英文合同一般性条款的基本要求 劳动合同基本条款





CONDITIONS PRECEDENT如有必要,根据交易具体情况设定相应先决条件


TERM 合同期限











This MasterMarketing Services Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into asof [MONTH DAY, YEAR] (the “Effective Date”) by andbetween: aDelaware corporation with a principal place of business at(“VENDOR”)


RESEARCHIN MOTION LIMITED, a company incorporated in the Province ofOntario and having its principal place of business at 295 PhillipStreet, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3W8 (“RIM”)


本销售服务主协议(下称:协议)由一家主营业地位于特拉华州(美国译注的公司(下称:供方)与位于安大略省(加拿大译注),主营业地在295 Phillip Street, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L3W8(下称:需方)于(年 月 日)签订的,鉴于:

A. RIM isa leading distributor and marketer of innovative wireless solutionsfor the worldwide marketplace;





C. RIM andVENDOR (each a “Party” and collectively the “Parties”) wish toenter into an

add background information ifappropriate视交易具体情况决定是否应介绍合同背景

After friendlyconsultations conducted in accordance with the principles ofequality and mutual benefit, the Parties have agreed to [describesubject matter of the Contract] in accordance with Applicable lawsand the provisions of this Contract.


independentcontractor arrangement whereby VENDOR shall perform certainServices (as defined herein) on the terms and conditions set forthin this Agreement.

NOWTHEREFORE in consideration of the mutual promises and covenantsherein contained, the Parties hereby covenant and agree asfollows:


Now theParties Hereby Agree as follows:双方现协议如下:

二、关于Definitions 定义

Unless the termsor context of this contract otherwise provide, all term used inthis Contract shall have the meanings set out asfollows.


Unless the terms or context of this Contract otherwise provide, thefollowing terms shall have the meanings set out below:


“Affiliate” means any entity which, directly orindirectly, is controlled by , under common control with, or incontrol of, a Party; the term “control” being used in the sense ofpower to elect or appoint a majority of directors or to direct themanagement of a company.


“Applicable Laws” mean the laws, regulations,rules, and legislative, executive or judicial notices, orders,decisions or other documents binding on either Party or the subjectmatter of this Contract.


“Business Day” means, in respect of Party A and anyaction to be taken by Party B in the PRC, any day on which thecompanies in the PRC are generally open for business in the PRC,including a Saturday or Sunday which the PRC government temporarilydeclares to be a working day (“Working Rest Day”), but excluding astatutory holiday, or a Saturday or Sunday other than a WorkingRest Day; in respect of any action to be taken by Party B in [PartyB Home Country], any day on which the companies in [Party B HomeCountry] are generally open for business in [Party B HomeCountry].


“China” and “PRC” mean the People’s Republic ofChina, [but for purposes of this Contract do not include thespecial administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau and theregion of Taiwan]


“Confidential Information” means any business,marketing, technical, scientific or other information disclosed byany Party which, at the time of disclosure, is designated asconfidential (or like designation), is disclosed in circumstancesof confidence, or would be undertstood by the Parties, exercisingreasonable business judgement, to be confidential.


“Effective Date” means the [date of this Contractfirst shown above][the date on which each of the conditionsprecedent in Article ,have been satisfied or waived in accordance with the termsthereof].

“Expiration Date” meansthe day on which the initial Term or any extended Term expires inaccordance with the provisions of Articles.1 and.2.

“生效日”指本合同首部所载之日[,或者第 条(先决条件)中所设定的先决条件根据该条有关规定成就或被放弃之日]。

“Intellectual Property Right” or “IPR” means anyand all rights in any invention, disvcovery, improvement, utility,model, copyrightable work, industrial design or mask work,algorithm, data structure, trade secrets or know-how, ConfidentialInformation, or any idea having commercial value. IPR shall includeany trademark, trade dress, trade name, domain name, or other marksthat serve to indetify and distinguish goods or services as comingfrom, or falling under the control of, a single source. IPR shall include allrights of whatsoever nature in computer software and data, allintangible rights or privileges of a nature similar to any of theforegoing in every case in any part of te world and whether or notregistered, and all rights in any applications and grantedregistrations for any of the foregoing rights;


References to Schedules, Annexes, Articles and Sections arereferences to schedules, annexes, articles and sections of thisContract.


References in thisContract to laws, rules or regulations or to contracts, contractsor other documents, shall mean the same as amended from time, andreferences to government ministries, bureaux, departments,commissions, agencies, etc. shall include all successor entitiesthereto.


Inthis Contract, the masculine form includes the feminine form andthe singular form includes the plural form, and viceversa.


Headings are for convenience of reference only and shall not affectthe construction or interpretation of this Contract.




四、关于交易具体情况设定相应先决条件Conditions Precedent


五、关于陈述与担保 Representatins and Warranties

Add undertakings if appropriate


Each partyrepresents and warrants to the other Party that on the datehereof:


(a) it is [anindependent legal person] duly organized, validly existing and ingood standing under the laws of the place of itsestablishment;


(b) ithas full authority to enter into this Contract and to perform itsobligations hereunder;


(c) ithas authorized its representative to sign this Contract and fromand after the Effective Date the provisions of this Contract shallbe legally binding upon it;


(d) itsexecution of this Contract and its performance of its obligationshereunder(i)will not violate any provision of its business license,articles of incorporation, articles of association or similarorganizational documens; (ii) will not violate any Applicable Lawor any governmental authorization or approval; and (iii) will notviolate or result in a default under any contract to which it is aparty or to which it is subject;






(e) nolawsuit, arbitration or other legal or governmental proceeding ispending or, to its knowledge, threatened against it that wouldaffect its ability to perform its obligations under this Contract;and


(f) ithas disclosed to the other Party all documents issued by andgovernmental department that may have a material adverse effect onits ability to full perform its obligations under this Contract,and the documents previously provided by it to the other Party donot contain any misstatements or omissions of materialfacts.


consequences of lnaccuracy in Representations

if any ofthe above representations and warranties of a Party are notaccurate in all material respects on the date hereof, then suchParty shall be in breach of this Contract.



Subject to theprovisions of Article.2,the term of the Contract (“Term”) shall be two years, commencingon the Effective Date.



The Termshall expire automatically on the Expiration Date, unless extendedfor an additional term through a written contract signed by theauthorized representatives of the Parties at least [sixty (60)]days prior to the Expiration Date.



insert other conditions triggering termination asappropriate根据情况设定其他导致合同终止的条款

Either party mayterminate this Contract if the other party fails to fulfill orperform any of its obligations hereunder in the event that suchfailure remains unremedied sixty(60)days after the service of awritten notice by the party to the defaulting party specifying thefailure in question and requiring it to be remedied. Thetermination of this Contract shall not release either party formperformance any of its obligations due at the time of suchtermination.



(a) This Contract shallterminate upon the expiration of the Term unless extended pursuantto Article3 .2.


(b) This Contract may beterminated at any time prior to expiration of the Term by themutual written contract of the Parties.


(c) At any time prior tothe expiration of the Term, a Party (“Notifying Party ”) mayterminate this Contract through notice to the other Party inwriting if:


(i)The other Party materially breaches this contract,and such breach is not cured within the Cure Period grantedpursuant to Article 3(a) (Remedies for Breach of Contract);or

对方违反本合同项下某一主要义务,且未在通知方根据 3(a)条(违约救济)规定发出的书面违约通知中规定的补救期内对违约予以补救;

(ii) theother Party becomes bankrupt, or is the subject of proceedings forliquidation or dissolution, or ceases to carry on business orbecomes unable to pay its debts as they come due; or


(iii) the conditions orconsequences of Force Majeure (as hereinafter defined) which have amaterial adverse effect on the affected Party’s ability to performcontinue for a period in excess of six (6) months and the Partieshave been unable to find an equitable solution pursuant toArticle.2(c) (Consequences of Force Majeure) hereof; or

不可抗力(如下文所定义)事件或其影响持续超过六(6)个月,且双方无法按照第[ ]条(不可抗力的后果)的条款达成一项公正的解决方案;

(iv) a fundamentalprovision of this Contract (without which one or both of theParties would not have entered into the Contract) is declared orbecomes invalid under Applicable Law.


八、关于 Continuing Obligations 双方持续的义务

Theprovisions of Article(Termination), Article(Breach of contract) (but only with respect to claims arising priorto the termination hereof or with respect to other continuingobligations), Article (Confidentiality) andArticle(Settlement of Disputes) shall survive the termination of thiscontract.

以下各条的条款在本合同终止后继续有效:第[]条(合同终止),第[ ]条(违约)(但其效力仅限于本合同终止前发生的违约事件以及违反其他持续义务的情形),第[ ]条(保密义务),以及第[ ]条(争议的解决)。


The existence ofthis Contract, as well as its content, shall be held in confidenceby both Parties and only disclosed as may be agreed to by bothParties or as may be required to meet securities disclosure orexport permit requirements. Neither Party shall make publicstatements or issue publicity or media releases with regard to thisContract or the relationship between the Parties without the priorwritten approval of the other Party.


From time to time prior to and during the term of this Contracteither Party (“disclosing Party ”) has disclosed or may discloseConfidential Information to the other Party (“Receiving Party ”).The receiving Party shall, during the term of this Contract and fortwo years thereafter:


(a)maintain the confidentiality of ConfidentialInformation;


(b) notto use Confidential Information for any purpose other than thosespecifically set out in this Contract; and


(c) notdisclose any such Confidential Information to any person or entity,except to its employees or employees of its Affiliates,its agents,attorneys, accountants and other advisors who need to know suchinformation to perform their responsibilities and who have signedwritten confidentiality contracts containing terms at least asstringent as the terms provided in this Article.


The provisions ofArticle 11 above shall not apply to information that:


(a) canbe shown to be known by the receiving Party by written records madeprior to disclosure by the disclosing Party;


(b) isor becomes public knowledge otherwise than through the receivingParty’s breach of this Contract; or


(c) wasobtained by the receiving Party from a third party having noobligation of confidentiality with respect to suchinformation.


Each party shallformulate rules and regulations to inform its directors, seniorstaff, and other employees, and those of their Affiliates of theconfidentiality obligation set forth in this Articles .


Upon the expirationor termination of this Contract, [and in any event upon thedisclosing Party’s request at any time], the receiving Party shall(i) return to the other Party, or at the disclosing Party’sdirection destroy, all materials (including any copies thereof)embodying the other Party’s Confidential Information and (ii)certify in writing to the other Party, within ten days followingthe other Party’s request, that all of such materials have beenreturned or destroyed.


十、关于Breach of Contract违约责任与救济

1Remedies for Breach of Contract违约救济

Except as otherwiseprovided herein, if a Party (“breaching party”) fails to performany of its material obligations under this Contact, then the otherParty (“aggrieved party”) may at its option:


(a) givewritten notice to the breaching party describing the nature andscope of the breach and demand that the breaching party cure thebreach at its cost within a reasonable time specified in the notice(“Cure Period”); and


(b) ifthe breaching party fails to cure the breach within the Cureperiod, the aggrieved party may claim direct and foreseeabledamages arising from the breach.


2Limitation on Liability责任限制

Notwithstanding anyother provision of this Contract, neither Party shall be liable tothe other Party for damages for loss of revenues or profits, lossof goodwill or any indirect or consequential damages in connectionwith the performance or non-performance of this Contract .Theaggregate liability of a Party for all claims for any loss, damageor indemnity whatsoever resulting from such Party’s performance ornon-performance of this Contract shall in no caseexceedUnited States Dollars (US$) or the RMB equivalent thereof.

无论本合同其他条款有何规定,任何一方均不向对方承担因本合同的履行或不履行而造成的收入或利润丧失、商誉丧失或任何间接或附带性损失的赔偿责任。在任何情况下,一方因本合同的履行或不履行而造成的损失、损害或补偿索赔所承担的责任累计总额不得超过[ ]美元(US¥[ ])或等值的人民币。

十一、关于Force Majeure不可抗力

1Definition of Force Majeure不抗力的定义

“Force Majeure” shallmean all events which are beyond the control of the Parties to thisContract, and which are unforeseen, unavoidable or insurmountable,and which prevent total or partial performance by either of theParties.Such events shall include earthquakes, typhoons, flood ,fire, war,strikes, riots, acts of governments, changes in law or theapplication thereof or any other instances which cannot beforeseen, prevented or controlled, including instances which areaccepted as Force Majeure in general international commercialpractice.


2Consequences of Force Majeure不可抗力的后果

if an event of ForceMajeure occurs, a Party’s contractual obligations affected by suchan event under this Contract shall be suspended during the periodof delay caused by the Force Majeure and shall be automaticallyextended, without penalty, for a period equal to suchsuspension.


The Party claiming Force Majeure shall promptly inform the otherParties in writing and shall furnish within [fifteen (15)] daysthereafter sufficient proof of the occurrence and duration of suchForce Majeure. The Party claiming Force Majeure shall also use allreasonable endeavours to terminate the Force Majeure.


In the event of Force Majeure, the Parties shall immediatelyconsult with each other in order to find an equitable solution andshall use all reasonable endeavours to minimize the consequences ofsuch Force Majeure.


十二、关于Settlement of Disputes争议的解决

1Friendly consultations友好协商

In the event of anydispute, controversy or claim (collectively, “dispute”) arising outof or relating to this Contract, or the breach, termination orinvalidity hereof, the Parties shall attempt in the first instanceto resolve such dispute through friendly consultations.



If any dispute is notresolved by friendly consultations within [sixty (60)] days afterthe date such consultations were first requested by a Party, thenany Party may submit the dispute for arbitration in [Singapore]before the [Singapore International Arbitration Centre] inaccordance with its rules of arbitration procedure, supplemented bythe following:


(a)There shall be one (1) arbitrator appointed by the arbitrationbody.


(b) Thearbitration proceedings shall be conducted in the Englishlanguage.


(c) Thearbitration award shall be final and binding on the Parties, andthe Parties agree to be bound thereby and to actaccordingly.


(d) Allcosts of arbitration shall be borned by the Parties as determinedby the arbitration tribunal..


Continuing Rights andObligations持续的权利和义务

When any dispute occurs and is the subject offriendly consultations or arbitration, the Parties shall continueto exercise their remaining respective rights and fulfil theirremaining respective obligations under this Contract, except inrespect of those matters under dispute.


3Enforcement of Award裁决的执行

Judgment upon anyarbitral award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction overthe Party against which the award has been rendered, or applicationmay be made to any such court for judicial acceptance of the awardand an order of enforcement, as the case may be. In the event ofjudicial acceptance and an order of enforcement, each Partyexpressly waives all rights to object thereto, including anydefense of sovereign immunity and any other defense based on thefact or allegation that it is an agency or instrumentality of asovereign state.


4Injunctive Relief 申请禁制令的司法救济权利

Notwithstanding theforegoing, the Parties agree that each Party has the right to seekinjunctive or other similar relief in any court of competentjurisdiction in respect of any claims of breach of confidentialityor IPR infringement.


十三、关于Applicable Law适用法律

The validity, interpretation and implementation of this Contractshall be governed by the laws of [the People’s Republic ofChina][another jurisdiction] (without regard to its rules governingconflict of laws).


Unless otherwise stipulated in thiscontract, the terms and conditions of this contract shall beinterpreted in accordance with the “International Rules for theInterpretation of Trade Terms (INCOTERMS 2000)” provided byInternational Chamber of Commerce.


十四、关于Miscellaneous Provisions其他规定

Independent ContractorRelationship合同双方之间的独立关系

The parties areonly establishing an independent contractor relationship with eachother by entering into this Contract. Nothing in this Contractshall be construed or implied as:


(a)establishing between the Parties hereto any partnership or anyother form of relationship entailing joint liability;


(b)constituting either of the Parties hereto as the agent of the otherParty (except with the other Party’s prior written consent);or


(c)authorizing either Party to incur any expenses or any other form ofobligation on behalf of the other Party (except with the otherParty’s prior written consent).


Binding Effect合同拘束力的范围

This Contract ismade for the benefit of the Parties hereto and their respectivelawful successors and assignees and is legally binding onthem.



This Contractshall not be changed verbally, but only by a written instrumentsigned by the Parties.


Amendments to thisContract may be made only by a written instrument signed by a dulyauthorized representative of each of the parties and,unless priorapproval from the examination and approval authority is statutorilyrequired,such amendments shall become effective upon the signing bythe duly authorized representatives of the parties.


No Solicitation禁止招揽对方雇员

Neither Party shalldirectly solicit for employment the other Party’s personnel who areengaged in the performance of this Contract, during the Term ofthis Contract and within one (1) year after the Expiration Date,without the prior written consent of the other Party.



Any notice orwritten communication provided for in this Contract by either Partyto the other, including but not limited to any and all offers,writings, or notices to be given hereunder, shall be made in[language] by courier service delivered letter or by facsimile [orelectronic mail] and confirmed by courier service delivered letter,promptly transmitted or addressed to the appropriate Party. Thedate of receipt of a notice or communication hereunder shall be thedate of delivery confirmed by the courier service in the case of acourier service delivered letter and the next working day afterdispatch in the case of a facsimile [or email]. All notices andcommunications shall be sent to the appropriate address set forthbelow, until the same is changed by notice given in writing to theother Party.


Notices requiredor permitted under this Contract shall be effective if inwriting,written in English,sent by registered airmail,or by telexor facsimile confirmed by a registered airmail letter,returnreceipt requested,addressed as follows;unless otherwise specifiedherein,notices shall be effective from the date of receipt of thetelex or facsimile or,in the event the telex or facsimile is notreceived,eight(8) days after the service of the registeredletter.



Failure or delay on the part ofany of the Parties hereto to exercise a right under this Contractshall not operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single orpartial exercise of such a right preclude any other future exercisethereof.


Unless otherwise specifiedherein,failure or delay on the part of any party to exercise anyright,power or privilege under this Contract shall not operate as awaiver thereof,nor shall any single or partial exercise of anyright,power or privilege preclude any further exercisethereof.



This Contract maynot be assigned in whole or in part by the Party without the priorwritten consent of the other Party hereto.



The invalidity ofany provision of this Contract shall not affect the validity of anyother provision of this Contract.


If any of the provisions ofthis Contract or any document executed in connection herewith ishereafter determined to be invalid,illegal or unenforceable in anyrespect under any applicable law,(i) the validity,legality andenforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way beaffected or impaired,and such remaining provisions shall remain infull force and effect;and(ii) the invalid,illegal or unenforceableprovision shall be replaced by a valid,legal and enforceableprovision that comes closest to expressing the true intent of suchinvalid,illegal or unenforceable provision.


Entire Agreement完整协议

This Contract andthe Schedules and annexes hereto constitute the entire agreementbetween the Parties hereto with respect to the subject matter ofthis Contract and supersede all prior discussions, negotiations andagreements between them.


Schedules and Annexes附录以及附件

The Schedules andAnnexes hereto are made an integral part of this Contract and areequally binding with the main body of the Contract. In the event ofany conflict between the terms and provisions of the main body ofthe Contract and the Schedules or Annexes, the terms and provisionsof the main body of this Contract shall prevail.



This Contract isexecuted in the Chinese language in two originals and in theEnglish language in two originals. Both language versions shall beequally authentic.


This Contract isexecuted in Chinese in two(2) counterparts, and each party shallhold one copy.If necessary,it may be translated into otherlanauages. However, if there is any discrepancy between the Chineseversion and a version in any other language, the Chinese versionshall prevail.


This Contract shall take effect fromthe date of its execution by the duly authorized representatives ofthe parties.

signature 签署

IN WITNESS WHEREOF,each of parties hereto has caused this Contract to be executed byits duly authorized representative on the date first set forthabove.



The headings to thearticles hereof are for ease of reference only,and in no eventshall the substance of any paragraph or the intent of the partiesbe interpreted or controlled by such headings.



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