TheFreedomofSpeech parts of speech

The Freedom of Speech

Man is a creature endowed with the innate faculty of thinkingand feeling. This necessitates the expression of his thoughts andemotions via speech. For this reason, the freedom of speech haslong been an unalienable human right recognized as a universalvalue by almost all modern civilized nations. In China, as in othercountries, it is a sacred right enshrined in the Constitution, themost fundamental law of the country.

Therefore, it came as a total outrage when, in the wake of aterrible car accident on the campus of Hebei University, theuniversity authorities banned the students from articulating theirindignations and expressing their condolences toward the dead. Thestudents were told not to talk to journalists conducting interviewsat the university or post articles on the university website. Inthat car accident, a young man named xxx killed one girl andseriously injured another. The son of a high-ranking local policeofficial, the young man drove his car in a state of alcoholicintoxication and above the speed limit. Worse still, the drunkendriver tried to escape the scene and defied an angry crowd thattried to stop him!

As protector of the rights and interests of students, theuniversity authorities should have been the first to speak outagainst the atrocities of the law-violating driver, who is himselfa public servant. But the pathetic fact is that, for fear ofrevenge by the driver’s father, the university authorities remainedreticent and forced students into reticence. We may well ask whatkind of example the university is setting for itsstudents and what kind of students the university wants todevelop?

Ultimately, university education should teach students toinquire freely, to be outspoken against social injustices, and tobe responsible citizens of our society. Students should beencouraged to be bold in their search for truth and in fightingagainst evils. With the freedom of speech, they can afford to becritical and skeptical. They can challenge what they believe to bewrong and fight for what they feel to be right. Freedom of speechis the very cornerstone of political civilization and it plays acrucial role in promoting democracy and the rule of law. In adialogue with Chinese students in Shanghai last year, PresidentObama said that “criticisms from American people can make me abetter president.”

Young students are the future leaders of our world. In order toenable them to lead competently, they should be allowed to givefull vent to their thoughts and feelings on whatever issues whichthey care about. Only when people are given implicit freedom ofspeech will there be genuine insights and constructive criticismsthat drive our society forward. Therefore, it is essential that weadvocate and safeguard this fundamental human right and move oursociety into the right direction of civilization.

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