, she explained, was becauseher father accompanied her to the initial job interview, and atthat time told her to dance for them; so now she has to do it everylunchtime. That's just fucked-up, these lecherous Japanese guysmaking her dance!

她告诉我她老板说她太胖—一个可以让他在发展很好的国家就寝的评论(而且这个评论完全不真切),他们让她每天午饭时间为他们跳舞。那很怪哦…这,她解释说是因为她父亲陪她去了首次面试 ,而那时他叫她为他们跳舞 ;所以现在她每天午饭时间都必须跳给他们看. 就这样搞糟了,这些好色的日本人让她跳舞!

And as for her father… Well, in some ways, from whatshe said about him, he seems quite a reasonable one. Sure, he wantsto tell her what to do with her life – in this case, since he is agovernment official, he thinks she should be one too.

关于她父亲… 从她提到他的某些方面, 似乎他总是有道理的.当然 ,他想告诉她怎样生活—-这样,自从他成为政府官员 ,同样他也希望她成为政府官员 .

Ellen was not interested in such a job. 'It's soboring…' she said, then reflected a little and added, 'but it mightnot be so bad. He has lots of free time.. he goes to lots ofplaces, too.. and often comes home early. In fact he has so muchfree time he does all the cooking at home – although he doesn't lethis colleagues know that. Whenever I meet them, or they come home,he's sure to point out how my mum and I do all thehousework..'

ELLEN对这样的工作不感兴趣 . "很无聊的…" 她说, 然后想了一下又说 , "也许这样也不错.他有很多空余时间,, 他还可以去很多地方…而且经常可以早回家 .事实上他太闲了 ,在家都是他煮饭— 虽然他不让他的同事知道.每当我和他们见面,或者他们来我家 ,他肯定会告诉他们所有的家务都是我妈和我做的 .

But even so, he does not try to corral her life,unlike so many Chinese parents. That's why she had been able tostay out all night singing the night before; and I was glad to hearit, for over-restrictive parents are a key stumbling-point when itcomes to taking a girl home for the night.

就算是这样, 他没有想其他中国家长那样, 禁固她的生活. 这就是她之前可以彻夜不归来唱K 的原因;听到这我很高兴, 带一个女孩子回家过夜对于那些要求严格的父亲来说是一个致关重要的障碍.
But, like so many young Chinese women, she is wise many yearsbeyond the men of this society. He gives her this freedom becauseshe handles him so well. `When I am with him I pretend to be veryshy, I don ' t talk much, and I agree with everything he says. Sohe thinks I am still a little girl…' she told me. ' He simply couldnot imagine my real life, so that' s why he gives mefreedom.'

可是, 像众多年轻的中国女孩一样,, 她比这社会里的男人都聪明好些年.他给她自由是因为她支配的很好. "当我和他一起我就装得很怕羞 ,不多说话 ,而且他说什么我都同意. 所以他觉得我还是小女孩…" 她告诉我."他想象不到我的真实生活 ,所以他给我自由 ."

In the restaurant I did not make all the running;she felt me out too, asking when I had first started chasing girls.`Sixteen,' I lied. `That's rather late..' she said, rather to mypleasure. I agreed it was, but explained that I had been to a boys'school, so girls were hard to come by. And a little later on,perhaps in reference to this, or maybe just out of the blue, sheasked, 'Have you ever done anything gay?' To show her I was coolwith this, I said, 'Well.. I went to a boys' school.. and you knowwhat guys are like.. so, yes, a little…' My next question wascrushingly obvious.. `And you?'

在餐馆中,我没有展开追问; 她也感觉出我, 问当我什么时候开始追女孩的。 "16岁 "我骗她 ."那么迟." 她说,不及对我的乐趣 .我同意这说法 ,但我解释我是在议价男子学校读书 ,所以很难有女孩来. 过了一小会儿,也许关于这个,或许只是无意地 ,她问 : "那你做过同性恋做的事吗?" 为了表示我的冷静, 我说 "我去了男子学校 ,而你也知道男人像…所以 ,是的, 有一点…" 我的下疑问显然被打破,, "那你呢 ?"

`Yes, a little..' she said. 'I'm not a les –lesbian? -- but I do think women's bodies are beautiful, sexy.'Naturally, I wanted to hear more details about this. But right thenit was too early to ask. I bided my time.

"是的 ,有点…" 她说. "我不是同性恋 ?—但我觉得女人的身体很漂亮 ,很性感 ." 自然地,我希望听得更详细些.但这样问还太早 .我付出了我的时间 .

The meal done, both of us were thinking the samething. What next? I suggested coffee, or maybe a walk in thegrounds of the Garden Hotel, for the usual purpose. She accepted..but when we got to the main road, it was virtually impassable withpeople. This was because of the tourism festival parade, floats,dancers, bands and the like; and she wanted to watch this instead.This put me out a little, for I wanted to get her in the garden,since, as I mentioned below, it is the ideal spot to bring theseduction to the next level.

吃完饭, 我们都想着同一件事.下一步干什么 ?我提议喝杯咖啡 ,或许去花园酒店的平地走走,和平常的目的一样.她同意了 ,,当我们走到主干道时 ,却不能与人们通行. 这是因为旅游节, 人们游行, 漂流物、舞者、乐团和同类;她想看这些. 这让我有点失望,因为我想带她进入花园 ,自从, 就像我如下提到的,它是将诱惑更进一层的理想场所.

But we watched the parade some, and then she decidedit was too crowded. She looked over at the cinema hoarding nearby..'A film..?' I suggested. But this was not what I at all wanted, andin any case the crowds were too thick to cross over and check outthe listings. 'We could go for a coffee…' I said, '…or go back tomy place and watch a film.'

但我们看了一下游行, 然后她觉得太拥挤了. 她看到了附近的电影院。 "看电影 …?"我提议.但这根本不是我要的,而且无论如何都过不去那边看清单 ,因为人群太挤了. " 我们可以去喝杯咖啡…"我说 "…或者去我家,看电影.".

'Have you got films with subtitles?' she asked. Butshe was not really saying that; she was saying, 'Yes, I'll comehome with you.' She knew it. I knew it.
And so we went back to my place together….

" 你那些电影有字幕吗?" 她问. 她说的不是真的这意思; 而是" 好的, 我和你回家."她知道, 我也知道. 后来, 我们一起去了我家…

Posted by CBC at 2:55 AM 0 comments Links to thispost

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