合同翻译之“不可抗力”条款 买卖合同不可抗力条款
1 不可抗力是什么(不可抗力的定义、不可抗力包括哪些内容以及不包括哪些内容);
3 不可抗力持续时怎么办(协商解决方案、撤销或终止合同);
1 不可抗力(Force Majeure)或不可抗力事件(Events of Force Majeure)是什么:
Force Majeure as used herein means objective circumstances whichcannot be foreseen, avoided orovercome.(本法所称不可抗力是指不能预见、不能避免并不能克服的客观情况。)
Force majeure shall refer to war, flood, fire, typhoon, earthquakeand other accidents that both parties mutually agree as forcemajeure. (不可抗力指战争、洪水、火灾、台风、地震和其他双方共同认可的事件。)
Events of Force Majeure shall include but not be limited tohostilities (whether war be declared or not), riot, explosion, fireexplosion, flood, earthquake, typhoon, other acts of nature, labordisputes involving complete or partial stoppage of work, acts,omissions or regulations of any government or compliance with anygovernment request.【不可抗力事件包括但不限于敌对状态(无论宣战与否)、暴动、爆炸、火灾、洪水、地震、台风、其他自然灾害、涉及全面或部分停工的劳资纠纷、政府作为、不作为或法规及遵守政府要求之行为。】ForceMajeure, including acts of governments, acts of nature, fire,explosion, typhoon, flood, earthquake, tide, lightning and war,means any event that is beyond the party's reasonable control andcannot be prevented with reasonable care. However, any shortage ofcredit, capital or finance shall not be regarded as an event ofForceMajeure. (不可抗力指当事人无法合理控制和无法合理预防的任何事件,包括政府行为、自然灾害、火灾、爆炸、台风、洪水、地震、海潮、雷电和战争等。但任何信贷、资金或财务短缺不得视为不可抗力事件。)
The party affected by Force Majeure shall notify the other partywithout delay.(受不可抗力影响的一方应立即通知另一方。)
In case of force majeure, the affected party shall notify by telexor cable the other party oftheaccidentas soon as possible and send by registered air-mail to the otherparty the evidence issued bythelocalgovernment within 14 days from the accident. (如果发生不可抗力,受影响的一方应通过电传或电报尽快通知另一方该事件并在该事件发生后14天内以航空挂号信方式寄送当地政府出具的该事件的有关证明。)
Eitherparty that is unable to fulfillthecontract due to force Majeure shall notify theother party in time in order to reduce losses possiblyinflictedto the other party, and shall provide evidencethereof within a reasonable period oftime.(当事人一方因不可抗力不能履行合同的,应当及时通知对方,以减轻可能给对方造成的损失,并应当在合理期限内提供证明。)
The Party which suffers the Events of Force Majeure shall notifythe other Parties without delay by electronic mail, cable, telex ortelefax and within fifteen (15) days thereafter provide detailedinformation on the Events of Force Majeure and provide as evidencea valid document issued by a competent organization in the countryconcerned to certify in sufficient detail the reasons for itsinability to perform or for its delay in performing all or part ofits obligations under this Contract or its annexes.(遭受不可抗力事件的一方应立即通过电子邮件、电报、电传或传真通知其他各方,并在之后十五(15)天内提供有关不可抗力事件的详细信息,并提供相关国家/地区主管部门出具的有效文件,用以充分证实其无法履行本合同及其附件规定的全部或部分义务的原因。)However insuch a case, the Seller shall immediatelyadviseby cable or telex the Buyer of the accidentand airmail to the Buyer within 15 days after the accident,acertificate of the accident issued by thecompetent government authority or the chamber ofcommercewhich is located at the place where theaccident occurs as evidence thereof.(然而,在该情况下,卖方应立即以电报或电传的方式通知买方该不可抗力事件,并在该事件发生15天内以航空邮件方式送达由该事件发生的当地有权政府部门或商会出具的该事件的证明书以资证明。)
Neither the Seller or the Buyer shall be held responsible for latedelivery or non-delivery owingtogenerally recognized "Force Majeure"causes.(因公认的不可抗力事件致使迟延交付或交付不能,无论买方还是卖方概不承担责任。)
A party is not liable for a failure to perform any ofhisobligations if he proves that the failure wasdue to an impediment beyond his control and that he couldnotreasonably be expected to have taken theimpediment into account at the time of the conclusion ofthecontract or to have avoided or overcome it oritsconsequences.(如果当事人一方能证明,其不履行合同义务是由于某种非他所能控制的障碍,而且对于这种障碍,在订立合同时无法合理预期能考虑到或能避免或克服它或它的后果,则该当事人不负责任。)
In the event that the affected party is delayed in or preventedfrom performing its obligations under this Agreement by ForceMajeure, only within the scope of such delay or prevention, theaffected party will not be responsible for any damage by reason ofsuch a failure or delay of performance.(受不可抗力影响而迟延履行或因受阻而未能履行其本协议项下义务的一方可在此种迟延或受阻的范围内,对任何因此种迟延履行或不履行而引起的损害免于承担责任。)
Neither ABC nor COMPANY shall beliable for delays in performing or any failure to perform any ofthe terms of this Agreement caused by the effects of fire, strike,war (declared or undeclared), insurrection, government restrictionor prohibition, force majeure or other causes reasonably beyond itscontrol and without its fault ...【若本协议任何一方当事人由于火灾、罢工、战争(无论是否经过宣战)、暴动,政府管制或禁止、不可抗力或其它无法合理控制并且自身没有过错的情况,而无法履行或迟延履行本协议的任何条款,则该方对此不承担责任……】Neither Party shall be liable for any damage,increased cost or loss which the other Party may sustain by reasonof delay or failure in the performance of obligations under thisContract or the annexes hereof, if the prevention from performingits obligations is caused by an event unforeseen at the time ofconclusion of this Contract and whose occurrence or consequencesthe Parties can neither avoid nor overcome by reasonablemeans.(如果因本合同订立之时不可预见且各方无法通过合理手段避免或克服其发生或后果的事件导致本合同的义务无法履行,任何一方不应对另一方因其不能履行或延迟履行本合同及其附件规定的义务而遭受的损害、增加的费用或损失负责。该等不能履行或延迟履行不应视为违约。)If a contractcannot be fulfilled due to force Majeure, the obligations may beexempted in whole or inpartdepending on the impact of the force Majeure, unless laws provideotherwise. If the force Majeureoccurs aftera delayed fulfillment, the obligations of the party concerned maynot be exempted.(因不可抗力不能履行合同的,根据不可抗力的影响,部分或者全部免除责任,但法律另有规定的除外。当事人迟延履行后发生不可抗力的,不能免除责任。)
3)寻求对策和降低影响(Mitigation of Effects)
...but the party failing to perform shall useall reasonable efforts to resume performance of this Agreement assoon as feasible.(……但是,遭遇前述事件的一方应当采取所有合理措施在可行的情况下尽快恢复履行本协议。)
The affected party shall take appropriate means to minimize orremove the effects of Force Majeure and attempt to resumeperformance of the obligations delayed or prevented by the event ofForce Majeure.(受不可抗力影响的一方应采取适当措施尽力降低或根除不可抗力事件的影响,并应努力恢复履行被迟延或因受阻而未能履行的义务。)
Without prejudice toArticleX of this Contract, according to theextents of the Force Majeure on the performance of this Contract,the Parties shall figure out a solution to the above-mentionedsituation through consultation.(在不影响本合同第X条的情况下,根据不可抗力对本合同履行的影响程度,各方应通过协商寻求解决上述情况的办法。)
The Party which is relieved of theconsequences of any delay or failure by this Article shall take allreasonable steps to minimize or remove the effects of such delay orfailure as soon as possible after the occurrence of the causethereof and attempt to resume performance of the obligationsdelayed or prevented by the Events of Force Majeure.(根据本条不对延迟履行或不能履行后果负责的一方,应在其原因发生后采取一切合理措施尽量降低或消除该等延迟履行或无法履行所造成的影响,并努力恢复履行因不可抗力事件而延迟履行或不能履行的义务。)
3 不可抗力持续时怎么办(Extended Force Majeure):
If the implementation is affected by force majeure and the accidentlasts for more than 20 days,bothpartiesshall hold friendly discussions as soon as possible with regard tothe further implementation ofthecontract.(如因不可抗力合同履行遭受影响且该不可抗力事件持续超过20天,则双方应就合同的进一步履行进行友好协商。)
If the said "Force Majeure"cause lasts over 60 days, the Buyer shall havethe right to cancel the whole or the undelivered part oftheorderfor the goods as stipulated in Contract.(如果上述不可抗力事件持续超过60天,则买方应有权撤销整个合同或本合同规定货物定单未交付部分。)
Any episode of force majeure whichcontinues for forty-five (45) days from the date of notification ofits existence shall give the non-affected party the right toterminate this agreement upon fifteen (15) days additional writtennotice.(若前述不可抗力事件自通知存在之日起延续四十五(45)日,则非遭遇该事件的一方有权终止本协议,但是应当提前十五(15)日通知对方当事人。)
4 不可抗力消除后怎么办:
After the event of Force Majeure is removed, both partiesagree to resume performance of this Agreement with their bestefforts.(在不可抗力事件消除后,双方应同意尽其最大努力恢复本协议的履行。)

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