Thought与thoughts等抽象名词具体化现象种种 抽象函数具体化

Thought 与 thoughts等抽象名词具体化现象种种

1)[U]思维;思考,考虑,深思; 没有复数形式。
•After serious thought, he decided to accepttheir terms.经认真考虑,他决定接受他们的条件。
•After much thought he decided not to buy thecar.经过仔细考虑后他决定不买汽车了。

•He had no thought of hurting her.他没想要伤害她。
•There was no thought of coming homeearly.没想到提早回了家

3) [C]想法,见解,观念;念头(+of/about/on)]为可数名词有复数形式
•Please write and let me have your thoughts onthe matter.请写信让我知道你对此事的看法。
•She's a quiet girl and doesn't share herthoughts.她是个内向的女孩,不表露她的想法。
4) 关心,注意,留意;注意;关怀;悬念(常与of,to连用)[C] [U][(+for)]
•The nurse was full of thought for the sick men.那护士非常关怀病人。
•Her husband didn't give much thought to what shesaid.她的丈夫不在乎她说什么
With no thought for his own safety, the old man went off at a runto save the drowning boy.老汉毫不顾虑自己的安全,奔去救那溺水的男孩。

Thinkingn. [U] 没有复数形式。
1) thinking思想,思考,考虑
• I have to do some thinkingbefore making a decision.我得先思考一下,然后才好作决定。
2)thinking[U] 意见,想法,观点;意见;见解;看法
• To my thinking, this is not agood idea.我认为这不是个好主意
• independentthinking 独立思考
• wishful thinking一厢情愿的想法
• in modernthinking按照现代的想法

2.attraction ([U])吸引,吸引力;

1)The idea of traveling to the moon has little attraction forme.

2)The city's brightlights, theatres, and movies are greatattractions.城里明亮的灯、戏院、电影等有巨大的吸引力。
3) One of the main attractions of the job is the high salary.这份工作最吸引人的是薪水高。
3.comfort [U]安慰,慰藉,宽恕;

The news brought comfort to all of us. 这消息给我们大家带来了安慰。
His husband was a great comfort to her when she wasill.她生病时,她丈夫对她是个极大的安慰。
4.danger [U]危险,风险;

1) Children’s lives are in danger every time they cross thisroad.孩子们每次过这条马路都面临着生命危险。

2)out of danger 脱离危险
3) Police said the man was a danger to the public.

4)How does nature form a danger to people in the world?自然现象是如何对全球人类造成威胁的?
5.death [U]死,死亡;


1)Air pollution alone causes about three million deaths everyyear.仅空气污染就造成了每年近三百万人死亡。
2) If the hurricane had happened during the daytime, there wouldhave been many more deaths.若飓风发生在白天,那么死亡的人会多的多。
6. delight[U] 高兴,愉快,快乐;

1) To our great delight, the day turned outfine.我们感到高兴的是天气转晴了。
2) The guitar is a delight to play.弹吉他是件很惬(qie)意的事.
3) Her singing is a delight.她的歌声使人快乐。
7. difficulty

[U] 困难,艰难,难度,困难性;

1) She got the door open with difficulty.她艰难地把门打开了。
2) I had much difficulty in persuading her.我为了说服她,费了好大的劲儿。
3) He wants to marry her, but his parents are makingdifficulties.他想娶她,但他父母从中阻挠。
4) She met with many difficulties when traveling.

8. experience[U]经验


1)Doyou have any previous experience of this kind ofwork?你以前做过这种工作吗?

2)Valuable experience 宝贵的经验
3)He hand many interesting experiences while traveling inAfrica.


1)The success or failure of the plan depends on you.这项计划的成败取决于你。
2) Failure in one examination should not stop you tryingagain.一次考试不及格不应该防碍你再试一次。
3) The whole thing was a complete failure.

4)She was a failure as a teacher.她当教师并不成功。
10. help[U] 帮助;

[C] 有帮助的人或事物

1) Atape-recorder or an mp3 is a great help for you to learnEnglish.录音机或mp3对你学英语帮助很大。
2) I am a good help to my mother athome.我在家里是妈妈的好帮手。

11.honour [U] 荣幸,荣誉;

1) We fought for the honour of ourcountry.我们为祖国的荣誉而战。参加这次大会我感到很荣幸。

2)It is a great honour for me to be present at the conference. [U]高兴,愉快,喜悦;


1)jump with joy高兴得跳起来
2) The game was a joy to watch.看这场比赛真是开心。
3)He is a great joy to listento.他这个人,听他讲话就是极大的乐趣。

4)Joys shared with others are more enjoyed.[谚]与众同乐,其乐更乐。

13.kindness [U]亲切,和蔼,仁慈,好意;

She always shows kindness to children and animals.

He did it entirely out of kindness, not for money.

It would be a great kindness to see him while he is soill.他病得很厉害,去探望他就是对他的极大关怀。
14.pity [U] 怜悯,同情;


feel pity for 对。同情 out of pity出于同情
It’s a pity the weather is not good for our outingtoday.我们今天出去游玩天气不好,真遗憾。

It’s a pity that you can’t go to the theatre with us tonight.你今晚不能和我们一起去看戏,真可惜。

15.pleasure [U] 高兴,快乐,愉快;


take (a) pleasure in 以....为乐
with pleasure愉快地,高兴地

It is my pleasure. 我乐意做的事情。
It is a pleasure to work withyou.跟你一起工作是一件令人高兴的事情。
It has been a pleasure meetingyou. 认识你是十分高兴的事。
She has few pleasures left inlife. 她的生活中已没有什么乐趣了。
16. satisfaction [U] 满足,满意;


Playing the piano was one of his greatestsatisfactions.弹钢琴是他的最大乐趣之一。
It is a great satisfaction to know that he has arrivedhomesafely.知道他已经平安到家,我感到十分高兴。

17. shame [U]羞耻,羞愧,惭愧;

He felt no shame for what he haddone.他对自己所做的事情不感到羞愧。

Itis a shame to deceive the old man.欺骗这位老人真是太可耻了。
What a shame that it rained so much during thevocation.假期里下那么多雨,真是太遗憾了。

18. success [U]成功,成名;

He’s proud of his daughter'ssuccesses.他为女儿的种种成就感到自豪。
Of his experiments, three were successes and onewas a failure.在他的实验中,有三个成功,一个失败。



in surprise吃惊地

to one's great surprise使某人非常惊奇的是
=to the surpriseof令...非常吃惊的是
Her letter came as a completesurprise. 万万没想到会收到她的信。

Wehave some surprises in store foryou.我们还有些出乎你意料的话[礼物]奉告[奉赠]。

20. trouble[U]困难,苦恼,痛苦;

She's had so many troublesthat she looks fifty, although she's onlythirty.使她苦恼的事情太多,虽然她只有三十岁,看上去却像五十岁了。
She has always been a greattrouble to her father and mother.她一直是她父母的一块心病。

21. wonder[U]惊奇,惊讶,惊异,惊叹,惊愕;

[C]令人感到惊奇的事情,奇迹, 奇观
Thought与thoughts等抽象名词具体化现象种种 抽象函数具体化
in/with wonder惊奇地

no wonder 毫不奇怪
The Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world.长城是世界奇迹之一。

22. worry [U]担心,担忧,忧愁;

1) Her face showed signs ofworry.她脸上显出担忧的神情。

2) My father has a lot of worries.我父亲有许多烦恼。
3) Forget your worries andenjoy yourself!忘记那些愁事,尽情享乐吧!

23. beauty[U]美,美丽;[C]美丽的人或事物
she was a famous beauty in heryouth.她年轻时是个有名的美人。

That new car is an absolute beauty. 那辆新车漂亮极了。


beauty(美丽,美貌)―― beauties(美人);


Five hundred youths from all over the country will attend thismorning.来自全国的五百多名青年将参加本次会议。
25. 常见的抽象名词用作复数形式是将该抽象名词的含义具体化了。如:


worry (烦恼)――worries(令人烦恼的事);


They are failures as artists, but successes asteachers.作为艺术家他们是失败者,但作为教师是成功者。

26. 有些抽象名词的复数形式用来表示数量之多,以示强调。如:

congratulations, regards, respects,

thanks, wishes, apologies,smiles,

pities, fears, hopes, kindnesses 等。

I offered my congratulations on her success.我对她的成功表示了祝贺。
He was in all smiles.他满脸笑容。
A good conscience is a soft pillow. 良心过得去,睡觉才安稳。
Kissing doesn’t last; cookery does. 甜言蜜语不可靠,粗茶淡饭才长久。





After listening tohis advice, she had no more anxieties.
His friendships never last very long.他与别人的交情从来都不长久。
After many failures, they finally succeeded.经过多次失败之后,他们最后成功了。
29. 某些抽象名词在某种场合是个体名词,它们的复数形式表示与该个体名词不同的意义,如:




例:Twenty youths attended the meeting yesterday.
All his poor relations came to spend their holidays at hishome.他所有的穷亲戚都在他家过节。


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C#虚函数抽象函数接口虚函数的运用 虚函数和抽象函数


绝对不可数名词 抽象名词具体化

归类一:绝对不可数的名词。Happiness, news, information, goodness. Progress fun, harm, milk, furniture,weather, music, health, luck, kindness, courage, wealth, bravery, importance在使用这些词时,不管其前面有多少修饰语,其

抽象函数abstract 和虚函数(virtual)区别 抽象类 纯虚函数


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