Reteat,Party,Reception,Banquet的关系、区别 beggars banquet

Reteat,Party,Reception,Banquet的关系、区别 beggars banquet
Q: I've heard people using the word"retreat" many times, but what is a "retreat"? I mean what is thedifference between "retreat" and "party", "banquet", "reception"?Is there anything special? I merriam-webstered this word, and Ithink we should use the following item:
"a period of group withdrawal forprayer, meditation, study,orinstruction under a director," and specifically"study" here will be suitable?----------------------------------------------Native与Non-native的分界线。。----------------------------------------------A:Retreat has a different connotation than party, banquet,reception that is subtle and not necessarily explained indictionaries.
A retreat is often for a group of people to get to know eachother, typically they will be working together and theymay even begin to do some brainstorming at theretreat. It is intended to isolate the group andhave them make a closer connection (I think this is where thismeaning is similar to the other meanings of retreat). Typically forlarger organizations, and lasts longer than a typical party.
A party has a much wider meaning, and theother 3 words may all be considered types of parties.A party is typically >5 people gathered forthe purpose of celebrating or having fun.
Banquet is typically at the end of something- maybe a large organization will have a banquet at the end of theyear to recognize certain members and also mark the end of a year'sactivities. Banquets may be more formal andtypically involve a seated dinner.
Receptions immediately follow a big event, often a wedding.The intention is to immediately celebrate the event that has justhappened.
And not being annoying at all - often I don't think about howweird english is until I have to (try to) explain it.


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