据霍尔弗罗斯特介绍,这次访华活动的高潮是参加在人民大会堂举行的活动。她与习近平副主席、美国前总统吉米·卡特及夫人罗莎琳(Jimmyand RosalynnCarter)握了手,感到非常激动。代表团在访问杭州时,在浙江大学参加了友谊赛,并参观了花港公园。1972年尼克松总统曾在这里种植了一颗红杉树。美国乒乓球代表团还前往上海和常熟访问。13December 2011 A U.S. delegation of table tennis players is touringChina for the 40th anniversary of pingpong diplomacy, and veteran1971 player Judy Hoarfrost sends a report.
图为2008年中国乒乓球选手访美期间,霍尔弗罗斯特陪同参观加州的理查德·尼克松总统图书馆(Richard NixonPresidential Library)。
Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/chinese/inbrief/2011/12/20111214143546x0.1776806.html#ixzz1gaTCnMZH
Chinese Welcome U.S. Table Tennis Players
13 December 2011A U.S. delegation of table tennis players is touring China forthe 40th anniversary of pingpong diplomacy, and veteran 1971 playerJudy Hoarfrost sends a report.
Judy Bochenski Hoarfrost is part of a U.S. delegation travelingin China for the 40th anniversary of “pingpong diplomacy” — thebreakthrough in U.S.-China relations launched by China’s invitationto the U.S. table tennis team in 1971. Hoarfrost was a member ofthat U.S. team. Now visiting China December 7–15 with thedelegation, she observed in an email: “It is obvious the importancethe Chinese government places on the legacy of pingpongdiplomacy.”
During the Beijing leg of the current trip, according toHoarfrost, “the highlight was our visit to the Great Hall of thePeople, and I was thrilled to shake hands with ChineseVice-President Xi Jinping and [former U.S. president] Jimmy andRosalynn Carter.” In Hangzhou the delegation played friendshipmatches at Zhejiang University and visited Huangang Park, wherethen-President Richard Nixon planted a redwood tree in 1972.
Shanghai and Changshu were the next stops in the tour. “We’rehaving an awesome time in China,” said Hoarfrost.
Above, Hoarfrost is shown at the Richard Nixon PresidentialLibrary in California in 2008 during the visit of Chinese tabletennis players.
See Pingpong Diplomacy: Celebrating 40 Years.
Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/inbrief/2011/12/20111213111402esiuol0.7985651.html#ixzz1gaTFJOu6