

导演/编剧/执行制片:Brian Knappenberger
联合制片:Denise Gaberman/Jeffrey Kanjanapangka/Suzanne Danziger/KateCoe
剪辑:Bryan Storkel/Michelle Witten/Jason Decker/Andy Robertson/BrianKnappenberger
配乐:John Dragonetti


纪录片由Brian Knappenberger制作和执导,讲述了2013年1月自杀身亡的黑客AaronSwartz的一生,他是一位追求自由的知名互联网活跃人士,参与起草了RSS1.0规格,是社交新闻网站Reddit早期创始成员之一。他因为在MIT下载数百万JSTOR论文而于2011年被捕,面临百万美元罚款和最高35年徒刑,最终导致其自杀。

讲述Aaron Swartz一生的记录片《The Internet's Own Boy: TheStory of AaronSwartz》于6月27日在美国电影院和在线视频点播网站正式上映。

导演:Brian Knappenberger
BrianKnappenberger导演生涯中创作有多部获奖纪录片,其中包括:《骇客军团故事》(We Are Legion: The Storyof the Hacktivists),此片讲述网络黑客组织"Anonymous"的故事;《Life AfterWar》,讲述了阿富汗战后紧张的政治局势;《A Murder inKyiv》,讲述了一位乌克兰记者的死亡,据传为政府官员下手。他还为美国公共广播公司的Frontline/World节目、美国国家地理学会、彭博新闻社和探索频道制作过多部纪录片。

As a teenager, Aaron Swartz was a computer-programming prodigy withan unquenchable thirst for knowledge. After emerging as a pioneerof Internet activism, education, and politics, he was indicted onmultiple federal charges in 2011 and 2012, setting off a complexchain of events that left the Internet community reeling. Shortlythereafter, at the age of 26, Swartz was found dead of an apparentsuicide in his Brooklyn apartment. His family, friends, andsupporters immediately blamed the prosecutors of the case, whoaimed to put him in jail for 35 years and brand him a convictedfelon for life. Swartz was persecuted for the very rights andfreedoms for which he stood, and that ultimately brokehim.

Director/Screenwriter/Executive Producer: Brian Knappenberger
Associate Producers: Denise Gaberman, Jeffrey Kanjanapangka,Suzanne Danziger, Kate Coe
Editors: Bryan Storkel, Michelle Witten, Jason Decker, AndyRobertson, Brian Knappenberger
Composer: John Dragonetti
U.S.A./2014/color/105minutes/U.S. Documentary

Brian Knappenberger
Brian Knappenberger has created multiple award-winningdocumentaries, including We Are Legion: The Story of theHacktivists about the online hacktivist nongroup Anonymous; LifeAfter War about political tensions in postwar Afghanistan; and AMurder in Kyiv about the death of a Ukrainian journalist,reportedly at the hands of government officials. He has craftednumerous other documentaries for PBS's Frontline/World, theNational Geographic Society, Bloomberg News, and the DiscoveryChannel.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101017/351283.html





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