1: alphachannel
in PS: 64x64, white bg,ctrl+I(inverse), add a new channel[default]-select the new alphachannel & draw, load channel as selection, in Layerdouble click and delete.save as TGA with 32bit alphachannel.in Houdini: VEX layeredsurface-texture map[$HIP/bg..], texture tints:diff+alpha. (diffuse=color)
Houdini + MAYA1: Export OBJ file afterModeling.
maya: window - setting - plugin - obj[loaded], thenfile - export selection. Houdini: file反之houdini: convertmetal,变成OBJ从而可导入MAYA2: Export FBX file after everysetting.... Houdini:file
Houdini + TDMost part of them share the same settings. Maya[export obj] - Houdini [file - save geometry- *.bgeo] - TD [importbgeo]Houdini + Premiere1: after renderingHoudini: 1-240, $F.tga,resolution400X300Premiere: pal_48,advanced: 400X300, squal pixels.Export: mov - sorrson 3, 400X300, squal pixel,limit: 1000, quality 80%, recomprese cancel.[optional, not precise]Examples:1: Dice.2: www.kennethahuff.com.3: www.floydgillis.com.GettingStart:ALT+LMB=set keyframe. G=to centre. L=lineup connections.Objects (OBJ) – networks of objects (geometry,light, camera,etc).
Geometry (SOP) – networks to construct a geometry’s shape.
Particle (POP) – networks for particle effect.
Compositing (COP2) –networks for 2D compositing.
Dynamic (DOP) – networks for dynamic effect.
Channel (CHOP) – networks for channel’s operation. “Channel”,controls how a value changes over time.
Shaders (SHOP) – networks for creating different shaders.
Output (ROP) –networks for specifying the rendering settings.
VEX Builder (VOP) – networks for the Houdini scripting languagecalled “VEX”.
Categorization:stamp(a, b, c)|| stamp("/obj/geo1/copy1","name",0)图章化数据, 控制复制品的属性,一般用copy/lsystem搭配.
a is the name of the copyOP; copy1 copy2 ..
b is the variable 1-50name; turnONstamp inputs.
c is the default value. 0 1
pic( a, x, y, d )|| pic("/img/comp1/null1",$TX,$TY,D_CR)获取图像像素的数据,进入3d调整
a is the name of OP in the Image Network;
x and y specify the location of the pixel (in the range[0-1]);$TX $TY $TZ $BBX$BBY
d: D_CR, D_CG, D_CB, D_CA, D_CHUE,D_CSAT, D_CVAL,D_CLUMfor the red, green, blue, alpha,hue, saturation, value, or luminance of thepixel.
chopcf( a, b, c )|| chopcf("/ch/ch1/null1",0,$F)传送chop类数据,控制参数
a is the name of OP in CHOP;
b is the channel number; 0 | 1
c is the frame number. $F$F-$PT
rand(??): 0-1之间的数字, random value. 估计可以有rand($PT), rand($F), rand(==).copy/stamp/value/ rand($PT)|| rand($PT+0.2657)*0.8-0.4将数据控制在-0.4~0.4之内noise(a, b,c):和rand比较接近,rand相比而言无规律,noise有较平滑
Turb(x, 0, 0, 1..): 和noise比较接近,用4th来控制平滑度,数值越小越接近noise,越大越接近rand.
fit(): re-scale therange of the returned value.ex: (noise($TX, $TZ,0)+1)*2.5 = fit(noise($TX, $TZ, 0), -1, 1, 0, 5), 将-1~1变成0~5.
clanp():截去范围外的数值.ex: clamp(noise($TX, $TZ,0), -0.2,0.4)
sin/cos: 0~1,请回忆初中数学曲线。 external: abs(sin(x)).
技术打包: !!!!
$PT: 每点对应的编号,1-无穷大. points. copy/stamp/value/ $PT
$ID: 每点对应的编号, 并且这个编号从出生到消失都不变,而$PT会变化.
$F: current framenumber. $F$F-$PT
$FF:floating-point frame number. xform/rotate/x/ sin($FF*5)*360.1.0frame$FF感觉比$F更精确,像1.0frame.
$NFRAMES: numbers of total frames.总桢数$T:current time.seconds.
$NCY(in COPY): numberof copies, 平均分配中使用, copy/rotate/x/ 360.0/$NCY,$CY: copy, $CY*72NCY比CY的优势是在做copy的时候会自动计算有多少个copy得出多少角度,CY不会有
$TX, $TY,$TZ:点与坐标原点之间的XYZ距离
$VX, $VY,$VZ:每个点在XYZ方向上的初始速度. particle中用到.$CX, $CY, $CZ:centre?$SX, $SY:scale?$CR, $CG,$CB: 图像中含有的红绿蓝颜色,$CR+$CG+$CB<0.01可以用来大致表示黑色部分[0黑1白,<0.01即接近纯黑]
$NX, $NY, $NZ:default Normal
$BBX: 0~1, X方向方盒内的范围
$BBY: 0~1,X方向方盒内的范围
$BBZ: 0~1,X方向方盒内的范围
$LIFE: 0~1,粒子生命
($FF >100)&&($FF <1000):在用0/1分别表示关/开的地方,可以用表达式来控制开关, 正确即为1, 错误即为0.解释:在不确定一个物件能否加一个参数控制之前, 可以选中物件, 点?来查看是否有相对应的参数,再用MMB检查是否已经带有此参数,无的话用对应物件来增加此参数.
Img: 2d. file倒入,有blur, brightness, contrast, invert负片, null作文件名,
pitch: 将声音按频率分成几个通道,
math: re-scale thevalue coming from pitch.
area: 计算声音图形下的面积范围.
Obj: 物体,point生成点, group编组,
grid: 1*1会没有,如果要做成只有一个方块版则参数为2*2.
copy: 打开stampinputs运用stamp功能, stamp位置在copy的左上方. 如果要让右方属性传递打开use template pointattributes, 注意transform cumulative如打开复制品将会按照设定的距离旋转进行排列,如果关闭就是指本身进行的transform. 注意rot, tran, sca的顺序.
transform: xform,进行rotate, scale, translate.
color: randomcolor.
sort:选择random可以打乱点的原本顺序, 用在particle前. grid1-sort1-particle1.

merge: 为+,或者让两物体同时显示.
creep:将左边之物体按右边物体形状缠绕, 物理镜像.
particle (也可见popnetwork): 和maya粒子效果差不多, 设定birth lifeturbulence force.1st inlet: 产生粒子之物体. 2ndinlet: collision. 3rd inlet: force.mass/drag重力/阻力.
switch: 选择显示物, 可以setkey frame.
primitive: 控制一般物体,注意会细化到1的单位. 打开do transformation可以承担transform之功能.
point: 可加点,并设定初始速度.
metaball:+magnet周围产生各种磁场,使进入之物体变形. +force周围产生force. (metaball+force =point, 注意point-force-add radius及radial force)
rop output driver:输出临时[using File to load]或最终文件, renderframe range, output file, then Render.
source: 选择来源. Force: 给来源force.drag: 接近particle, 重力阻力. collision:碰撞. attractor: 引力产生.
1: 学好龟图,看完教程cd1/2.
2: J K M结合lsystem,补充1:null2:metaball3:trail +polywire4:rigid bodydynamic5:virtualcrowd