asif/asthough的用法 though的用法总结

Holding his head high, he walked past the pole and the soldiersas if they didn’t exist.

as if 与as though 是一组同义词,两者意思相同,用法也相同,只是在口语中人们多半会用as if, 取其简短。asif

和as though 用法较为复杂,本文拟对其各种用法做一概述。

1.在通常情况下, as if 和as though所引导的从句的谓语动词多用虚拟语气,表示所叙述的情况与事实相反。具体用法如下:


Why is she looking at me as though she knew me?他为什么那样看我?像是认识我似的。

He behaves as if he owned the house. 他的样子好像他拥有这个房子。

He treats me as if /as though I were a stranger.

He speaks as if he were an Englishman.

It’s not as though he was /were poor.



He looked at me as if I were mad. 他那样看我,好像我是个疯子。

He stood there looking at the train and laughing, as if to missa

train was the best joke in the world.


Mr. Coleman always talked as if he knew everything.


They talked as if they had been friends for years.(高二册,第95页)

(试比较:They had been friends for years.)

Now it is as though she had known Millie for years.(《现代英语用法词典》)


She felt as though she could hardly endure such a life.



It was as if he had lost his last friend.

“I remember,” she tells her children now, “how wild his whitehair

looked——as if it had been electrified.”(高二册,第91页)

必须注意的时,在指过去的动作时,即使主句是现在时,as if 从句中的动词也要用过去完成时:

You look as if you’d seen a ghost. 你好像是见了鬼似的。

He talks about Rome as though he had been there himself.



He heard a noise, as if someone was breathing.(高一册,第211页)

He ran as if ghosts were chasing him.

I felt as if the ground were slipping beneath my feet.我感到大地仿佛在脚下滑动。


It looked as if it was going to snow. (高一册,第127页)

He opened his lips as if he would say something to you.

2. 如果as if后面的从句所表示的情况时真实的或很可能时真实的,则动词可以用陈述语气,在feel, look,seem

smell, sound, taste之后尤其如此。试比较:F. T. Wood所著English Colloquial


He walks as if he is drunk.

He walks as if he were drunk.


It looks as if it is going to rain.

It looks as if were going to rain.


There’s Hob, talking to the ticket-collector. It looks as ifhe

hasn’t got a platform ticket. 那不,霍布正在同检票员说话,看样子还没弄到站台票。

You look as if you’ve been running. 你好像刚跑了一阵似的。

You look as if you know each other.

He looks as if he’s tired.

It looks/seems as if you’re right.

You have acted as if you like me.

It smells as if it is fresh. 闻起来很新鲜。

3. 随着语言的发展,as if


With the development of these new tools, it is as if man has

suddenly become a millionaire of the mind.


Teen-agers may talk as if they know it all, but statistics tella

different story.

The “historical present” is sometimes used in narrative when wewant

to describe events vividly as if they are happening in ourpresence.

4. 在非正式文体(尤其是美国英语)中,可以用like做连词代替as if 和as though。例如:

It looks like it’s going to rain today.

She looks like she’ll win the race.

I love that boy like he was my son.

He looked like he needed someone to talk to, so we lent him anear.

He sat there smiling like it was his birthday.

She started kissing me like we were on our honeymoon.


5. as if和as though从句中的省略

当as if和as though从句的主语与主句一致时,该主语和后面的动词可以省略。于是便出现下面几种结构:

1)as if +不定式

He opened his lips as if (he were) to make some reply.

asif/asthough的用法 though的用法总结

The bee checked its forward speed, circled and then driftedslowly

over the mirrorlike surface of the pool as if to admire itsown

reflection. 蜜蜂放慢飞行速度,转了几圈儿,然后在清澈如镜的水潭上空慢慢地飘过,似乎要欣赏它自己的倒影。


Carrie felt as if unable to endure such a life.嘉莉觉得似乎无法再忍受这种生活了。

He lay still for a long while, as if dead.

3)as if +介词短语

He looked about as if (he was) in search of something.

4)as if +现在分词

From time to time Jason turned round as though (he was)searching

for someone.

John paused as if expecting Mary to speak. 约翰停下来,似乎是等玛丽开口。

Nevertheless, the bee kept exercising the wings slowly up anddown,

as though assessing the damage.


5)as if +名词

He acts as if (he was) a fool.

6)as if +副词

He made that remark as if absently. 他好像是漫不经心地说了那句话。

6. 对as if-从句认识上的一个误区

对于as if 的用法,一些人的认识上存在着一个误区,即把as

if从句中动词的形式与主句的时态相联系。如1993年第10期《英语自学》中《浅谈由as if (as

though)和wish引出的虚拟语气就明确指出:“在由as if (as



+过去分词”。这种认为从句动词形式受主句时态制约的观点是不符合语言实际的。实际上,as if和 as


He looks as if he were ill.

He looked as if he were ill.

He looks as if he had been ill.

He looked as if he had been ill.


A: We’ve been back at work now for three days. 我们回来上课到现在已三天了

B: I feel as if I had been back for three months.我感到似乎已回来三个月了。

(比较:I have been back for three months.)

6. as if和as though的功能


They talked as if they had been friends for years.


He looked as if he had just stepped out of my book of fairy

tales and had passed me like a spirit. (高二册,第92页)


As if I cared! 好像我很在乎似的!(相当于:I don’t care!)

As if anyone would believe that story! 好像人人都会相信那种说法似的!

He warned me against associating with people of doubtfulcharacter.

As if I ever should! 他告诫我不要同可疑的人来往,好像我真会那样做似的!


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