出租方:The lessor:(以下简称甲方)(Hereinaftercalled Party A)
营业部地址:Address: 电话:Telephone: 传真:Fax:
承租方:The lessee(以下简称乙方)(Hereinaftercalled Party B)
地址:Address: 电话:Telephone: 传真: Fax:
经办人:Person incharge: 身份证: ID Card:
驾驶员一:Driver A:身份证: ID Card:驾驶证:Driver LicenseCard:
驾驶员二:Driver B:身份证:ID Card:驾驶证:Driver LicenseCard:
Party A and Party B set downthe following contract about vehicle lease based on equality andvoluntaries through friendly negotiations.
一、 租赁物件、租期、租价及付款方式Lease, Leasing Term, Rent andSettlement
1、甲方同意将型号为汽车壹辆出租给乙方,供乙方使用,该车颜色为,车牌号为 沪。
According to Party B’s requirement, Party A provides PartyB with(amount) of Jazz Blue (color)Golf AT FAW-VW (vehicle model), the License plate number isHU-
2、租期从年月日时起至年月日时止,租金为元每日/月。租赁期限内限每日/月平均行驶3600 Km,超过额定公里,每公里增收 元,超过额定时间,每日/小时增收 元。
The lessee hereby agrees to rent the vehicle provide bylessor for a term from(H)(D)(M) (Y)to(H)(D)(M) (Y)at the rate ofRMB per day/month. And the Basic using mileage: 3600 Km perday/month, fee for exceeded mileage: RMB per Km, fee forextra HourRMB per hour.
Party B shall payofRMB as the deposit to the contract and be refunded with the voucherunder the condition of no violation when the contractended.
The rent shall be paid byParty B at the signing moment of the contract, and the settlementwill be done on expiration of this contract. Party B must make payrent on schedule. Party A has the right to take back the rentedvehicle and charge extra rent and late fee (3 per cent to the wholearrearage per day).
二、 甲方的责任和义务Party A’s Rights and Responsibilities
To ensure the vehicle in good shape, with complete devicesand normal functions, to provide valid documents including thevehicle’s Driving Permit, Annual Inspection QualificationCertificate and Road Maintenance Payment Certificate. And transmitwhat have mentioned above to Party B carefully.
To provide free maintenance regularly and repair of faultsnot caused by man-made reasons of leased vehicle within ShanghaiCity and Vehicle emergency repairs.
To provide designated vehicle repair factories or placesfor the leased vehicle repair. (Party B pays the repair and relatedfee caused by Party B’s man-made faults and trafficaccidents.)
To ensure the leased vehicle has been taken insurancecovering vehicle damage risk and third party liability risk (thetotal insured amount being. Insured amount covering passengerinjury forthe driver. Party A should assist Party B in case of vehicle damagein handling accidents and be responsible for claiming insuranceindemnifications.
According to Party B’s request, Party A shall providechauffer service and related vehicle services.
Party B shall provide economic assurance according to PartyA’s requirement. The warrantor should be national enterprises orother companies that has complete compensationalabilities.
三、 乙方的责任和义务Party B’s Rights and Responsibilities
To ensure all the documents provided are all real andvalid. Party B shall undertake all the responsibilities of economicand law if any documents provided by Party B are false or out ofvalidity.
The vehicle can only be driven by lessee or any otherperson who is consented by Party A written approval and who holds avalid driver’s license for over one year permitted by trafficadministration office of the People’s Republic of China, or Party Bshall undertake all the responsibilities of relatedresponsibilities including insurance indemnificationclaims.
Party B is not allowed to re-rent, mortgage, re-sell theleased vehicle or any other power beyond the contract.
Party B is neither allowed to violate laws and regulationsor use the vehicle for test and competition and is not allowed touse the vehicle for profitable service or transport of flammable,explosive, corrosive or radioactive materials, etc. harmful tovehicle safety.
To check on daily basis the lubricating oil, brake fluid,cooling water, battery fluid, and tyre air-pressure, andimmediately inform Party A if any abnormality is found out, orParty B shall undertake all the responsibilities.
In case of vehicle damage, Party B shall have the vehiclerepaired at the place designated by Party A. Otherwise Party Bshall pay all expenses caused by low-quality repair or equipment.Party B shall pay expenses for all the man-made damages.
Ifthe license plate or any documents about the vehicle are lostduring the leasing term, Party B shall inform Party A and makesubstitution immediately and bear all expenses for the substitutionand rent during the suspense of using the vehicle.
Party B is not allowed to repair or change any part, accessory,inter environment and exterior appearance of the rented vehicle. Itis prohibited to change or throw away any part and equipment orpull out or refit the mileage meters. In case any trace of suchpulling out or refitting is found out, Party B shall pay a penaltyequal to five times the amount for the mileage limited defined inthe lease for the total lese term.
四、 意外交通事故处理及保险Traffic Accident and Insurance
In case of traffic accident (including of non-roadaccident), Party B shall preserve the site where such accident takeplace (excluding fast deal and move away) and immediately reporttraffic administration department and inform Party A under theprinciple of within 2 hours City-in and 4 hours out-of-city. PartyB shall provide a report on the actual accident. Certificate forcase settlement issued by the traffic administration department andother indemnification documents within fifteen (15) days should betransmitted to Party A. Party shall assist Party B in handlingaccidents and be responsible for claiming insuranceindemnifications. If Party B fails to provide necessary documentsto Party A within fifteen days counting from the date when theinsured vehicle is repaired or when the case is concluded, it shallbe regarded that Party B revoke the right for claims voluntarily.Party B can only handle the accident and have the leased vehiclerepaired by Party A’s written approval.
In case of such accident caused by Party B’s designateddriver, according to the judging of traffic administrationdepartment and insurance company, aside third person liability riskinsurance, Party B shall pay 10 per cent of total accident expenseswith lesser responsibilities; pay 15 per cent of total accidentexpenses with half responsibilities; pay 15 per cent of totalaccident expenses with half responsibilities; pay 20per cent oftotal accident expenses with minor responsibilities and pay 30 percent expenses of total accident expenses with wholeresponsibilities.
In case of slight accident in non-road environment, Party Bshall report to traffic administration department or the insurancecompany and waiting for the perambulation. Party A shall beresponsibility for claiming insurance indemnification. Insurancecompany does not take forty (40) per cent expenses of totalaccident expense, so Party B shall be responsible for all thedamages aside from the insurance indemnifications.
In case of vehicle damages, Party B shall pay totalexpenses firstly. Party A shall be responsible for claiminginsurance indemnifications according to the procedures andregulations of the insurance company and refund the exactindemnifications to Party B. party B shall be responsible for alldamages aside from the insurance indemnifications.
In case of serious accident or vehicle damages, Party A’svehicle insurance rate go up by it, Party B shall pay the extraincreased insurance expenses according to the criterion ofinsurance company.
During the processing of the accident caused by the driverdesignated by Party B, Party B shall be responsible for the vehiclerent still. Party A do not provide free substitutionvehicle.
In any case of vehicle damages, Party B shall compensateparty A an amount at ten (10) per cent total expenses for damagecaused by accelerated depreciation.
If the leased vehicle is stolen during the lease term,Party B shall provide effective evidence issued by residents Policeadministration department. And Party A shall be responsible forclaiming insurance indemnification. Party B shall undertake theresponsibilities of three (3) months rent and all damage expensesaside from insurance indemnifications.
Party B shall strictly abide by the traffic law andregulations during the lease term. In case of breach of trafficregulation and law (including police CCTV), Party B shall beresponsible for all related penalty voluntarily. Party A has theright to deduct the penalty that Party B has not paid from thedeposit. Party B will be refunded the deposit without interestsafter 7 working days of the leased car returned. According to thefloating regulation of Shanghai third person liability riskinsurance, Party B shall undertake the responsibilities for theincreased insurance expenses caused by the reason mentioned above.Moreover, Party B shall be responsibilities for penalty andexpenses if the leased vehicle cannot pass annual check and evenare stopped running.
五、 违约责任Liabilities of Breaching the Contracts
Party A has the right to terminate the contract and take back theleased vehicle if Party B fails to carry out his importantobligations under this contract and may claim indemnification fromParty B.
When the deadline of this contract reached, Party B shall returnthe leased car or expend the contract immediately, or Party A hasthe right to report to judicial office and decide according to law.Party B shall take the responsibilities for Party A’s economicdamages according to 4 term of Article 1 of thiscontract.
In case of terminate the contract in advance caused by Party B, heshall pay the total rent and be responsible for related expenses.Party B shall pay Ten (30) per cent penalty of the total rent ifthe leased term covers one month or above. And Party B shall pay toParty A Twenty (40) per cent penalty of the remaining rent if theleased term covers One Week to One Month.
Party B shall strictly carry out his responsibilities of thiscontract and bear total responsibilities voluntary for damages andexpenses caused by incompletely fulfilling responsibilities. AndParty A is entitled to claim indemnifications from any damagescaused by Party B.
六、 其他Others
1、本车使用 93型号燃料,因未使用指定燃料造成的车辆损失等后果由乙方承担。车辆燃料费用由乙方自理。还车时,若车内存油低于出厂时存油,乙方要按市场价向甲方缴纳所差油费。
The leased vehicle suits 93 (model) gasoline.Party B shall bear all damages cause by misusing gasoline. Party Bitself shall take the gasoline cost during leased term and pay thebalance gasoline fee compare with outcome time according to thetemporal gasoline price.
Party A does not take responsibilities for Party B’sdamages out of insurance force caused by machine conkout.
Any disputes arising from or in connection with thiscontract shall be settled through amicable consultation. In case nosettlement is reached through consultations, the two parties agreeto refer the disputes to the People’s court for settlement in PartyA’s area.
In case of recorded by Police CCTV, the drivers designatedby Party B shall positively take the treatment and pay the penaltyin time. Otherwise, Party A is entitled to report the drivers’information to traffic administration office and ask forinsistence. Party B shall bear the responsibilities to the damagesincluding revoking driver license.
This contract has its legal effect after both of theparties signature. This contract is done in duplicate, with eachparty holding a copy, and shall take force on the date of itssigning and stamping by both parties.
Party B will not be charged the extra rent if the leasedvehicle are returned in time or one hour overtime, and be chargedextra half day rent if the leased vehicle are returned during oneto four hours overtime, and be charged another one day rent if theleased vehicle are returned beyond four hours overtime.
Party B can use the leased vehicle in Shanghai, JiangsuProvince and Zhejiang Province. It is necessary for Party B to getParty A’s permission and sign attached agreement if Party B drivethe leased vehicle out of areas mentioned above.
In case of the leased vehicle out of function caused byaccident, Party A shall provide free substitute vehicle for Five(5) days to Party B who has no liability and charge Sixty (60) percent rent of the substitute vehicle rent beyond five days, party Awill not provide free substitute vehicle for Party B who bearliability of the accident. In case of vehicle general repair, PartyA shall provide substitute vehicle for Party B freely.
The “vehicle hand-over sheet” is one part of the contractrecognized by both parties and is entitled the equal legal effect.The copies of ID for person in charge, credit card, drivers’license and ID are the attachment to the contract after eachparty’s stamping and signature.
七、特别约定:Special promises:
甲方: 乙方:
Party A: Party B:
开户银行:Bank of Deposit:
帐号:Account Number:
盖 章:Seal: 盖章:Seal:
授权代表:Authorized Representative: 授权代表:AuthorizedRepresentative:
年 月日DMY 年 月日DMY