转载 Dogfooding 转载dan的博客帅哥


今天在看关于谷歌要做自有品牌的googlephone的新闻时,又一次看到了Dogfooding这个词,记得第一看到它的时候还是在一封来自微软的邮件里,当时没有太理解这个词的意思,只是知道大概是怎么回事,所以今天又特别的学习了一下什么是dogfooding;发现很多公司(比如M公司G公司)在内部测试新产品和新技术的时候,经常邀请员工参与到测试中来,提供反馈和建议。这一流程称作“吃狗粮(Dogfooding)”。内部员工在第一时间测试这些新技术,可以更快速发现问题和协助做出改进,提高用户体验度,这无疑是个很好的方法。 但愿有一天我们也有机会来尝试一下Dog food;

[转载]Dogfooding 转载dan的博客帅哥
Eating one's own dog food, also called dogfooding, iswhen a company uses the products that it makes.[1]Dogfooding can be a way for a company to demonstrate confidence inits own products, and hence a kind of testimonialadvertising.[2]For example, Microsoftand Googleemphasize the use of its own software products inside thecompany.

1) It proves to customers that we believe in the product.
2) Because dogfooding usually means using beta (or pre-beta)software, it helps flush more bugs out of the product.
3) It makes us suffer the same bugs and design flaws that weinflict on users, thus giving us incentive to fix them.
4) It's a valuable reality check that the product is actually asgood as we say it is.
5) Because Microsoft is such a large organization, it can flush outproblems that could not otherwise be found prior to full-scalerollout at launch. (This holds especially true for corporate serverproducts such as Exchange, SQL, IIS, etc.)
6) We learn how our products actually work, which is moreoften than not not exactly how we think they work.

延伸阅读:Milestone Quality & Dogfooding (MattGertz)


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101017/363406.html


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