新托福iBT黄金口语80题答案版 托福口语黄金80题答案


1. 说出你认为对你最有用的一本书,并解释原因。
The most important book for me is my undergraduate major textbookwhich is called marketing. Because as we all know that marketing isa kind of major which cuts across the boundaries of many differentdisciplines, so it broadens my knowledge scope, such as the aspectsof advertising and trade. On the other hand, well, a plenty ofcases are included in this book, in addition, many definitions canexplained very acceptable so it definitely helps me to get a deeplyunderstanding of my major.

2. 电视对于现代社会有正面作用还是负面作用,选择其中之一并解释原因。
As far as I am concerned, television has more positive effectstowards the modern society than its negative sides. First, from thenews broadcasting in the television, we can know what is happeningin the outside world even without stepping out our living room withtelevision in it. And second, watching television with familymembers after supper is a good way to relax after a hard day’swork. What’s more,its visual effect makes people feel less stressed and has a greatinfluence on the way people think and talk.

3. Describe the most important decision that you made in yourlife.
Personally speaking, the most important decision that I have madein my life is to choose marketing as my major in university, as weall know that marketing is a kind of major which cuts across theboundaries of many different disciplines, so in order to learn itwell, I have to learn various subjects such as international tradeand brand management. What’s more, i’m little timidity in front ofchallenges such as doing the presentation and negotiation, I guessmost of the people may have this kind of stage fright, So marketingis a major can definitely anneal myself. During the studies inuniversity, I learned hard and practiced as much as I could.Finally, I got the highest GPA in my grade.

4. Do you think the high school should teach music and art as otherbasic science?
I bet no one could deny that the main responsibility of a highschool is to help its students develop various abilities not onlythe academic abilities. In other words, music and art should beviewed as basic science. Firstly, It is very important to get fullyeducated for students. Music and art can help the studentsappreciate beauty in our lives, and that will broaden knowledgescope of students. Also Music and art do good to students’mentality. A sound mentality is essential to the student’sfuture.

5. 空闲时间用来做什么?
When I have time to kill, I usually like to surf the internet topay close attention to new fashion trade. Such as the fashion week,respectively, new york fashion week, paris fashion week, Londonfashion week and milian fashion week. The rest of time, I usuallygo to the library to find some valuable books and a park to relaxmyself. There are many books to my taste, such as fashionmagazines, inspirational books, and professional books. These bookscan make me healthier and energetic. And last thing I’d like to dowhen I am free is to eat out with my family members. You may besurprised to know that I have tried all the restaurants in ourcommunity!

6. 打手机该不该在一些地方禁止?
I strongly agree with the opinion that the use of a mobile phoneshould be forbidden in some places, such as library and airplanes.The most common reason for people going to a library is to find asilent environment to read their favorite books withoutinterruption. But if you receive a phone call in the library orjust send out messages, the mobile phone will ring. Though peoplehave personal right to use their mobile phone, the others are notsupposed to be involved in the unnecessary disturbance. And I donot think it is very polite unless you can turn down the volume.Another place is airplane. As we all know that it is very dangerousto have a phone call in airplane. It may causes interferencebetween the signals. Therefore mobile phone should be forbidden inairplanes unless there is a new technique can avoid it.

7. 描述一件自己印象深刻的celebration或者moment。
Speaking of celebrations, there is one day of the year that issecond to none in china, it is the first day of the year in lunarcalendar, which is called the Spring Festival by most Chinesepeople. Even if you are indifferent with festive events, you cannot resist the charm of a family reunion dinner which marks thedefining feature of the Spring Festival. And during the dinner,family members make toasts for each other in order to wish for joy,peace, health and fortune for the next year.

8. Which one acts more influence on you newspaper, TV orteachers?
I definitely think that it is TV that influences me most among thethree.
First, from the news broadcasting in the television, we can knowwhat is happening in the outside world even without stepping outour living room with television in it. I just want to keep myselfinformed of what’s going on in the world.
And second, watching television with family members after supper isa good way to relax after a hard day’s work. What’s more, itsvisual effect makes me feel less stressed and has a great influenceon the way I think and talk. So that’s why I think it influences memost.

9. Describe a social or politics celebration events in yourculture.
新托福iBT黄金口语80题(答案版) 托福口语黄金80题答案
Speaking of social celebration in my culture, there is one day ofthe year that is second to none, the Chinese New Year, which isalso called the Spring Festival by most Chinese People. Even if youare indifferent with festive events, you can not resist the charmof a family reunion dinner which marks the defining feature of theSpring Festival. And family members make toasts for each other inorder to wish for joy, peace, health and fortune for the nextyear.

There’s no doubt that government should responsible for the peopleby means of regulation and investment. The main responsibility forthe government is to benefit the people in any aspects. We cannotemphasize the importance of schools, museums and theatres too much.Cuz Museums and theatres serve as exhibition centers for people toknow about the history and culture of the country. What I am sayingis that museums and theatres do good to our mind and quality.Hence, government should provide fund to build museums andtheaters.

Personally speaking, My favorite place in my city is the nationallibrary based on following reasons.
Firstly, there are many books to my taste, such as fashionmagazines, inspirational books, and professional books. Readingdoes good to our mind. As a student, we should always rechargeourselves by knowledge in order to meet the need of talents in thissociety.
Secondly, I always go to the library with my friends. You know,it’s a my glad to share knowledge with other people. Going to thelibrary not only can we acquire knowledge but also can promote ourfriendship to some degree.


Personally speaking, I definitely prefer having meals at home forthe following reasons. In the first place, it is cheaper to havemeals at home. In the second place, it is more convenient to havemeals at home, cuz you don’t need to take bus or taxi to go to therestaurant. Especially, it is a big deal when there is a trafficjam.
Finally, having meals at home will save a plenty of time. You don’thave to spend much time on yours way to restaurant. According tosome statistics, you just need 1 hour if you eat at home while youwill need at least 2 hours if you eat out.

14.你通常喜欢去什么park或者public area。

I definitely prefer to study in a big city. The most common reasonfor us to study is to find a good job, and there are much more jobopportunities in big cities than the small town. If I study in thebig cities, I can do a part time job while studying, and seize theopportunity to work there after I graduate from university. Inaddition, the big city can provide us a plenty of internshipopportunities to me. Moreover, jobs in big cities can offer moredecent salary. So that’s why I think big city is more attractivefor me to study.

Personally speaking, I prefer magazines to fictions or poems. Cuzthey are good in some way and fill current trends and demands indifferent ways. I just want to keep myself informed of what’s goingon in the world. I read five or six magazines per month and I buytwo magazines regularly—fashion and beauty magazines. Cuz they areworth reading for their entertainment news and fashion and beautytips. Which I most prefer is a magazine called ‘enjoy yourself’, itmakes me more confident in myself.

I definitely prefer to live alone. Cuz I enjoy a comparativelyquiet environment to relax myself after a day’s hard work. I can dowhat I want to do such as singing, reading , listening to music andtelephone to somebody no matter where and when. I can adore my roomwith various adornments. Moreover, I am a neat freak, I could notbear there is any dirt in my dorm room. But there’s always a messup at my roommate’s area.

Personally speaking, I definitely prefer staying at home with myfriends for the following reasons. Firstly, we can totally relax athome after a week’s hard work. we don’t need to care the weatherand the temperature outdoor and then we can enjoy our time morerelaxed. Secondly, it is convenient for we friends have a closechat including some secrets of us at home. More importantly, we cando what we want to do such as watching tv and listening tomusic.

19.Computer have improved our lives while others think computershave caused problems
in my opinion I think computer does have more positive effectstowards our lives than its negative sides. First, we can keep intouch more closely with the help of computer. For example, by usingEmails or MSN, I can leave messages to my friends in the UnitedStates no matter when. But before computer was invented, one haveto wait nearly several months to get a letter from friends abroad.Second, with computer, we can get information from all over theworld easier and more convenient. I just want to keep myselfinformed of what’s going on in the world. They can equip me withknowledge and information.

As far as I am concerned, a good teacher should have the followingqualities: confident, kind and patient enough. The teacher shouldbe confident both of himself and his students. Every time he walksin the classroom, he should bring a strong feeling of authority,and makes his students feel a definite sense of trust. And theteachers should be kind to his students. If a teacher is toostrict, his students would be afraid to ask questions, and thatwill decrease the efficiency of their study. In addition, a goodteacher should never lose their patience in class when students askquestions repeatedly. Most of all, a good teacher should update hisknowledge cuz further learning can make a good teacher re-discoverthe beauty of the teaching profession.

I definitely prefer to work at office. As we all know that home isa kind of place can provide you a comfortable environment to relaxbut it is not for working. In the office, there is a good workingatmosphere to encourage you. What’s more, office can provide youthe facilities and any document you need for your work. Working atoffice can make you concentrate on what you are handling with, youcan manage your work and issues more efficiency, on the contrary,working at home makes you feel more and more sleepy.

I will introduce my teacher Mr.Yu to you. He is an English teacherand a president of new oriental school’s. there are many goodqualities reflected by him such as persistence and kind.
Firstly, his persistence to his dream is mostly attracts me. Hespares no efforts to realize his dream of peking university formany years.
Secondly, he is very kind to the talents and services to theordinary people. The reasons for the new oriental’s growing notonly because there are so many excellent teacher’s willing to joinin but also because these talents willing to stay in this placewhere is full of passion and dream.
You can not help being attracted by his magnetic personality whichseems contagious to people around him.

I definitely think that the university should be open to allstudents. It is a right for every student who needs education toenter into universities no matter he/she is rich or poor. The morewell-educated students the universities produce, the fast speed ofdevelopment our society will have. To suddenly think of a word isalready not quite remember who said: Only to rely on investmentequipment and infrastructure is not a long-term development way fora strong state, trying to improve the whole national quality and toinvest in training people in education is the long-term developmentpath.

24.Whether parents should lead their children to watch TV or thechildren should choose
I think parents should lead their children to watch TV. First ofall, according to some statistics, most of the children don’t havethe ability to distinguish fantasy and reality in front of theadvertisement in TV, so children are not mature enough to realizewhich TV programs are suit for them. Without a proper guide,children may have been misled by some unhealthy TV programs.Moreover, parents play an important role in helping childrendistinguish true and false, good and evil, beauty and ugly bycomparing the situation in TV programs and reality,. Besides,parents are also responsible for preventing children from beingobsessed in watching TV.

25.The most efficient transportation in your country。
The most efficient transportation in my country, I’d say, issubway. Compared with cars and other transportations, subway ismostly convenient. It almost covers every corner in our city. Andsecond, it has high speed compared with bicycle, you don’t have toworry about your time, traffic jam and parking space. What’s more,subway is more eco-friendly than car, it has nothing to do with airpollution at all. So frankly speaking, subway is the besttransportation for you in china.

As far as I am concerned, television is the most importantinvention of the last 100 years. First, from the news broadcastingin the television, we can know what is happening in the outsideworld even without stepping out our living room with television init. And second, watching television with family members aftersupper is a good way to relax after a hard day’s work. What’s more,its visual effect makes people feel less stressed and has a greatinfluence on the way people think and talk.

27.attend college是否比不读college容易successful in career ,why?
I definitely agree to statement that attending college will makeone more successful in career. As we all know that there are manyfactors contribute to success, such as your personality, knowledgeand experience accumulation and opportunities. However, theeducation level is a fundamental to success for the followingreasons. First of all, you can get well-educated in a certain area.And this experience will make you fully prepared for your futurecareer. secondly, the learning process will broaden your horizon,enhance your various abilities and give you a chance to make moreprofessional talents. All of these are a precious wealth to yoursuccess.

28.Characteristics of friends;
In my opinion a good friend should have the following qualities:supportive and caring.
It is a well known saying that a friend in need is a friend indeed.Therefore, a friend should stand by you in the hour of any sort ofneed. They can be my friends in sunshine and in shade. They canmake me feel a definite sense of trust. Then he/she should be verycaring. When I am suffering hard times, or confrontingdifficulties, he/she can give me a hand and help me overcome thetroubles. Also, I’d love to spend more time with someone who canmake me laugh and is fun to be around.

29.Someone suggests school to cut the Recycling
I tend to disagree with cutting the recycling in school. Firstly,recycling can remind students of the importance of environmentalprotection. With a recycling system, students will discard garbageinto the special recycling garbage boxes instead of throw them awayrandomly in campus. In addition, school can employ workers to dealwith the garbage regularly, it can also provide a job chance forpeople with low-income. So for these two reasons, I support thatthe recycling in school should continue.

Of course, I would like to be the leader for the following reasons.Firstly, to be a leader definitely improves my various abilities,such as communication, organization, leadership and handlingability. These are essential to lead a team with many complextroubles. And second, in college, I always as a leader of variousstudent unions and student associations. So I do not like to beregulated by others, the only way to get rid of this status is tobe the leader and regulate others myself.
Frankly speaking, although to be a leader is a hard work, it willhas a great influence on the future career.

31.Which one do you think is better to help do research, internetor academic books?
As far as I am concerned, relying on academic books is a best wayto do research. What I want to say is the internet could serve as astarting point, helps you to zero in the material you need, butthat you would almost certainly have to access other sources to dothe research well such as the academic books. Cuz academic bookshave more detail information you need, on the contrary, internetonly has a brief abstraction and most of the time, you should payto get the good stuff.

in my opinion, it is my family members and friends who influence memost. The information provided by newspaper, TV, radio or otherformats of media can just let us know what has happened and onlyequip us with knowledge, they are incapable of giving me spiritualsatisfaction. Speaking of some issues, we need more specificsuggestions. Family members and friends can offer us this kind ofinformation and can give us adequate help to meet the issues.

Personally speaking, the most ideal career for me is to be ateacher. I have dreamed to be a teacher since I was still in middleschool. The reasons for why this profession really attracts me iswell, firstly, I am proud of to share knowledge with others and Ican do my best to assist others to realize their dreams. As myfather always tell me to do something constructive and beneficialfor ordinary people. On the other hand, teaching is my cup of teaalso this is a challenge profession to me. It can not only improvemy various abilities but also help me to conquer the stagefright.

34.Take a long vacation or several short vacations in a year?
in my opinion, I definitely prefer to take a long vacation insteadof several short ones. If the vacation is as long as about twomonth, I can separate it into two parts. In the first part, I willgo abroad, visiting the place I have dreamed all the time,forexample yellow stone park. When I get back, I still have one or twoweeks to have a rest before go back to work. So I would not be verytired and be able to keep energetic while working.

35.What do you think are the characteristics of a goodparent?
As far as I am concerned, a good parent should has the followingqualities such as responsible, patience and be well-educated. We doadmit that parents are the first and most important teacher ofchildren. They will have a significant influence on mentality andattitude of children toward the world. So a parent should bewell-educated and responsible for children. We also can not denythat feeding a baby is a hard work, it needs great patience andresponsibility.

36.Do you prefer to study alone on work assignment from class or tostudy in group?
in my opinion, I would prefer to study in a group on workassignment from class.
Cuz firstly, working in a group means we can have partners tocooperate with and that will increase the working efficiency.Besides, we can discuss with each other, with the purpose of expandour scope of knowledge. Finally, we can encourage each other toattain the goal especially when there are difficulties. Of course,the process of cooperation could develop our sense of teamwork andteam spirit.

Frankly speaking, I would like to be a teacher as my future career.I have dreamed to be a teacher since I was still in the primaryschool. Cuz training is my cup of tea. I am very glad and proud ofto share my knowledge and views with others. Well, secondly, withthe fast speed of development in China, the demand of professionaltalent is a pressing issue, so I would like to contribute my effortto the development of China. As my father always tell me to dosomething constructive and beneficial to the ordinary people.
To tell you the truth

38.描述一次challenging experience,以及如何解决这个challenge
Frankly speaking, what the most challenging experience for me is asa leader in my brand management assignment group. This assignmentrequired us to build a virtual brand. As a leader, I pay asignificant amount of energy on this assignment. I allocated taskto my group members and discussed issue with them. This process oflearning definitely develops my abilities such as leadership,coordination and problem handling.

I surely prefer to choose a major which is easy to find a good jobin the future, like finance or marketing for example. No one coulddeny that the most common reason for us attending university is toget well prepared for a good job in the future. So whether or notit will lead to a good job, should be put into the first place whenwe choose our major. If we find a good job with decent payment, wecan use the money we have earned from it to satisfy our intereststhen.

40.喜欢看那种电影,为什么:Comedy, drama…
My favorite kind of movie is loving movie. Such as Titanic, awonderful movie, captured many young people’s hearts with itsfascinating music and touching plots.
A word comes to my mind, it is love that makes the world go round.Watching this kind of loving movies is just like reading a textbook which teaches me how to love and be loved. Moreover, we canlearn more from it, such as loyalty and treasure.

41.What will you do to relax yourself?

42.Is it important for students to attend class regularly or studyby oneself?
I do not think it is necessary for students to attend classregularly. Cuz the situations vary from person to person. Forexample, some students are good at math but poor at English, in myopinion, he/she should skip some of the math classes and using theextra time improving his/her English. Moreover, there are somestudents can not concentrate in classroom because it is very noisywith too many students in it. For them, studying in a library ontheir own would be more efficient. If they have any questions, theycould solve them simply by asking professors during office hoursface to face.

43.Describe an enjoyable event in your childhood

I will introduce one of the schools I have attended. That is theNew Oriental School. The New Oriental was founded by Yu Minhongover ten years ago. The aim of the school is to help students gethigh score in the Tofle or GRE test which permit them to go abroadand take a further study more easily. The New Oriental is full ofpassion, it has a powerful faculty and subsidiary schoolsthroughout the country. Frankly speaking, It helps me a lotreally.

45.学校应不应该在普通课程中加入Sport courses?
I bet no one could deny that the main responsibility of a highschool is to help its students develop various abilities not onlythe academic abilities. And being healthy is the prerequisite forstudents to achieve their goals. So attending sports courses intothe university’s education program is very important. Besides,doing sports is a good way to relax after a hard day’s work withlab research or papers for students. That will help increase theefficiency of their study definitely.

46.What do you miss most when you are away from home?
It is my parents whom I miss most when I am away from home, forexample, I usually lodging in the university. I miss the food myparents cook for me, and I miss their laugh. In the university, Ihave to handle problems by my own efforts, by my own decision atmost of the time, it definitely improves my independent ability.What the most important of all, to be frank, I deeply understandtheir pain about life. Thus, I miss them a lot.

I definitely agree that one should observe the situation beforehelping others when there is a danger. Firstly, you must keep aclear mind if you are able to help solving the emergency, otherwiseyou may do nothing but even put yourself in danger. For example, ifthe rescue needs more people or other tools, you should stop andthink about where to get them. In addition, some imprudent actionsmay deteriorate the situation. If you move a patient with heartattacking frequently, it can even cause death. So I think oneshould observe before helping others.

48.Describe a special opportunity given to you.
There is a special opportunity that I have received still means alot to me. I still could not forget that is a class assignment, theteacher required us to work together. My roommates were consistentto recommend me as a team leader in this assignment. I was reallysurprised by that. To be a leader is a precious challenge for me toimprove my own various abilities. Definitely, under our efforts, weaccomplished assignment successful.

48.good leader应有哪些qualities?–20

50.同不同意People should always tell the truth.
I definitely agree to the statement that people should always tellthe truth. This is in part because tell the truth is a basicquality to a good man. Another reason is that what I dream is to bea teacher as my future career. The basic quality of the teacher isto tell the truth on knowledge. A teacher should set a good exampleto not only students but also this society. It is problematic for ateacher who is not tells the truth to raise a student who has asound mentality.

51.Describe an object which is very important to you.–1
My professional book marketing

52.Do you agree that we can judge a person by the appearance at thefirst glance?
I don’t agree with the statement that one can judge a person simplyby the appearance at the first glance. However, a first impressionis very important. For example, if you would like to employ aposition at a company, the interviewers would judge you by theappearance at the first glance, cuz they do not have a plenty oftime to understand you. In the contrary, there is saying goes Timewill tell a person’s real character, so only judge a person fromone side is problematic.

53.如果有机会你会选择job or career?—33

54.若果有一大笔钱,你会做practice thing or happy thing?
If I have a large amount of money I will use them doing somepractice things, like setting up a charity for the poor who dreamedof attending schools. Well, There is a Harvard’s saying goes enterto grow in wisdom, depart to serve better thy country and thy kind.The saying always reminds me to do something constructive andbeneficial to the ordinary people and help them to realize theirdream of education. I bet no one can deny that getting education isa legal right for everyone.

As far as I am concerned, the first thing students should do duringthe vacation is to have a good rest. Like watching TV, playingbasketball and do on. If the students relaxed well, they can bemore efficient in the next term and get better scores in the finalexam. The second thing is to recharge themselves by variousknowledge or attend some practice activities in order to improvetheir various abilities and rich their inner qualities.

56.描述一件童年很happy的event,然后explain why it is memorable

57.Communicate with your family and friends by letter and e-mail orby telephone?
I definitely prefer to communicate with my family and friends bytelephone among the three based on the following reasons. Firstly,using telephone can express my feeling directly and receive theirfeedback immediately. As you know, it costs time to wait theirreply by letter and e-mail. Secondly, it is very convenient for meby telephone. Cuz wherever I am, my phone always with me. but youneed a paper and pen by letter and a computer by e-mail. Sotelephone is my best choice among the three.

58.Favorite time of a year

59.Have a relaxed and unhurried life, yes or no?
I definitely agree to the statement that one should have a relaxedand unhurried life. Even though we must work hard in order to makeour dreams come true, it is not a good idea to be exhausted everyday. Cuz firstly We Chinese have an old saying, only the person whoknow how to relax well can work efficiency. A good rest willdefinitely increase one’s efficiency when he/she is back to work.secondly, the purpose of life is to live happy not to liveunhappy.

60.Favorite room
My favorite room in my house is my study room. There are variousbooks in my study room, such as fashion magazines, inspirationalbooks and so on. Also there is a computer in my study room. Thereasons why it is my favorite room is because in my spare time Iusually like to surf the internet to pay close attention to newfashion trade or find some valuable books to recharge myself. Thesebooks can make me healthier and energetic.

in my opinion, I prefer to go straightly to my destination. Thereason I would like to talk about is that, I think it will be awaste of time if you see here and there on the road of yourjourney. If we go directly to our aim area, we can quickly changeto another one. Secondly, going straight to our destination cansave money for us. If we wander around on the road, it woulddefinitely costs mare money, ant thus we could not afford suchlarge amount of expense.

62.当你去restaurant或cafe得时候最care about的features有那些
The feature I care most about a restaurant or café is its location.The location of it should be in a place which has several buses,subway lines and sufficient parking space at least. So I can getthere very convenient. What’s more, the location of it should benot too noisy, in that case, we will have a quiet surrounding toenjoy our meals. Then my friends and I can have a pleasant feelingto communicate with each other.

63.城市建设中应该保持old building呢还是应该用new building replace oldbuilding
I think old buildings should be protected and maintained for thefollowing reasons. Firstly, these old buildings symbolize the spritof china and preserve history of China for us.Take Beijing forexample, which is one of the most ancient cities in China. Andthere are many world-renowned historical relics in Beijing such asthe Great Wall, Summer Palace, Forbidden city and so on. Secondly,They are the most attractive factors for tourists throughout theworld come to visit. It must a big support to boost economy.Therefore, we should try to bring the funding into the budget to dowhatever is necessary.

64 Get advice from family and friends or learning through personalexperience
In my opinion, I would definitely prefer to take advices from myfamily and friends rather than listen to myself. Because As myfriends for example, my classmates, all have similar experiencewith me, they would give me an efficient advice and guide me toavoid some horrible circumstance they have faced. These would bemuch better than try everything myself according to my ownexperience. As for my parents, they are the most intimate personsin my life, so sometimes they know me even better than myself, andthen efficient advices are come to effect.

65.Do you agree or disagree: Students should wear uniform. inschool?
I definitely agree to the statement that students should wearuniform in school.
Firstly, the neat and tidy school uniform can provide an unifiedimage of the school. And if the students have some activitiesoutside school like taking a picnic for instance, uniform allowsthe teacher to recognize his/her students much easier. Secondly,the primate responsibility for students is to learn well, if thestudents concern more about clothing, they would have less time tostudy.

66.你选择online courses还是traditional courses
In my opinion, I prefer traditional courses better for thefollowing reasons.
Firstly, attending traditional courses means we have teachers tointeract and classmates to discuss or cooperate with. It will makeyour studying more interesting and efficient. Secondly, you wouldget a better understanding on questions if a teacher can explainthe question for you face to face. In a word, traditional coursesare better than online courses.

67.Subject which will lead to better job or subject which you areinterested.


69.Describe a letter or poem or …that is important to you
There is a letter which plays a significant role in my life. It isthe letter written by my parents in my 18 birthday. Firstly, I wastouched by their love expressed in the letter. I deeply understandtheir painstaking efforts from that letter. What’s more, theytaught me to be a responsible person in that letter. Theydefinitely set a good example for me in my life. I will neverforget that letter, which let me feel grow up 1 minute.

I prefer to live near the forest best among the three. Firstly,forests have various sorts of trees and animals. I am very curiousabout these special trees and animals. so I would like to live nearthe forest. Secondly, green is my favorite color, I enjoy it verymuch, especially after a hard day’s work. the green can let mefully relax myself. Personally speaking, forest is a best place forme to live and relax.

I still remember there was an assignment which required us to dosome interview in the street. As you know, it is a hard work for astranger to assist you. In order to gain stranger’s trust, firstly,I told them my purpose of the interview sincerely, and then gavethem a gift to thanks them for a cooperation. Finally, most of themwere willing to assist us. Well, this assignment definitelyimproves my various abilities such as communication and so on.

72.赚钱的工作还是personal satisfaction高的工作
Personally speaking, I would like to choose a job which can provideme a high personal satisfaction. Firstly, success for me is a kindof process rather than a result such as a plenty of money. Moneyand reputation are incidental results to my success. So a highpersonal satisfaction can let me enjoy this process. Secondly, ahigh personal satisfaction can give me lots of passion to continuemy job. In other words, passion and satisfaction of a job aredynamic to my career not money.

73.学生在工作之前应该做part-time job或者summer intern来确定自己是否合适那份工作,同意否?
In my opinion, every student should do a part-time job or apply fora summer intern before graduate. Firstly, During the intern, we canlearn a lot of things much more practical than what we learn inschool. For example, a student of finance will put in many effortsin math while studying in school, but during the intern he/she willfind the math formulas could do little help. Besides, we can checkif we are really fit for the job we dreamed. Take me for instance,I dreamed to be a sales clerk in the supermarket when I was still achild. But when I really work as a sales cleark as my summer internI found the work was tedious and tired.

The skill I want to learn most is cooking as the following reasons.Firstly, I’m going to study abroad, so cooking is very necessaryfor me when i live alone. As we all know that it is very costly forme to eat out always. So cooking is a economical way. Secondly, ifI could cook well, I would cook for my foreign friends. Let themknow the culture of cooking in my country. Besides these, I can dosome part time jobs to earn my pocket money.

I tend to agree that students having a one-year break beforeentering college. First of all, a long-term break will bebeneficial for students both physically and mentally cuz many yearsof study and exams before college really cost energy, aftergraduating from high school,. Students can use the break to enjoylife and decide their future development. In addition, it’s also agood chance for poor students to use the break to earn a certaintuition for their college study. It must be a good chance toimprove students’ various abilities.

76.some good news and why(自己写)
I’ll tell you a good news of myself. I have just received an offerwhich tells me that I was accepted to be a student of master ofluxury and fashion management in France. It is my dream major whichI want to learn. I definitely made a great effort to realize thisdream. What’s more, the reasons why this major means a lot to me isbecause luxury profession talents are very essential to thedevelopment of Chinese local luxury industries. So I really wannacontribute my efforts to Chinese local luxury industries.

In my opinion, it is better for freshmen living in the samedormitory with students from senior grades. Firstly Living togetheroffers the students from different grades to communicate moreoften. This is especially helpful for freshmen. If the freshmenhave any problem about study, they could simple go upstairs ordownstairs asking for help from their predecessor. Secondly, it isvery convenient for students to make more friends from differentgrades. It can enlarge their personal relationship.

78.同意或不同意students will learn more when they have discussions
I will definitely agree to the statement that students will learnmore when they have discussion. Cuz firstly, we can discuss witheach other, with the purpose of expand our scope of knowledge. Ofcourse, the process of cooperation and discussions could developour sense of team spirit and communication ability. Secondly,through the discussions, you can know others’ problems on subjects,these would avoid you the same problems they have faced.

79.Do you agree or disagree: ”The most important lesson can’t belearned in class.”
I agree to the statement that the most important lesson cannot belearned in class. The lesson we have learn in class is some basicknowledge and basic academic skills. What we learn in the societyis much more practical and important as well. For example, you willnever learn how to deal with the relationship among co-workers inclassroom, but it is crucial to manage this kind of relationship ifyou want to survive in the fierce competition in a company. Andthis kind of skill could only be taught in the society.

80.Should the university education be free?
I don’t agree with the statement about university education forfree. First of all, although it is a right for every student whoneeds education to enter into universities no matter he/she is richor poor but free education can cause tension on teaching resourcesand available facilities. Without any charge of tuition for collegestudents, universities will suffer a great budget and resourcespressure. So under this circumstance, an essential measure shouldbe taken by government such as intensify education funding to meetthe demand of universities. Therefore I don’t think it’s wise tomake university education for free but it is accessible foruniversity to cut tuition.

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