【观点】Jon Stewart的幽默轰动了数以万计的中国人
来自:路透社(上海)时间:2012年5月20日 记者:JaneLee
编辑:Elaine Lies和MichaelPerr
Jon Stewart's humor a hit with millions of Chinese
Humor may not always translate well, but Jon Stewart is picking upmillions of fans in China, where his gloves-off political satire isrefreshing for many in a country where such criticism is a rarity -especially when directed at their own leaders.
A recent segment on North Korea scored over 4 million views onmicroblogger Sina Weibo, and even stodgy state broadcaster CCTV hasused Stewart's "The Daily Show" in a report, though they wouldn'tlet a Chinese version of him near their cameras.
Recent popular sequences have included one in which Stewartlampooned the Chinese hackers who hacked into the New York Timescomputer system earlier this year, wondering if that was the bestthey could do.
But far from squelching Stewart, CCTV even used one of hissequences on Guantanamo Bay to criticize Obama in a regularbroadcast - a move widely derided by netizens.
In China, however, such criticism tends not to be welcomed by thegovernment. Dissident artist Ai Weiwei, who regularly criticizesthe government for what he sees as its flouting of the rule of lawand human rights, was detained for 81 days in 2011, sparking aninternational outcry.
"There's nothing like political satire here," said David Moses, whostudies and writes about Chinese humor.
Though the exact timing of Stewart's entrance to China is unclear,many have been watching him for four or five years, mainly throughthe Internet and Weibo.
"Being a journalist, you have to find out the truth," said MaoMoyu, a Shanghai journalism student who got hooked on Stewart fouryears ago.
"If there's ... something that hurts the public interest you haveto stand out, no matter how sharp the thing is. You have to standout and say that's not right."
Part of Stewart's popularity is that he seems cool to young peoplein love with all things foreign, but a thirst for satire that isnot afraid to show its face contributes too, Moses said.
The closest thing that exists in China is coded references and punsthat tweak official pronouncements or sound likeobscenities.
"That's just shooting a finger at the government. But this isfull-fledged jokes and routines about North Korea or about Chinaand trade...It's just what they wish they could do here," Mosessaid.
Free translations into Chinese by Stewart's fans have boosted hispopularity. In fact, one - known as Gu Da Bai Hua - now even hashis own fan base.
China's thirst for foreign satire is so great that Stewart is notthe only popular U.S. comic. Some Chinese say they prefer rivaltelevision satirist Stephen Colbert - although humor may not be theonly issue at stake.
"I think I like Stephen Colbert's pronunciation more because it'smuch clearer for me," said Shanghai student Peng Cheng.
