收到英文Offer的英文回复 收到offer怎么回复

收到英文Offer的英文回复 收到offer怎么回复


Dear xxx,

Thanks for your offer of the xxxposition to me. I enjoyed the meeting with you very much and it ismy pleasure to work with you in the short future. Should you haveany further questions or informations, please kindly let meknow.

Thanks and regards,



Dear ***

I duly received your offer of the*** position to me with thanks,as peryourrequiredinthe Email,I amwritting toprovidemydecision,I am afraid I will be unable to work with you due to problems withmyself,Please contact me if youhave anyfurther questions.

Best regards,




Thanks foryour recognition and generosity to me.

I havereceived the modified offer and agreed with the terms contained. Iam determined to work forXXX. It is my honor towork with you. And I will be on duty from Jun XX, 2012 and bringrequired references to you.

I amlooking forward to seeing you soon and a bright future withXXX.




爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101017/350706.html


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