JohnW.Hutchinson anne hutchinson


B.S.: 1960, Engineering Mechanics, Lehigh University
Ph.D.: 1963, Mechanical Engineering, Harvard University


Address: School of Engineering andApplied Sciences, Harvard University

29 Oxford Street,
Pierce 315
Cambridge, MA 02138

Phone:(617) 495-2848
Fax:(617) 495-9837

Link to Thompson ResearcherID--Hutchinson Papers, Citations, etc.:

Academic Interests

Solid Mechanics

Professor Hutchinson has now begun half-time status at Harvard,in residence in the spring term. He is no longer taking on newgraduate students, post-docs or summer interns.

Professor Hutchinson and his collaborators work on problems insolid mechanics concerned with engineering materials andstructures. Buckling and structural stability, elasticity,plasticity, fracture and micromechanics are all relevant in theirresearch. Two examples of on going research activites are effortsto extend plasticity theory to small scales and the development ofa mechanics framework for assessing thermal barrier coatings.

Strong size effects come into play at the micron scale in theplastic deformation of metals. The effect is tantamount toincreased strength at smaller scales; smaller is stronger. Thephenomenon derives from the generation of higher densities ofdislocations when strain gradients occur at small scales. It hasgreat importance for micron scale metal structures such as thinfilms and MEMS devices and for fracture phenomena occuring at smallscales. Conventional plasticity theory does not contain any sizeeffect, and the effort of Professor Hutchinson and hiscollaborators is directed at the formulation of a physicallycorrect continuum theory that encompasses a size effect. Effortsare underway to analyse new experimental data, to make contact withdislocation modeling, and to apply the theory to problems oftechnological importance.

JohnW.Hutchinson anne hutchinson
Ceramic thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) are now widely used inaircraft and power generation turbines to shield engine blades andother metal components from high temperatures. A new generation ofengines will exploit these coatings to enable even higher operatingtemperatures. The technological challenge is to enhance thelifetime of the coatings under these more severe operatingconditions. The durability of the coatings is limited by theirtendency to delaminate and spall. There is a host of mechanicsproblems and issues that need to be understood related to theperformance of the coatings. The effort involves collaboration witha larger community of engineers and material scientists who areactively exploring all aspects of TBCs.


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Courses Offered

Applied Mathematics 115. Mathematicalmodeling
Catalog Number: 1768
John W. Hutchinson
Half course (spring term). Tu., Th, 11:30-1. EXAM GROUP: Spring:13, Abstracting the essential components and mechanisms from anatural system to produce a mathematical model, which can beanalyzed with a variety of formal mathematical methods, is perhapsthe most important, but least understood, task in appliedmathematics. This course approaches a number of problems withoutthe prejudice of trying to apply a particular method of solution.Topics drawn from mechanics, biology, economics and the behavioralsciences.
Prerequisite: Mathematics at least at the levelof Applied Mathematics 21a and 21b or equivalent. Additional skillsin analysis, probability, statistics and computer programming willincrease the value of the course to students.

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SelectedPublications with PDF Links

2010-4.Evans, A.G., He, M.Y., Deshpande, V.S.,Hutchinson, J.W., Jacobsen, A.J., Carter, W.B." Concepts for enhanced energy absorption using hollowmicro-lattices." Int. J. Impact Eng., 37,947-959(2010).
2010-3.Hutchinson, J.W.," Knockdown factors for buckling of cylindrical and spherical shellssuject to reduced baixial membrane stress." Int. J. SolidsStructures, 47, 1443-1448(2010).
2010-2.Jiang, Y., Wei, Y., Smith, J.R., Hutchinson,J.W.,Evans, A.G.," Firstprinciples based predictions of the toughness of a metal/oxideinterface." Int. J. Mat. Res., 101,1-8(2010).
2010-1.Xue, Z.,Pontin, M.G., Zok, F.W., Hutchinson,J.W.," Calibration procedures for a computational model of ductilefracture." Eng. Fract. Mech., 77,492-509(2010).
2009-5.Xue, Z., Evans, A.G., Hutchinson, J.W.,"Delamination Susceptibility of coatings under high thermalflux." J. Appl. Mech., 76,041008:1-7(2009).
2009-4.Tvergaard, V., Hutchinson, J.W.," Analyses of crack growth along interface of patterned wafer-levelCu-Cu bonds." Int. J. Solids Structures, 46,3433-3440(2009).
2009-3.Hutchinson, J.W.," Energy and momentum transfer in air shocks." J. Appl.Mech., 76, 051307:1-7(2009).
2009-2.Evans, A.G., Hutchinson, J.W.," Acritical assessment of theories of strain gradient plasticity."Acta Materialia, 57, 1675-1688(2009).
2009-1.Moon, M-W., Han, J.H., Vaziri, A., Her,E.K., Oh, K.H., Lee, K-R., Hutchinson, J.W.," Nanoscale ripples on polymers created by a focused ion beam."Nanotechnology, 20, 115301(7pp)(2009).
2008-9.Wei, Y., Hutchinson, J.W.," Toughness of Ni/Al2O3 interfaces as dependent on micron-scaleplasticity and atomistic-scale separation." Phil. Mag.,88, 3841-3859(2008).
2008-8.Oh, S.S., Kim, D.H., Moon, M-W., Vaziri, A.,Kim, M. Yoon, E., Oh, K.H., Hutchinson, J.W.," Indium nanowires synthesized at an ultrafast rate." AdvancedMaterials, 20, 1093-1098(2008).
2008-7.Dharmasena, K.P., Wadley, H.M.G., Xue, Z.,Hutchinson, J.W.," Mechanical response of metallic honeycomb sandwich panel structuresto high-intensity dynamic loading." Int. J. ImpactEngineering, 35, 1063-1074(2008).
2008-6.Kramer, S., Faulhaber, S., Chambers, M.,Clarke, D.R., Levi, C.G., Hutchinson, J.W., Evans, A.G.," Mechanismsof cracking and delamination within thick thermal barrier systemsin aero-engines subject to calcium-magnesium-alumino-silicate(CMAS) penetration." Mat. Sci. Eng. A, 490,26-35(2008).
2008-5.Xue, Z., Hutchinson, J.W.," Neck development in metal/elastomer bilayers under dynamicstretchings." Int. J. Solids Structures, 45,3769-3778(2008).
2008-4.Xue, Z., Vaziri, A., Hutchinson, J.W.,"Material aspects of dynamic neck propagation." J. Mech.Phys. Solids, 56, 93-113(2008).
2008-3.Tvergaard, V., Hutchinson, J.W.," Mode III effects on interface delamination." J. Mech. Phys.Solids, 56, 215-229(2008).
2008-2.Nahshon, K., Hutchinson, J.W.," Modification of the Gurson model for shear failure." Eur. J.Mech. A/Solids, 27, 1-17(2008).
2008-1.Parry, G., Evans, A.G., Hutchinson, J.W.,"Initiation of geometric roughening in polycrystalline metalfilms." C. R. Mecanique, 336,224-231(2008).
2007-11.Mori, L.F., Lee, S., Xue, Z.Y., Vaziri, A.,Queheillalt, D.T., Dharmasena, K.P., Wadley, H.N.G., Hutchinson,J.W., Espinosa, H.D.," Deformation and fracture modes of sandwich structures subjected tounderwater impulsive loads." J. Mech. Materials andStructures, 2, 1981-2006(2007).
2007-10.Vaziri, A., Xue, Z., Hutchinson, J.W.,"Performanceand failure of metal sandwich plates subject to shock loading."J. Mech. Mater. Struct., 2,1947-1963(2007).
2007-9.Nahshon, K., Pontin, M.G., Evans, A.G.,Hutchinson, J.W., Zok, F.W.," Dynamic shear rupture of steel plates." J. Mech. Mater.Struct., 2, 2049-2065(2007).
2007-8.Steeves, C.A., dos Santos e Lucato, S.L.,He,M., Antinucci, E., Hutchinson, J.W., Evans, A.G." Conceptsfor structurally robust materials that combine low thermalexpansion with high stiffness." J. Mech. Phys. Solids,55, 1803-1822(2007).
2007-7.Moon, M-W., Lee, S.H., Sun, J-Y., Oh, K.H.,Vaziri, A., Hutchinson, J.W.," Controlled formation of nanoscale wrinkling patterns on polymersusing focused ion beam." Scripta Materialia, 57,747-750(2007).
2007-6.Moon, M-W., Chung, S., Lee, k-R., Oh, K.H.,Stone, H.A., Hutchinson, J.W.," Directed assembly of fluidic networks by buckle delamination offilms on patterned substrates." Int. J. Mat. Res.,98, 1203-1208(2007).
2007-5.Evans, A.G., Hutchinson, J.W.," Themechanics of coating delamination in thermal gradients."Surface Coatings Tech., 201,7905-7916(2007).
2007-4.Vaziri, A., Hutchinson, J.W.," Metalsandwich plates subject to intense air shocks." Int. J.Solids Structures, 44, 2021-2035(2007).
2007-3.Xue, Z., Hutchinson, J.W.," Neckretardation and enhanced energy absorption in metal-elastomerbilayers." Mechanics of Materials, 39,473-487(2007).
2007-2.Moon, M.-Y., Lee, H.S., Sun, J.-Y., Oh,K.H., Vaziri, A., Hutchinson, J.W.," Wrinkledskins on polymers created by focused ion beam." PNAS,104, 1130-1133(2007).
2007-1.Liang, Y., Spuskanyuk, A.V., Flores, S.E.,Hayhurst, D.R., Hutchinson, J.W., McMeeking, R.M., Evans, A.G.,"The response of metallic sandwich plates to water blasts."J. Appl. Mech., 74, 81-99(2007).
2006-11.Ferri, E., Antinucci, E., He, M.Y.,Hutchinson, J.W., Zok, F.W., Evans, A.G.," Dynamic buckling of impulsively loaded prismatic cores." J.Mech. Mater. Struct., 1, 1345-1365(2006).
2006-10.Otani, K, Chen, X., Hutchinson, J.W.,Chervinsky, J.F., Aziz, M.J.," Three-dimensionalmorphology evolution of SiO2 patterned films under MeV ionradiation." J. Appl. Physics, 100,023535(2006).
2006-9.Lee, S., Barthelat, F., Hutchinson, J.W.,Espinosa, H.D.," Dynamic failure of metallic pyramidal truss corematerials-epxeriments and modeling." Int. J. Plasticity,22, 2118-2145(2006).
2006-8.Dufresne, E.R., Stark, E.R., Greenblatt,N.A., Cheng, J.X.,Hutchinson, J.W., Mahadevan, L., Weitz, D.A.,"Dynamicsof fracture in drying suspensions." Langmuir, 22,7144-7147(2006).
2006-7.Hutchinson, J.W.," Lecture Overheads on Delamination Mechanics." Unpublishednotes, (2006).
2006-6.Faulhaber, S., Mercer, C. Moon, M.-Y.,Hutchinson, J.W., Evans, A.G.," Buckling delamination in compressed multilayers on curvedsubstrates with accompanying ridge cracks." J. Mech. Phys.Solids, 54, 1004-1028(2006).
2006-5.Vaziri, A., Xue, Z., Hutchinson, J.W."Metalsandwich plates with polymer-filled cores." J. Mech. Mater.Structures, 1, 95-125(2006).
2006-4.Xue, Z., Hutchinson, J.W.," Crushdynamics of square honeycomb sandwich cores." Int. J. Numer.Meth. Engng., 65, 2221-2245(2006).
2006-3.Balint, D.S., Xu, T., Hutchinson, J.W.,Evans, A. G.," Influence of bond coat thickness on the cyclic rumpling ofthermally grown oxides." Acta Mater., 54,1815-1820(2006).
2006-2.Rathbun, H.J., Radford, D.D., Xue, Z., He,M.Y., Yang, J., Deshpande, V., Fleck, N.A., Hutchinson, J.W., Zok,F.W., Evans, A.G.," Performance of metallic honeycomb-core sandwich beams under shockloading." I. J. Solids Structures, 43,1746-1763(2006).
2006-1.Vaughn, D.G., Hutchinson, J.W.," Bucklewaves."Eur. J. Mech. A/Solids, 25, 1-12(2006).
2005-7.Xue, Z., Vaziri, A., Hutchinson, J.W.,"Non-uniformhardening constitutive model for compressible orthotropic materialswith application to sandwich cores." CMES, 10,79-95(2005).
2005-6.Chen, X., Hutchinson, J.W., Evans, A.G.,"The mechanics of indentation induced lateral cracking." J.Am. Ceram. Soc., 88, 1233-1238(2005).
2005-5.Hsu, M.F., Nikolaides, M.G., Dinsmore, A.D.,Bausch, A.R., Gordon, V.D., Chen, X., Xue, Hutchinson, J.W., Weitz,D.A., Marguez, M.," Self-assembled shells composed of colloidal particles: fabricationand characterization." Langmuir, 21,2963-2970(2005).
2005-4.Balint, D. S., Hutchinson, J.W.," An analytical model of rumpling in thermal barrier coatings."J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 53, 949-973(2005).
2005-3.Hutchinson, J.W., Xue, Z.," Metalsandwich plates optimized for pressure impulses." Int. J.Mech. Sci., 47, 545-569(2005).
2005-2.Vaughn, D.G., Canning, J.M., Hutchinson,J.W., " Coupledplastic wave propagation and column buckling." J. Appl.Mech., 72, 1-8(2005).
2005-1.Tsapis, N., Dufresne, E.R. Sinha, S.S.,Riera, C.S., Hutchinson, J.W., Mahadevan, L., Weitz, D.A., "Onset of buckling in drying droplets of colloidal suspensions."Phys. Rev. Letters, 94, 018302(2005).
2004-12.Gordon, V.D., Chen, X., Hutchinson, J.W.,Bausch, A.R., Marguez, M., Weitz, D. A.," Self-assembledpolymer membrane capsules inflated by osmotic pressure." J.Am. Chem. Soc., 126, 14117-14122(2004).
2004-11.Chen, X., Hutchinson, J.W., Evans, A.G.,"Simulationof the high temperature impression of thermal barrier coatings withcolumnar microstructure." Acta Mater., 52,565-571(2004).
2004-10.Valdevit, L., Hutchinson, J.W., Evans,A.G.," Structurally optimized sandwich panels with prismatic cores."Int. J. Solids Structures, 41,5105-5124(2004).
2004-9.Xue, Z., Hutchinson, J.W.," Constitutivemodel for quasi-static deformation of metallic sandwich cores."Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng., 61,2205-2238(2004).
2004-8.Wicks, N., Hutchinson, J.W., " Sandwichplates activated by a Kagome planar truss." J. Appl.Mech., 71, 652-662(2004).
2004-7.Chen. X, Hutchinson, J.W., " Herringbonebuckling patterns of compressed thin films on compliantsubstrates." J. Appl. Mech., 71,597-603(2004).
2004-6.Wei, Y., Hutchinson, J.W., " Interface strength, work of adhesion and plasticity in the peeltest." Int. J. Fract., 93,315-333(1998).
2004-5.Xue, Z., Hutchinson, J.W., " A comparative study of impulse-resistant metal sandwichplates." Int. J. Impact Engineering, 30,1283-1305(2004).
2004-4.Kleckner, N., Zickler, D., Jones, G.,Dekker, J. Padmore, R., Henle, J., Hutchinson, J. W.," Amechanical basis for chromosome function." PNAS,101, 12592-12597(2004).
2004-3.Moon, M. W., Lee, K. R., Oh, K. H.,Hutchinson, J.W., " Buckledelamination on patterned substrates." Acta Materialia,52, 3151-3159(2004).
2004-2.Wicks, N., Hutchinson, J.W., " Performanceof sandwich plates with truss cores." Mechanics ofMaterials, 36, 739-751(2004).
2004-1.Chen, X., Hutchinson, J.W., " Afamily of herringbone patterns in thin films." Scriptamaterialia, 50, 797-801(2004).
2003-15.He, M. Y., Evans, A. G., Hutchinson, J. W.," Simulationof stresses and delamination in a plasma-sprayed thermal barriersystem upon thermal cycling." Materials Science& Engineering, A 345,172-178(2003).
2003-14.Chen, X., Hutchinson, J.W., He, M.Y., Evans,A. G., " Onthe propagation and coalescence of delamination cracks incompressed coatings: with application to thermal barriersystems." Acta materialia, 51,2017-2030(2003).
2003-13.Chen, X., Wang, R., Tao, N., Evans, A.G.,Hutchinson, J.W.,Bruce, R.W., " Foreignobject damage in a thermal barrier system: mechanisms andsimulations." Mat. Sci. Eng., A352,221-231(2003).
2003-12.Karlsson, A.M., Hutchinson, J.W., Evans,A.G., " Thedisplacement of the thermally grown oxide in thermal barriersystems upon temperature cycling." Mat. Sci. Eng.,A351, 244-257(2003).
2003-11.Niordson, C.F., Hutchinson, J.W., " On lower order strain grain gradient plasticity theories."Eur. J. Mech. A/Solids, 22,771-778(2003).
2003-10.Dufresne, E.R., Corwin, et. al. " Flowand fracture in drying nanoparticle suspensions." Phys. Rev.Letters, 91, 224501,1-4(2003).
2003-9.Wei, Y., Hutchinson, J.W., " Hardenesstrends in micron scale indentation." J. Mech. Phys.Solids, 51, 2037-2056(2003).
2003-8.Hutchinson, R.G., Wicks, N., Evans, A.G.,Fleck, N.A., Hutchinson, J.W., " Kagomeplate structures for actuation." Int. J. SolidsStructures, 40, 6969-6980 (2003).
2003-7.Balint, D. S., Hutchinson, J. W., " Undulationinstability of a compressed elastic film on a nonlinear creepingsubstrate." Acta Mater., 51, 3965-3983(2003).
2003-6.Xue, Z., Hutchinson, J. W., " Preliminaryassessment of sandwich plates subject to blast loads." Int.J. Mechanical Sciences, 45, 687-705 (2003).
2003-5.Kang, K. -J., Hutchinson, J. W., Evans, A.G., " Measurementof the strains induced upon thermal oxidation of an alumina-formingalloy." Acta Mater., 51, 1283-1291(2003).
2003-4.Pardoen, T., Hutchinson, J. W., " Micromechanics-basedmodel for trends in toughness of ductile metals." ActaMater., 51, 133-148 (2003).
2003-3.Yu, H. H., Hutchinson, J. W., " Delaminationof thin film strips." Thin Solid Films, 423,54-63 (2003).
2003-2.Guest, S.D., Hutchinson, J.W., " On thedeterminacy of repetitive truss structures." J. Mech. Phys.Solids, 51, 383-391 (2003).
2003-1.Fleck, N. A., Ashby, M. F., Hutchinson, J.W., " Therole of geometrically necessary dislocations in giving materialstrengthening." Scripta Materialia, 48, 179-183(2003).
2002-11.Peters, J.O., Boyce, B.L., Chen, X.,McNaney, J. M. Hutchinson, J. W., Ritchie, R. O., " On theapplication of the Kitagawa-Takahashi diagram to foreign-objectdamage and high cycle fatigue." Eng. Fract. Mech.,69, 1425-1446(2002).
2002-10.Thalladi, V.R., Schwartz, A., Phend, J.N.,Hutchinson, J.W., Whitesides, G. M., " Simulationof indentation fracture in crystalline materials using mesoscaleself-assembly." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 124,9912-9917(2002).
2002-9.Karlsson, A.M., Hutchinson, J.W., Evans,A.G., " Afundamental model of cyclic instabilities in thermal barriersystems." J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 50,1565-1589(2002).
2002-8.Yu, H.-H., Hutchinson, J.W.," Influence of substrate compliance on buckling delamination of thinfilms." Int. J. Fract., 113,39-55(2002).
2002-7.Volokh, K. Y., Hutchinson, J. W., " Arelower-order gradient theories of plasticity really lowerorder?" Journal of Applied Mechanics, 69, 862-864(2002).
2002-6.Moon, M. W., Jensen, H. M., Oh, K. H.,Evans, A. G., Hutchinson, J.W., " Thecharacterization of telephone cord buckling of compressed thinfilms on substrates." J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 50,2355-2377 (2002).
2002-5.Chen, X., Hutchinson, J. W., " Particleimpact on metal substrates with application to foreign objectdamage to aircraft engines." J. Mech. Phys. Solids,50, 2669-2690 (2002).
2002-4.Chiras, D. R., Mumm., D. R., Evans, A. G.,Wicks, N., Dharmasena, D., Wadley, H. N. G., Fichter, S.,Hutchinson, J. W., " Thestructural performance of near-optimized truss core panels."Int. J. Solids Structure, 39, 4093-4115(2002).
2002-3.Tvergaard, V., Hutchinson, J. W., " Two mechanisms of ductile fracture: void by void growth versusmultiple void interaction." Int. J. Solids Structures,39, 3581-3597 (2002).
2002-2.He, M. Y., Evans, A. G., Hutchinson, J. W.," Large deformation simulations of cyclic displacement instabilitiesin thermal barrier systems." Acta Mater., 50,1063-1073 (2002).
2002-1.Hutchinson, J.W., Evans, A.G., " On the delamination of thermal barrier coatings in a thermalgradient." Surface and Coating Technology, 149,179-184 (2002).
2001-20.Evans, A.G., He, M.Y., Hutchinson, J.W.,Shaw, M. " Temperature distribution in advanced power electronics systems andthe effect of phase change materials on temperature suppressionduring power pulses." J. Electronics Packaging,123, 211-217(2001).
2001-19.Evans, A.G., Suo, Z., Wang, R.Z., Aksay,I.A., He, M.Y., Hutchinson, J.W., " Model forthe robust mechanical behavior of nacre." J. Mater.Res., 16, 2475-2484(2001).
2001-18.Evans, A.G., He, M.Y., Hutchinson, J.W.,Shaw, M., " Temperaturedistribution in advanced power electronics systems and the effectof phase change materials on temperature suppression during powerpulses." J. Electronic Packaging, 123, 211-217(2001).
2001-17.Wang, C.H., Hutchinson, J.W., " Interactionsof fatigue cracks with elastic obstacles." Int. J.Fracture, 109, 263-283 (2001).
2001-16.Hohlfelder, R.J., Maidenberg, D.A.,Dauskardt, R.H., Wei, Y., Hutchinson, J.W., " Adhesion ofbenzocyclobutene-passivated silicon in epoxy layeredstructures." J. Mater. Res., 16, 243-255(2001).
2001-15.Balint, D., Hutchinson, J.W.," Mode II edge delamination of compressed thin films." J.Appl. Mech., 68, 725-730(2001).
2001-14.Chen, X., Hutchinson, J.W., " Foreignobject damage and fatigue crack threshold: Cracking outside shallowindents." Int. J. Fracture, 107, 31-51(2001).
2001-13.Tvergaard, V., Wei, Y., Hutchinson, J.W., "Edge cracks in plastically deforming surface grains." Eur.J. Mech. A / Solids, 20, 731-738 (2001).
2001-12.Boyce, B. L., Chen, X., Hutchinson, J. W.,Ritchie, R. O., " Theresidual stress state due to a spherical hard-body impact."Mechanics of Materials, 33, 441-454(2001).
2001-11.Evans, A.G., Hutchinson, J.W., Fleck, N.A.,Ashby, M.F., Wadley, H.N.G., " The topological design of multifunctional cellular metals."Progress in Materials Science, 46, 309-327(2001).
2001-10.Bart-Smith, H., Hutchinson, J.W., Evans,A.G., " Measurementand analysis of the structural performance of cellular metalsandwich construction." Int. J. of Mech. Sci.,43, 1945-1963 (2001).
2001-9.Lu, T.J., Hutchinson, J.W., Evans, A.G., "Optimaldesign of a flexural actuator." J. Mech. Phys. Solids,49, 2071-2093 (2001).
2001-8.Hutchinson, J.W., " Delaminationof compressed films on curved substrates." J. Mech. Phys.Solids, 50, 1847-1864 (2001).
2001-7.Fleck, N.A., Hutchinson, J.W., " Areformulation of strain gradient plasticity." J. Mech. Phys.Solids, 49, 2245-2271 (2001).
2001-6.Huang, Y., Aziz, M.J., Hutchinson, J.W.,Evans, A.G., Saha, R., Nix, W.D., " Comparisonof mechanical properties of thin films in disordered FCC andordered phases." Acta Materialia, 49, 2853-2861(2001).
2001-5.Pardoen, T., Hutchinson, J.W., " An extended model for void growth and coalescence." J. Mech.Phys. Solids, 48, 2467-2512 (2001).
2001-4.Evans, A.G., Mumm, D.R., Hutchinson, J.W.,Meier, G.H., Pettit, F.S., " Mechanismscontrolling the durability of thermal barrier coatings."Progress in Materials Science, 46, 505-553(2001).
2001-3.Wicks, N., Hutchinson, J.W., " Optimaltruss plates." Int. J. of Solids and Structures,46, 5165-5183 (2001).
2001-2.Evans, A.G., He, M.Y., Hutchinson, J.W., "Mechanics-basedscaling laws for the durability of thermal barrier coatings."Progress in Materials Science, 46, 249-271(2001).
2001-1.Yu, H.H., He, M.Y., Hutchinson, J.W., "Edge effects in thin film delamination." Acta Mater.,49, 93-107 (2001).
2000-14.Xia, Z.C., Hutchinson, J.W., " Crackpatterns in thin films." J. Mech. Phys. Solids,48, 1107-1131(2000).
2000-12.He, M.Y., Hutchinson, J.W., " Asymmetricfour-point crack specimen." Journal of AppliedMechanics, 67, 207-209 (2000).
2000-11.Rabiei, A., Evans, A.G., Hutchinson, J.W., "Heatgeneration during the fatigue of a cellular Al alloy."Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, A 31A,1129-1136 (2000).
2000-10.He, M.Y., Evans, A.G., Hutchinson, J.W., "Theratcheting of compressed thermally grown thin films on ductilesubstrates." Acta. mater., 48, 2593-2601(2000).
2000-9.Begley, M. R., Mumm, D. R., Evans, A. G.,Hutchinson, J. W., " Analysisof a wedge impression test for measuring the interface toughnessbetween films/coatings and ductile substrates." ActaMaterialia, 48, 3211-3220 (2000).
2000-8.Huck, W.T.S., Bowden, N., Onck, P., Pardoen,T., Hutchinson, J.W., Whitesides, G.M., " Orderingof spontaneously formed buckles on planar surfaces." The ACSJ. of Surfaces and Colloids, 16, 3497-3501(2000).
2000-7.Hutchinson, J. W., He, M.Y., " Buckling of cylindrical sandwich shells with metal foam cores."Int. J. Solids and Structures, 37, 6777-6794(2000).
2000-6.He, M.Y., Hutchinson, J.W., " Surface crack subject to mixed mode loading." EngineeringFracture Mechanics, 65, 1-14 (2000).
2000-5.Landis, C., Pardoen, T., Hutchinson, J. W.," Crackvelocity dependent toughness in rate dependent materials."Mechanics of Materials, 32, 663-678(2000).
2000-4.Hutchinson, J.W., He, M.Y., Evans, A.G., "The influence of imperfections on the nucleation and propagation ofbuckling driven delaminations." J. Mech. Phys. Solids,48, 709-734 (2000).
2000-3.Huang, Y., Gao, H., Nix, W.D., Hutchinson,J.W., " Mechanisms-based strain gradient plasticity - II Analysis."J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 48, 99-128 (2000).
2000-2.Hutchinson, J.W., Evans, A.G., " Mechanics of Materials: Top down approaches to fracture."Acta Materialia, 48, 125-135 (2000).
2000-1.Hutchinson, J.W., " Plasticity at the micron scale." Int. J. SolidsStructures, 37, 225-238 (2000).
1999-12.Rabiei, A., Mumm, D.R., Hutchinson, J.W.,Schweinfest, R., Ruhle, M., Evans, A.G., " Microstructure,deformation and cracking characteristics of thermal spray ferrouscoatings." Mat. Sci. Eng., A 269, 152-165(1999).
1999-11.Hutchinson, J.W., Tvergaard, V. " Edge cracksin single crystals under monotonic and cyclic loads." Int.J. Fracture, 99, 81-93 (1999).
1999-10.Genin, G.M., Hutchinson, J.W., " Failures atattachment holes in brittle matrix laminates." J. CompositeMaterials, 33, 1600-1619 (1999).
1999-9.Chen, J.Y., Wei, Y., Huang, Y., Hutchinson,J.W., Hwang, K.C., " Thecrack tip fields in strain gradient plasticity: the asymptotic andnumerical analysis." Eng. Fracture Mechanics, 64,625-648 (1999).
1999-8.Evans, A.G., Hutchinson, J.W., Wei, Y., "Interface adhesion: effects of plasticity and segregation."Acta Mater., 47, 4093-4113 (1999).
1999-7.Gao, H., Huang, Y., Nix, W.D., Hutchinson,J.W., " Mechanism-basedstrain gradient plasticity - I. Theory." J. Mechanics andPhysics of Solids, 47, 1239-1263 (1999).
1999-6.Evans, A. G., Hutchinson, J. W., He, M. Y.," Micromechanics model for the detachment of residually compressedbrittle films and coatings." Acta Mater., 47,1513-1522 (1999).
1999-5.Choi, S. R., Hutchinson, J. W., Evans, A.G., " Delaminationof multilayer thermal barrier coatings." Mechanics ofMaterials, 31, 431-447 (1999).
1999-4.Evans, A.G., Hutchinson, J.W., Ashby, M.F.," Multifunctionality of cellular metal systems." Progress inMaterials Science, 43, 171-221 (1999).
1999-3.Begley, M.R., Evans, A.G., Hutchinson, J.W.," Spherical impression of thin elastic films on elastic-plasticsubstrates." Int. J. Solids and Structures, 36,2773-2788 (1999).
1999-2.Begley, M.R., Hutchinson, J.W., " Plasticity in fretting of coated substrates." EngineeringFracture Mechanics, 62, 145-164 (1999).
1999-1.Wei, Y., Hutchinson, J.W., " Models of interface separation accompanied by plastic dissipationat multiple scales." Int. J. of Fracture, 95,1-17, (1999).
1998-9.Wei, Y., Hutchinson, J.W., " Interfacestrength, work of adhesion and plasticity in the peel test."Int. J. of Fracture, 93, 315-333, (1998).
1998-8.Evans, A. G., Ashby, M. F., Hutchinson, J.W., " Cellularmetals." Metals and Alloys, 288-303, (1998).
1998-7.He, M. Y., Evans, A. G., Hutchinson, J. W.," Effects ofmorphology on the decohesion of compressed thin films."Materials Science & Engineering, A245, 168-181, (1998).
1998-6.Evans, A.G., Hutchinson, J.W., Hutchinson,R.G., Sugimura, Y, " Technicalcost framework for high temperature manufacturing of smallcomponents and devices." J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 81,815-836, (1998).
1998-5.Zhuk, A.V., Evans, A.G., Hutchinson, J.W., "Theadhesion energy between polymer thin films and self-assembledmonoloayers." J. Mater.Sci., 13, 3555-3564(1998).
1998-4.Lu, T.J., Evans, A.G., Hutchinson, J.W., "The effects of material properties on heat dissipation in highpower electronics." Journal of Electronic Packaging,120, 280-289 (1998).
1998-3.Begley, M.R., Hutchinson, J.W., " The mechanics of size-dependent indentation." J. Mech. Phys.Solids, 46, 2049-2068 (1998).
1998-2.Deng, X., Hutchinson, J.W., " Theclamping stress in a cold-driven rivet." Int. J. Mech.Sci., 40, 683-696 (1998).
1998-1.Bowden, N., Brittain, S., Evans, A.G.,Hutchinson, J.W., Whitesides, G.M., " Spontaneousformation of ordered structures in thin films of metals supportedon an elastomeric polymer." Nature, 393, 146-149(1998).
1997-6.Fleck, N.A., Hutchinson, J.W., " Strain gradient plasticity." Advances in AppliedMechanics, 33, 295-361 (1997).
1997-5.Wei, Y., Hutchinson, J.W., " Steady-state crack growth and work of fracture for solidscharacterized by strain gradient plasticity." J. Mech. Phys.Solids, 45, 1253-1273 (1997).
1997-4.Evans, A.G., He, M.Y., Hutchinson, J.W., "Effect of interface undulations on the thermal fatigue of thinfilms and scales on metal substrates." Acta. Mater.,45, 3543-3554 (1997).
1997-3.He, M.Y., Evans, A.G., Hutchinson, J.W., "Convergent debonding of films and fibers." Acta Mater.,45, 3481-3489 (1997).
1997-2.Wei, Y., Hutchinson, J.W., " Nonlineardelamination mechanics for thin films." J. Mech. Phys.Solids., 45, 1137-1159 (1997).
1997-1.Genin, G.M., Hutchinson, J.W., " Compositelaminates in plane stress: constitutive modeling and stressredistribution due to matrix cracking." J. Amer. Ceram.Soc., 80, 1245-1255 (1997).
1996-8.Hutchinson, J.W., " Mechanicsof thin films and multilayers: Course Notes." TechnicalUniversity of Denmark, Technical Report, (1996).
1996-7.Deng, X., Hutchinson, J.W., " Approximatemethods for analyzing the growth of large cracks in fatigue damagedaircraft sheet material and lap joints." Finite Elements inAnalysis and Design, 23, 101-114 (1996).
1996-6.Drory, M.D., Hutchinson, J.W., " Measurementof the adhesion of a brittle film on a ductile substrate byindentation." Proc. R. Soc. London, A 452,2319-2341 (1996).
1996-5.Wei, Y., Hutchinson, J.W., " Mixed ModeInterface Toughness of Metal/Ceramic Joints." Mat. Res. Soc.Symp. Proc., 409, 163-170 (1996).
1996-4.Tvergaard, V., Hutchinson, J.W., " Effect of strain-dependent cohesive zone model on predictions ofcrack growth resistance." Int. J. Solids Structures,33, 3297-3308 (1996).
1996-3.Xia, Z.C., Hutchinson, J.W., " Crack tipfields in strain gradient plasticity." J. Mech. Phys.Solids., 44, 1621-1648 (1996).
1996-2.He, M.Y., Evans, A.G., Hutchinson, J.W., "Interfacecracking phenomena in constrained metal layers." ActaMater., 44, 2963-2971 (1996).
1996-1.Tvergaard, V., Hutchinson, J.W., " On the toughness of ductile adhesive joints." J. Mech. Phys.Solids, 44, 789-800 (1996).
1995-8.Hutchinson, J.W., Lu, T. J.," Laminate delamination due to thermal gradients." J. Appl.Mech., 117, 386-390(1995).
1995-7.Xia, L, Shih, F, Hutchinson, J.W., "Acomputational approach to ductile crack growth under large scaleyielding conditions." J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 43,389-413 (1995).
1995-6.Lu, T. J., Hutchinson, J. W., " Effect ofMatrix Cracking and Interface Sliding on the Thermal Expansion ofFibre-Reinforced Composites." Composites, 26,403-414 (1995).
1995-5.Lu, T.J., Hutchinson, J.W., " Effect ofmatrix cracking on the overall thermal conductivity offibre-reinforced composites." Phil. Trans. R. Soc.Lond., A 351, 595-610 (1995).
1995-4.Evans, A.G., Hutchinson, J.W., " Thethermomechanical integrity of thin films and multilayers."Acta metall. mater., 43, 2507-2530(1995).
1995-3.Lu, T. J., Hutchinson, J. W., " Thermalconducticity and expansion of cross-ply composites with matrixcracks." J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 43, 1175-1198(1995).
1995-2.Lu, T.J., Hutchinson, J.W., " Role ofFiber Stitching in Eliminating Transverse Fracture in Cross-PlyCeramic Composites." J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 78,251-253 (1995).
1995-1.Budiansky, B., Evans, A.G., Hutchinson,J.W., " Fiber-MatrixDebonding Effects on Cracking in Aligned Fiber CeramicComposites." Int. J. Solids Structures, 32,315-328 (1995).
1994-12.He, M. Y., Evans, A. G., Hutchinson, J. W.," CrackDeflection at an Interface between Dissimilar Elastic Materials :Role of Residual Stress." Int. J. Solids Structures,31, 3443-3455 (1994).
1994-11.Lu, T.J., Xia, Z.C., Hutchinson, J.W., "Delaminationof Beams under Transverse Shear and Bending." MaterialsScience and Engineering, A 118, 103-112(1994).
1994-10.Xia, Z. C., Hutchinson, J. W., Evans, A.G.,Budiansky, B, " On largescale sliding in fiber reinforced composites." J. Mech.Phys. Solids, 42, 1139-1158 (1994).
1994-9.Tvergaard, V., Hutchinson, J.W., " Toughnessof an Interface along a Thin Ductile Layer joining ElasticSolids." Philosophical Magazine, A 70, 641-656(1994).
1994-8.Ma, Q., Liang, L.C., Clarke, D.R.,Hutchinson, J.W., " Mechanicsof the Push-Out Process from IN SITU Measurement of the StressDistribution Along Embedded Sapphire Fibers." Acta metallmater., 47, 3299-3308 (1994).
1994-7.He, M.Y., Wu, B.X., Evans, A.G., Hutchinson,J.W., " InelasticStrains due to Matrix Cracking in Unidirectional Fiber-ReinforcedComposites." Mechanics of Materials, 18, 213-229(1994).
1994-6.Nilsson, K.F., Hutchinson, J.W., " InteractionBetween a Major Crack and Small Crack Damage in Aircraft SheetMaterial." Int. J. Solids Structures, 31,2331-2346 (1994).
1994-5.Xia, Z.C., Hutchinson, J.W., " Mode IIFracture Toughness of a Brittle Adhesive Layer." Int. J.Solids Structures, 31, 1133-1148 (1994).
1994-4.Xia, Z.C., Hutchinson, J.W., " MatrixCracking of Cross-Ply Ceramic Composites." Actametall.mater., 42, 1933-1945 (1994).
1994-3.Drory, M.D., Hutchinson, J.W., " DiamondCoating of Titanium Alloys." Science, 263,1753-1755 (1994).
1994-2.Tvergaard, V., Hutchinson, J.W., " Effect ofT-Stress on Mode I Crack Growth Resistance in a Ductile Solid."Int. J. Solids Structures, 31, 823-833(1994).
1994-1.Fleck, N.A., Muller, G.M., Ashby, M.F.,Hutchinson, J.W., " StrainGradient Plasticity: Theory and Experiment." Acta metall.mater., 42, 475-487 (1994).
1993-8.Fleck, N.A., Hutchinson, J.W., " APhenomenological Theory for Strain Gradient Effects inPlasticity." J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 41, 1825-1857(1993).
1993-7.Budiansky, B., Hutchinson, J.W., Evans,A.G., " On NeutralHoles in Tailored Layered Sheets." J. Applied Mechanics,60, 1056-1058 (1993).
1993-6.Tvergaard, V., Hutchinson, J.W., " Effect ofInitial Void Shape on the Occurrence of Cavitation Instabilities inElastic-Plastic Solids." Jour. of Applied Mechanics ,60, 807-812 (1993).
1993-5.Chan, K.S., He, M.Y., Hutchinson, J.W., "Crackingand Stress Redistribution in Ceramic Layered Composites."Materials Science and Engineering , A167, 57-64(1993).
1993-4.Xia, Z.C., Carr, R.R., Hutchinson, J.W., "TransverseCracking in Fiber-Reinforced Brittle Matrix, Cross-PlyLaminates." Acta metall. mater., 41, 2365-2376(1993).
1993-3.Liang, C., Hutchinson, J.W, " Mechanicsof the Fiber Pushout Test." Mechanics of Materials,14, 207-221 (1993).
1993-2.Tvergaard, V., Xia, Z.C., Hutchinson, J.W.," CrackingDue to Localized Hot Shock." J. Am. Ceram. Soc.,76, 729-736 (1993).
1993-1.Tvergaard, V., Hutchinson, J.W., " TheInfluence of Plasticity on Mixed Mode Interface Toughness."J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 41, 1119-1135(1993).
1992-8.Tvergaard, V. Huang, Y. Hutchinson, J.W., "CavitationInstabilities in a Power Hardening Elastic-Plastic Solid."Eur.J. Mech., A/Solids, 11, 215-231(1992).
1992-7.Hill, R., Hutchinson, J.W., " DifferentialHardening in Sheet Metal Under Biaxial Loading: A TheoreticalFramework." Jour. Applied Mechanics, 114, part 2S1-S9 (1992).
1992-6.Needleman, A., Tvergaard, V., Hutchinson, J.W., " Void Growthin Plastic Solids." in Topics in Fracture and Fatigue,edited by A. S. Argon, Springer Verlag, (1992).
1992-5.Thouless, M.D., Hutchinson, J.W., Liniger,E.G., " Plane-Strain,Buckling-Driven Delamination of Thin Films: Model Experiments andMode-II Fracture." Acta metall. mater., 40,2639-2649 (1992).
1992-4.Tvergaard, V., Huang, Y., Hutchinson, J.W.," CavitationInstabilities in a Power Hardening Elastic-Plastic Solid."Eur. J. Mech., A/Solids, 11, 215-231(1992).
1992-3.Tvergaard, V., Hutchinson, J.W., " TheRelation Between Crack Growth Resistance and Fracture ProcessParameters in Elastic-Plastic Solids." J. Mech. Phys.Solids, 40, 1377-1397 (1992).
1992-2.Hutchinson, J.W., Suo, Z., " Mixed ModeCracking in Layered Materials." Advances in AppliedMechanics edited by J. W. Hutchinson and T. Y. Wu, 29,63-191 (1992).
1992-1.Hutchinson, J.W., Thouless, M.D., Liniger,E.G., " Growth andConfigurational Stability of Circular, Buckling-Driven FilmDelaminations." Acta metall. mater., 40, 295-308(1992).
1991-5.Bao, G., Hutchinson, J.W., McMeeking, R.M.," ParticleReinforcement of Ductile Matrices Against Plastic Flow andCreep." Acta metall. mater., 39, 1871-1882(1991).
1991-4.Bao, G., Hutchinson, J.W., McMeeking, R.M.," The FlowStress of Dual-Phase, Non-Hardening Solids." Mechanics ofMaterials, 12, 85-94 (1991).
1991-3.He, M.Y., Bartlett, A., Evans, A.G.,Hutchinson, J.W., " Kinking ofa Crack out of an Interface: Role of In-Plane Stress." J.Am. Ceramic Soc., 74, 767-771 (1991).
1991-2.Huang, Y., Hutchinson, J.W., Tvergaard, V.," CavitationInstabilities in Elastic-Plastic Solids." J. Mech. Phys.Solids, 39, 223-241 (1991).
1991-1.Fleck, N.A., Hutchinson, J.W., Suo, Z., "Crack PathSelection in a Brittle Adhesive Layer." Int. J. SolidsStructures, 27, 1683-1703 (1991).
1990-8.Huang,Y., Hutchinson, J.W., " A modelstudy of the role of nonuniform defect distribution on plasticshear localization." in Modelling of material behavior anddesign edited by J. D. Embury and A. W. Thompson TMS , 129-147(1990).
1990-7.Hutchinson, J.W., Jensen, H.M., " Models ofFiber Debonding and Pullout in Brittle Composites withFriction." Mechanics of Materials, 9, 139-163(1990).
1990-6.Shum, D.K.M., Hutchinson, J.W., " OnToughening by Microcracks." Mechanics of Materials,9, 83-91 (1990).
1990-5.Kalejs, J. P., Menna, A. A., Stormont, R.W., Hutchinson, J. W., " Stress inThin Hollow Silicon Cylinders Grown by the Edge-Defined Film-FedGrowth Technique." Journal of Crystal Growth,104,(1990).
1990-4.Ghahremani, F., Hutchinson, J.W., Tvergaard,V., " Three-Dimension-alEffects in Microcrack Nucleation in Brittle Polycrystals."J. Am. Ceramic Soc., 73, 1548-1554(1990).
1990-3.Jensen, H.M., Hutchinson, J.W., Kim. K.S., "Decohesionof a Cut Prestressed Film on a Substrate." Int. J. SolidsStructures, 26, 1099-1114 (1990).
1990-2.Hutchinson, J.W., " Mixed ModeFracture Mechanics of Interfaces." in Metal-CeramicInterfaces, Acta-Scripta Metallurgica, Proceedings Series 4 editedby M. Ruhle, A. G. Evans, M. F. Ashby and J. P. Hirth, PergamonPress, (1990).
1990-1.Suo, Z., Hutchinson, J.W., " InterfaceCrack Between Two Elastic Layers." Int. J. of Fracture,43, 1-18 (1990).
1989-11.Hutchinson, J.W., " Mechanismsof toughening in ceramics." in Theoretical and AppliedMechanics, edited by P. Germain, et al, IUTAM, 139-144(1989).
1989-10.Evans, A.G., Dalgleish, B.J., He, M.,Hutchinson, J.W., " On CrackPath Selection and the Interface Fracture Energy in BimaterialSystems." Acta Metallurgica, 37, 3249-3254(1989).
1989-9.Evans, A.G., He, M.E., Hutchinson, J.W., "InterfaceDebonding and Fiber Cracking in Brittle Matrix Composites."J. Am. Ceramic Soc., 72, 230-2303 (1989).
1989-8.Suo, Z., Hutchinson, J.W., " Steady-StateCracking in Brittle Substrates Beneath Adherent Films." Int.J. Solids Structures , 25, 1337-1353 (1989).
1989-7.He, N.Y., Hutchinson, J.W., " CrackDeflection at an Interface Between Dissimilar ElasticMaterials." Int. J. Solids Structures, 25,1053-1067 (1989).
1989-6.Fleck, N.A., Hutchinson, J.W., Tvergaard,V., " Softeningby Void Nucleation and Growth in Tension and Shear." J.Mech. Phys. Solids, 37, 515-540 (1989).
1989-5.Hutchinson, J.W., Tvergaard, V., " SofteningDue to Void Nucleation in Metals." in Fracture Mechanics:Perspectives and Directions (Twentieth Symposium), ASTM STP 1020,edited by R. P. Wei and R. P. Gangloff, American Society forTesting and Materials,, 61-83 (1989).
1989-4.Huang, Y., Hutchinson, J.W., " A modelstudy of the role of nonuniform defect destribution on plasticshear localization." in Role of Modelling in MaterialsDesign, edited by J. D. Embury, AIME, (1989).
1989-3.He, M.Y., Hutchinson, J.W., " Kinking ofa Crack Out of an Interface." Jour. Applied Mechanics,56, 270-278 (1989).
1989-3A.He, M.Y., Hutchinson, J.W., " Kinkingof a Crack Out of an Interface: Tabulated SolutionCoefficients." Harvard University Report MECH-113A,February (1989).
1989-2.Evans, A.G., Hutchinson, J.W., " Effects ofNon-Planarity on the Mixed Mode Fracture Resistance of BimaterialInterfaces." Acta Metallurgica, 37, 909-916(1989).
1989-1.Suo, Z., Hutchinson, J.W., " SandwichTest Specimens for Measuring Interface Crack Toughness."Materials Science and Engineering, A107, 135-143(1989).
1988-1.Tvergaard, V., Hutchinson, J.W., " Microcrackingin Ceramics Induced by Thermal Expansion or ElasticAnisotropy." Jour. Am. Ceramic Soc. , 71, 157-166(1988).
1987-7.Mataga, P.A., Freund, L.B., Hutchinson,J.W., " Crack TipPlasticity in Dynamic Fracture." J. Phys. Chem. Solids ,48, 985-1005 (1987).
1987-6.Hutchinson, J.W., Mear, M.E., Rice, J.R., "CrackParalleling an Interface Between Dissimilar Materials."Jour. Applied Mechanics, 54, 828-832(1987).
1987-5.Hutchinson, J.W., " InitialCrack Growth Tearing Resistance in Transformation ToughenedCeramics." in Advanced Materials for Severe ServiceApplications edited by I. Iida and A. J. McEvily, Elsevier,(1987).
1987-4.Mataga, P.A., Hutchinson, J.W., Chalmers,B., Bell, R.O., Kalejs, J.P., " Effects ofTransverse Temperature Field Nonuniformity on Stress in SiliconSheet Growth." J. Crystal Growth , 82, 60-64(1987).
1987-3.Ruhle, M., Evans, A.G., McMeeking, R.M.,Charalambides, P.G., Hutchinson, J.W., " MicrocrackToughening in Alumina/Zirconia." Acta Metallurgica,35, 2701-2710 (1987).
1987-2.Hutchinson, J.W., " Crack TipShielding by Micro-Cracking in Brittle Solids." ActaMetallurgica , 35, 1605-1619 (1987).
1987-1.Thouless, M.D., Evans, A.G., Ashby, M.F.,Hutchinson, J.W., " The EdgeCracking and Spalling of Brittle Plates." ActaMetallurgica , 35, 1333-1341 (1987).
1986-4.Fleck, N.A., Hutchinson, J.W., " Void Growthin Shear." Proc. Roy. Soc. London , A 407,435-458 (1986).
1986-3.Shih, C.F., Hutchinson, J.W., " CombinedLoading of a Fully Plastic Ligament Ahead of an Edge-Crack."Jour. Applied Mechanics , 53, 271-277(1986).
1986-2.Freund, L.B., Hutchinson, J.W., Lam P.S., "Analysis ofHigh-Strain-Rate Elastic-Plastic Crack Growth." EngineeringFracture Mechanics , 32, 119-129 (1986).
1986-1.Budiansky, B., Hutchinson, J.W., Evans,A.G., " MatrixFracture in Fiber-Reinforced Ceramics." J. Mech. Phys.Solids, 34, 167-189 (1986).
1985-3.Mear, M.E., Hutchinson, J.W., " Influenceof Yield Surface Curvature on Flow Localization in DilatantPlasticity." Mechanics of Materials , 4, 395-407(1985).
1985-2.Hutchinson, J.W., Neale, K.W., " Wrinklingof Curved Thin Sheet Metal." in Plastic InstabilityConsidere Memorial Symposium, Presses Ponts et Chaussees Paris, 71-78 (1985).
1985-1.Freund, L.B., Hutchinson, J.W., " HighStrain-Rate Crack Growth in Rate-Dependent Plastic Solids."J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 33, 169-191(1985).
1984-5.Chater, E., Hutchinson, J.W., " MechanicalAnalogs of Coexistent Phases." in Proceedings of Conferenceon Phase Transformations and Material Instabilities in Solids,Mathematics Research Center, University of Wisconsin edited by M.E. Gurtin, Academic Press, 21-36 (1984).
1984-4.Chater, E., Hutchinson, J.W., " On thePropagation of Bulges and Buckles." Jour. AppliedMechanics, 51, 1-9 (1984).
1984-3.Duva, J.M., Hutchinson, J.W., " ConstitutivePotentials for Dilutely Voided Nonlinear Materials."Mechanics of Materials, 3, 41-54 (1984).
1984-2.Evans, A.G., Hutchinson, J.W., " On theMechanics of Delamination and Spalling in Compressed Films."Int. J. Solids Structures, 20, 455-466(1984).
1984-1.Ohno, N., Hutchinson, J.W., " PlasticFlow Localization Due to Non-Uniform Void Distribution." J.Mech. Phys. Solids, 32, 63-85 (1984).
1983-8.Chater, E., Hutchinson, J.W., Neale, K.W., "BucklePropagation on a Beam on a Nonlinear Elastic Foundation." inCollapse, edited by J. M. T. Thompson and G. W. Hunt, CambridgeUniversity Press , 31-41 (1983).
1983-7.He, M.Y., Hutchinson, J.W., " Penny-ShapedCrack in a Round Bar of Power-Law Hardening Material." inElastic Plastic Fracture, Volume I -Inelastic Crack Analysis, ASTMSTP 803, edited by C. F. Shih and J. P. Gudas, American Society forTesting and Materials, 291-305 (1983).
1983-6.,He, M.Y., Hutchinson, J.W., " Bounds forFully Plastic Crack Problems for Infinite Bodies." inElastic Plastic Fracture, Volume I -Inelastic Crack Analysis, ASTMSTP 803, edited by C. F. Shih and J. P. Gudas, American Society forTesting and Materials, 277-290 (1983).
1983-5.Lambropoulos, J.C., Hutchinson, J.W., Bell,R.O., Chalmers, B., Kalejs, J.P., " PlasticDeformation Influence on Stress Generated During Silicon SheetGrowth at High Speeds." Journal of Crystal Growth ,65, 324-330 (1983).
1983-4.Hutchinson, J.W., " Fundamentalsof the Phenomenological Theory of Nonlinear FractureMechanics." Jour. Applied Mechanics, 105,1042-1051 (1983).
1983-4.Ponter, A.R.S., Palmer, A.C., Goodman, D.J.,Ashby, M.F., Evans, A.G., Hutchinson, J.W., " The ForceExerted by a Moving Ice Sheet on an Offshore Structure, Part I. TheCreep Mode." Cold Regions Science and Technology ,8, 109-118 (1983).
1983-3.Hutchinson, J.W., Neale, K.W., " NeckPropagation." J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 31, 405-426(1983).
1983-2.Hutchinson, J.W., " ConstitutiveBehavior and Crack Tip Fields for Materials UndergoingCreep-Constrained Grain Boundary Cavitation." ActaMetallurgica , 31, 1079-1088 (1983).
1983-1.Budiansky, B., Lambropoulos J.C.,Hutchinson, J. W.," ContinuumTheory of Dilatant Transformation Toughening in Ceramics."Int. J. Solids Structures, 19, 337-355(1983).
1982-3.Hutchinson, J.W., " Crack-TipSingularity Fields in Nonlinear Fracture Mechanics: A Survey ofCurrent Status." in Advances in Fracture Mechanics ,6, 2669-2684 (1982).
1982-2.Steif, P.S., Spaepen, F., Hutchinson, J.W.," StrainLocalization in Amorphous Metals." Acta Metallurgica ,30, 447-455 (1982).
1982-1.Budiansky, B., Hutchinson, J.W., Slutsky,S., " Void Growthand Collapse in Viscous Solids." in Mechanics of Solidsedited by H. G. Hopkins and M. J. Sewell, Pergamon Press, 13-45(1982).
1981-3.Hutchinson, J.W., Neale, K.W., " FiniteStrain J2 Deformation Theory." in Proceedings of the IUTAMSymposium on Finite Elasticity edited by D. E. Carlson and R. T.Shield, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Netherlands , 238-247(1981).
1981-2.He, M.Y., Hutchinson, J.W., " ThePenny-Shaped Crack and the Plane Strain Crack in an Infinite Bodyof Power-Law Material." J. Appl. Mech., 48,830-840 (1981).
1981-1.Hutchinson,J.W., Tvergaard, V., " Shear BandFormation in Plane Strain." Int. J. Solids Structures ,17, 451-470 (1981).
1980-3.Budiansky,B.,Hutchinson, J.W., " Self-SimilarShapes and Asymptotic Dilatation-Rates for Voids in ViscousSolids." in Proceedings of the XVth International Congressof Theoretical and Applied Mechanics edited by F. P. J. Rimrott andB. Tabarrok, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam,(1980).
1980-2.Hutchinson, J.W.,Tvergaard, V., " SurfaceInstabilities on Statically Strained Plastic Solids." Int.J. Mech. Sci. , 22, 339-354 (1980).
1980-2.Bassani, J.L., Durban, D., Hutchinson,J.W.," Bifurcationsat a Spherical Hole in an Infinite Elastoplastic Medium."Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. , 87, 330-356(1980).
1980-1.Dean, R.H., Hutchinson, J.W., " Quasi-StaticSteady Crack Growth in Small Scale Yielding." in FractureMechanics, ASTM STP 700, American Society for Testing andMaterials, 383-405 (1980).
1979-8.Christoffersen, J., Hutchinson, J.W., "AClass of Phenomenological Corner Theories of Plasticity." J.Mech. Phys. Solids, 27, 465-487 (1979).
1979-7.Hutchinson, J.W., " A courseon nonlinear fracture mechanics." Dept. of Solid Mechanics,Technical University of Denmark , (1979).
1979-6.Budiansky, B., Hutchinson, J.W., " Buckling:Progress and Challenge." in Trends in Solid Mechanics 1979,edited by J. F. Besseling and A. M. A. van der Heijden, DelftUniversity Press, , 93-116 (1979).
1979-5.Ernst, J., Paris, P. C., Smith, C. W.,Hutchinson, J. W." Analysis ofLoad-Displacement Relationship to Determine J-R Curve and TearingInstability Material Properties." in Fracture Mechanics,ASTM STP 677, edited by C. W. Smith, American Society for Testingand Materials, (1979).
1979-4.Bassani, J.L., Hutchinson, J.W., Neale,K.W., " On thePrediction of Necking in Anisotropic Sheets." in MetalForming Plasticity, edited by H. Lippmann, Springer-Verlag,(1979).
1979-3.Hutchinson, J.W.,Paris, P.C., " StabilityAnalysis of J-Controlled Crack Growth in Elastic-PlasticFracture,." in ASTM STP 668, edited by J. D. Landes et al.,American Society for Testing and Materials, (1979).
1979-2.Hutchinson, J.W., " RecentDevelopments in Nonlinear Fracture Mechanics, ." inProceedings of the Seventh Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics,edited by F. Ellyin and K. W. Neale, Universite de Sherbrooke,Sherbrooke, Quebec , 24-36 (1979).
1979-1.Hutchinson, J.W., " Survey ofSome Recent Work on the Mechanics of Necking,." inProceedings of the Eighth U. S. National Congress of AppliedMechanics, edited by R. E. Kelly, Western Periodicals Co., NorthHollywood, California, , 87-98 (1979).
1978-5.Hutchinson, J.W., Needleman, Shih, C.F., "FullyPlastic Crack Problems in Bending and Tension." in FractureMechanics, edited by N. Perrone et al., University Press ofVirginia , , 515-527-1397 (1978).
1978-4.Hutchinson, J.W., Neale, K.W., " SheetNecking- III. Strain-Rate Effects." in Mechanics of SheetMetal Forming edited by D. P. Koistinen and N. -M. Wang, PlenumPublishing Corporation , 269-285 (1978).
1978-3.Hutchinson, J.W., Neale, K.W., " SheetNecking- II. Time-Independent Behavior." in Mechanics ofSheet Metal Forming edited by D. P. Koistinen and N. -M. Wang,Plenum Publishing Corporation , 127-153 (1978).
1978-2.Hutchinson, J.W., Neale, K.W., Needleman,A., " SheetNecking- I. Validity of Plane Stress Assumptions of theLong-Wavelength Approximation." in Mechanics of Sheet MetalForming edited by D. P. Koistinen and N. -M. Wang, PlenumPublishing Corporation , 111-126 (1978).
1978-1.Budianksy, B., Hutchinson, J.W., " Analysis ofClosure in Fatigue Crack Growth." Journal of AppliedMechanics, 45, 267-276 (1978).
1977-5.Amazigo, J.C., Hutchinson, J.W., " Crack-TipFields in Steady Crack-Growth with Linear Strain-Hardening."J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 25, 81-97 (1977).
1977-4.Hutchinson, J.W., " Creep andPlasticity of Hexagonal Polycrystals as Related to Single CrystalSlip." Metallurgical Transactions A , 8A,September (1977).
1977-3.Hutchinson, J.W., Neale, K.W. " Influenceof Strain-Rate Sensitivity on Necking under Uniaxial Tension."Acta Metallurgica , 25, 839-846 (1977).
1977-2.Byskov, E., Hutchinson, J.W., " ModeInteraction in Axially Stiffened Cylindrical Shells." AIAAJournal , 15, 941-948 (1977).
1977-1.Hutchinson, J.W., Obrecht, H. " TensileInstabilities in Strain-Rate Dependent Materials."Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Fracture,1, 101-116 (1977).
1976-3.Shih, C.F., Hutchinson, J.W., " FullyPlastic Solutions and Large Scale Yielding Estimates for PlaneStress Crack Problems." J. Engineering Materials andTechnology , 98, 289-295 (1976).
1976-2.Hutchinson, J.W., " Bounds andSelf-Consistent Estimates for Creep of PolycrystallineMaterials." Proc. Roy. Soc. London, , A 348,101-127 (1976).
1976-1.Hutchinson, J.W., Budiansky, B., " Analyticaland Numerical Study of the Effects of Initial Imperfections on theInelastic Buckling of a Cruciform Column." Proceedings ofIUTAM Symposium on Buckling of Structures, edited by B. Budianksy,Springer-Verlag, 98-105 (1976).
1975-4.Hill, R., Hutchinson, J.W., " BifurcationPhenomena in the Plane Tension Test." J. Mech. Phys.Solids, 23, 239-264 (1975).
1975-3.Richman, D.P., Stewart, R.M., Hutchinson,J.W., Caviness, V.S. Jr., " MechanicalModel of Brain Convolutional Development." Science,189, 18-21 (1975).
1975-2.Hutchinson, J.W., Shih, C. F., " PlasticAnalysis of Mixed Mode Plane Stress Crack Problems in."Recent Advances in Engineering Science, 6, 245-253(1975) Scientific Publishers, Inc. Cambridge,MA.
1975-1.Goldman, N.L., Hutchinson, J.W., " FullyPlastic Crack Problems: The Center-Cracked Strip under PlaneStrain." Int. J. Solids Structures , 11, 575-591(1975).
1974-3.Hutchinson, J.W., " On SteadyQuasi-Static Crack Growth." Harvard University Report DEAPS-8, April (1974).
1974-2.Hutchinson, J.W., " PlasticBuckling." Advances in Applied Mechanics, 14,67-144 (1974).
1974-1.Hutchinson, J.W.,Miles, J.P. " BifurcationAnalysis of the Onset of Necking in an Elastic/Plastic Cylinderunder Uniaxial Tension." J. Mech. Phys. Solids,22, 61-71 (1974).
1973-3.Hutchinson, J.W., " FiniteStrain Analysis of Elastic-Plastic Solids and Structures."in Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Structural Problems, AMDAnnual Meeting of ASME, 6, 17-29 (1973).
1973-2.Hutchinson, J.W., " Imperfection-Sensitivityin the Plastic Range." J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 21,191-204 (1973).
1973-1.Hutchinson, J.W., " Post-BifurcationBehavior in the Plastic Range." J. Mech. Phys. Solids,21, 163-190 (1973).
1972-3.Budiansky, B., Hutchinson, J.W., " Buckling ofCircular Cylindrical Shells under Axial Compression."Contributions to the Theory of Aircraft Structures DelftUniversity Press , 239-259 (1972).
1972-2.Hutchinson, J.W., Niordson, F.I. " DesigningVibrating Membranes." in Continuum Mechanics and RelatedProblems of Analysis, Nauka Publishing House, Moscow , 581-590(1972).
1972-1.Hutchinson, J.W., " On thePostbuckling Behavior of Imperfection-Sensitive Structures in thePlastic Range." Jour. Applied Mechanics , 155-162(1972).
1971-2.Hilton, P.D., Hutchinson, J.W., " PlasticIntensity Factors for Cracked Plates." Engng. FracureMech. , 3, 435-451 (1971).
1971-1.Hutchinson, J.W., Tennyson, R.C.,Muggeridge, D.B., " Effect of aLocal Axisymmetric Imperfection on the Buckling Behavior of aCircular Cylindrical Shell under Axial Compression." AIAAJournal , 9, 48-52 (1971).
1970-3.Hutchinson, J.W., " Elastic-PlasticBehavior of Polycrystalline Metals and Composites." Proc.Roy. Soc. London , A319, 247-272 (1970).
1970-2.Forman, S.E., Hutchinson, J.W., " Buckling ofReticulated Shell Structures." Int. J. Solids Structures, 6, 909-932 (1970).
1970-1.Hutchinson, J.W., Koiter, W.T. " Postbucklingtheory." Applied Mechanics Reviews, 1353-1366 December(1970).
1969-3.Budiansky, B., Frauenthal, J.C., Hutchinson,J.W., " On OptimalArches." Jour. Applied Mechanics, December(1969).
1969-2.Hutchinson, J.W., Frauenthal, J.C. "ElasticPostbuckling Behavior of Stiffened and Barreled CylindricalShells." Jour. Applied Mechanics , 784-790 December(1969).
1969-1.Fitch, J.R., V., Hutchinson, J.W., "Commenton Effect of Nonlinear Prebuckling State on the PostbucklingBehavior and Imperfection-Sensitivity of Elastic Structures."AIAA Journal , 7, 1407 (1969).
1968-3.Hutchinson, J.W., " PlasticStress and Strain Fields at a Crack Tip." J. Mech. Phys.Solids, 16, 337-347 (1968).
1968-2.Hutchinson, J.W., " SingularBehavior at the End of a Tensile Crack in a HardeningMaterial." J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 16, 18-31(1968).
1968-1.Hutchinson, J.W., " Bucklingand Initial Postbuckling Behavior of Oval Cylindrical Shells underAxial Compression." Jour. Applied Mechanics , 66-72March (1968).
1967-3.Hutchinson, J.W., " ImperfectionSensitivity of Externally Pressurized Spherical Shells."Jour. Applied Mechanics , 49-55, March (1967).
1967-2.Hutchinson, J.W., " InitialPost-Buckling Behavior of Toroidal Shell Segments." Int. J.Solids Structures , 3, 97-115 (1967).
1967-1.Hutchinson, J.W., Amazigo, J. C. " Imperfection-Sensitivityof Eccentrically Stiffened Cylindrical Shells." AIAAJournal, 5, 392-401 (1967).
1966-2.Budiansky, B., Hutchinson, J.W., " A Survey ofSome Buckling Problems." AIAA Journal, 4,1505-1510 (1966).
1966-1.Hutchinson, J.W., Budiansky, B. " DynamicBuckling Estimates." AIAA Journal, 4, 525-530(1966).
1965-2.Hutchinson, J.W., " Buckling ofImperfect Cylindrical Shells under Axial Compression and ExternalPressure." AIAA Journal, 3, 1968-1970(1965).
1965-1.Hutchinson, J.W., " AxialBuckling of Pressurized Imperfect Cylindrical Shells." AIAAJournal , 3, 1461-1466 (1965).
1964-3.Budiansky, B., Hutchinson, J.W., " DynamicBuckling of Imperfection-Sensitive Structures." Proceedingsof the Eleventh International Congress of Applied Mechanics,Munich, Germany , edited by H. Gortler, Springer-Verlag, ,637-651 (1964).
1964-2.Hutchinson, J.W., " PlasticDeformation of B.C.C. Polycrystals." J. Mech. Phys.Solids, 12, 25-33 (1964).


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