Dealsea是我来美国知道最早也是用的做多的deal Website(折扣优惠网站)。几乎是一到美国就有师哥介绍给我。上面有各种deal(优惠活动),coupon(折价券),以前BlackFriday(黑色星期五)之前还会有外泄的特价商品名单,供半夜开始在店外面排队的群众做到更有针对性。这么多年,我也试过一些其他的网站,比如fatwallet,可还是觉得这个更好用。也许是因为是中国人办的,而且用的人绝大多数也应该是中国人。以前没怎么注意里面的留言(comments)。最近看了看,发现Dealsea上闲人越来越多,留言大有灌水的趋势。前一段看到几个有趣的,摘抄如下。
1. Dealsea上包罗万象,但最常见的还是关于化妆品和电子产品的。在一则化妆品的帖子下面,
第一条留言说:Dear Dealsea, please post more deals for electronic productsand fewer for cosmetics. Thanks!
Dear Dealsea, please post more deals for cosmetics and fewer forelectronic products. Thanks!
然后第三条:Dear Dealsea, please post more deals for electronic productsand more for cosmetics. Thanks!
2. 一个关于 L'OCCITANE的deal贴出后,
有人问: What is L'OCCITANE? I've never heard of this brand, is itgood?
回答说:if you've never heard of it, you should treat yourselfbetter.
3. 一个关于某知名品牌餐具打折的帖子,减价后当然也还是不便宜。于是,下面有人留言:
Even with the deal, they are still too expensive. Why should thefolks and knives be so expensive? Are they made of silver? I canjust buy them at the Dollar Store for one dollar per piece.