很多人看了有点纳闷: 为什么在不是Google的页面上也经常能看到‘Ads byGoogle’的广告?
很多人知道,Google大部分收入靠放在搜索结果页面的广告,Thisprogram is called AdWords.
但很多人还不知道,从2000年起,Google把广告之门开向了所有页主:任何页主都可以在自己的页面上放置来自Google广告主的文本广告。换句话说,他们在帮Google赚广告费,当然Google也会从这部分收入中分一些成给他们。Thisprogram is called AdSense.
Q1. How much Googlepay for the clicks?
It depands.Google一般付给页主每次点击2美分到15美元不等.但在页主收到钱之前,Google从不跟你说会付给你多少,因为这要先看他们从广告主手里拿到了多少。不用担心,这个赚钱的方法跟很多spam邮件里说的骗人的赚钱方法不同,thewhole process is logical and legal.
广告主一般愿意支付更高的广告费给来自这样的页面的点击:1.high traffic 2.all articles are arounda certain focusedtopic. 3. neat layout and good design.... Normally, topic aroundfood, sports, cars…are easier tobepaidmore,because of their commercial value.
Q2. How Googlematches the Ads to the sites’ content?
我们会发现“Ads byGoogle”的内容通常与页主页面的内容高度一致或相关。这是这个项目成功的关键点之一,因为Google设计的特别的自动匹配的流程,这样可以增加广告被点击的几率,ofcourse.
“…We go beyond simplekeyword matching to understand the context and content of webpages. Based on an algorithm that includes such factors as keywordanalysis, word frequency, font size, and the overall link structureof the web, we know what a page is about, and can precisely matchGoogle ads to each page.”

Q3, Does Googleselect the websites? How?
当然不是什么页面都可以赚这份钱。换位思考,如果你是广告主,你愿意把广告放在什么样的网页上?乱七八糟的?不知所言的?整天无病呻吟的?Ofcourse not! Google only select the sites, which are neat and wellorganized, with existing rich contents and certain traffic, onfocused topics as I mentioned above.
One more thing,有不少人想要赚这个钱,但本身又没什么内涵,于是到处“copy and paste”搞个网站出来去申请Google Ads,没想到被Google以非原创文章为由无情地拒绝。Theyknow!我不知道他们知道的,反正他们有他们的办法。谁让人家是Google来着。