2015年6月13日四级答案解析持续更新中 2012英语四级答案解析

As is graphically depicted in the cartoon, a young girl istalking with her mother. She says ironically, “Good news mom! I wasaccepted to the college of your choice!” Then, her mother smilesand seems content with this result. Apparently, the cartoon aims toreveal the fact that a majority of modern parents play anincreasingly negative role in their children’s growth.
There are several possible reasons accountable for thisphenomenon(中心句). To begin with, family in growing numbers has onlyone child; therefore, parents oftentimes focus all their attentionson that child and exert much pressure on him or her(原因一). Moreover,numerous parents intend to realize their unfulfilled dreams byletting their children learn what they failed to learn and applyfor the college by which they failed to be accepted, because theyhave become richer and they believe that they have the power tomake what they wanted and want come true now(原因二). For instance, myuncle used to be a poor man and his dream that one day he wouldbecome a violinist was broken because of lack of money. But he madea fortune by selling coals, and then forced his son, my youngerbrother to practice playing the violin. My brother was a huge fanof sports, but now he has to play violin everyday unwillingly andofter quarrels with theirparents(举例:原来-然后-结局).
To sum up, it is unreasonable for parents to control theirchildren’s life(总结句). In order to help them grow happily andhealthily, parents are supposed to communicate with their kidsabout what they are really interested in(建议一,目的句型). Meanwhile, itis about time that parents let their kids make their ownchoices(建议二,“是时候”句型). Only in these ways will children grow in apsychologically happy environment and realize their owndreams.
As is graphicallydepicted in the cartoon, modern life has been dominated bycomputers. No matter the young man is in the office, at home, andin his spare time, the only friend he has is a computer. Even whenhe sleeps, what is in his dream is still the computer. Apparently,the cartoon aims to reveal the fact that the computer has begun toplay a negative role in the modern life.第一段三句话,第一句大体描写,第二句细节描写,第三句话揭示图画目的。
The reasons whymodern people are tied up with computers are as follows. To beginwith, they have become increasingly busier in making money;therefore, they need a quick way to outlet their pressure andexhaustion and computer is their ideal companion. Moreover,computers can assist people to deal with complicated working stuff,make friends, and entertain themselves because they have becomegrowingly powerful and everything else is linked with them. Forinstance, two decades ago, computers were far from popular andpeople used them to to practice typing letters and do basic works.However, with the Internet becoming pervasive, computers haveintegrated music, films, shopping, and everything we like intotheir worlds. Now, when we power on the all-mighty computers, whatwe want is out there for us.第二段:中心句+两原因+一例子,原因句型先果后因和先因后果,思路是攻受各一个。
To sum up, thislifestyle is absolutely imperfect. In order to lead a healthy life,we are supposed to do more exercises and expose ourselves to thetangible world. Meanwhile, it is about time that we powered thecomputer off and talked with our friends and familily face-to-face.Only in these ways will modern life become more beautiful for youand me.最后一段总结+两建议+展望未来
As is depictedgraphically in the cartoon, a man is going to send his children tothe school. His son does not want to leave home and he says that hedoes not know why he has to attend school since the phone in hishand already knows everything. Then, his fathers seems ratherembarrassed and does not know how to reply. Apparently, the cartoonaims to reveal the fact that kids in increasing numbers have wrongunderstanding of going to school.第一段三句话,大体描写,细节对话和反应描写,以及图的目的。
There are severalpossible reasons accountable for this phenomenon. To begin with,modern parents have become increasingly richer; therefore, theyoftentimes buy phones to their kids when kids are too young to usethis tool in a right way. Moreover, these parents have less time toeducate their kids because they are occupied with their works andbusy in making money, making kids believe that phones are theirbest friends and teachers. Suppose you are a child, you can choosebetween two kinds of teachers. One is just in your hands and everytime you have a question, you just need to search for the answerthrough it; the other is in the school, and he asks you to obey therules, do homeworks, and solve problems by yourself. Which one willyou choose? A child with no sufficient parental education andsuperior family background will definitely choose the formerone.第二段解释图中的现象的原因。中心句+两原因+一例子。这次写的是假设例子。
To sum up, parentsare supposed to take immediate measures to control this trend. Inorder to help kids form good habit and healthy state of mind,parents ought not to buy phones to their kids before these kids aremature enough to tell rights from wrongs. Meanwhile, it is hightime that parents spent more time in educating and accompanyingtheir children. Only in these ways will modern kids have betterunderstanding of learning and growing up.最后一段,总结+两建议+展望未来。



W: I am going to give up playing chess, I lost againtoday.

M: Just because you lost? Is that any reason toquit?

Q: What does the man imply?


M: Do you know Shirley’s new address? She’s got some mailhere and I’d like to fold it to her.

W: Well, we’ve not been in touch for quit a while. Let’ssee, Marry should know it?

Q: What does the women mean?


W: I missed the classes this morning could you please lentme your notes?

M: My notes? You’ve never seem my hand writing, haveyou?

Q: What does the man imply?


M: I am taking my girlfriend to the fancy new restaurantfor her birthday tonight.

W: I went there last weekend and I found it ratherdisappointing.

Q: What does the women mean?


W: Winter is over at last, time to put away my gloves andboots.

M: I ‘ve been waiting for this for months.

Q: What does the man mean?


W: Thank you for bringing the books back.

M: I thought you need them over the weekend, many thanksfor let me use them.

Q: What do we learn from conversation?


W: Are you working flexible hours?

M: No I am not, The weather today is so nice, so I decidedto walk to work and that meant I have to leave an hour earlier thanusual.

Q: What does the man decide to do?


W: Our plane has been circling for a long time, we coulddelay.

M: The airport was closed for a while this morning andthings are still not back to normal.

Q: What does the man mean?


【总评】:8 个短对话总体来说比以往四级听力要难,但是考察水平令人叹服。题目的设置一改往年的模式化语境,更加委婉、微妙,贴近真实生活中的语境,选项并不是对原文的简单重现而是替换与推理。

1. 考点:推理判断

答案:A. The woman should go on playing chess.

本题的关键在于听懂反问语气。女士说因为又输了棋,所以打算放弃。男士没有正面回应,而是反问了一句:“Is that any reason to quit? 这能算一个放弃的理由吗?”言下之意就是不该放弃。换句话说,男士就是建议女士继续好好继续下棋。

2. 考点:细节捕捉。

答案:D. Mary probably knows Sally’s newaddress.

本题的关键在于听到最后一句“Mary should know it. ”男士说自己手边有一堆Sally的信件需要寄给她,所以需要知道她的地址。女士说自己很久没跟Sally联系了,但是结尾说了一句:“Mary应该知道地址。”如果没有听出结尾一句的反转含义,本题很容易错选。

3. 考点:推理判断

答案:B. His notes are not easy to read.

本题的关键在于听懂反义疑问句。女士想要借笔记,男士说:“You’venever see my handwriting, have you?”“你从没看过我的笔迹吧?”言下之意,就是自己的笔记难以辨认。

4. 考点:推理判断

答案:D. The man had better choose anotherrestaurant.

本题的关键在于听懂否定语气。男士说我今晚要带女朋友去新开的漂亮饭店过生日。女士说我上周去过,太让我失望了。从“rather disappointing” 可以听出女士的强烈否定语气,言下之意就是建议男士不要去这家饭馆了。

5. 考点:推理判断

答案:C. He has been looking forward tospring.


6. 考点:细节捕捉

答案:B. The man appreciates the woman’s help.

本题关键在于听懂感谢语气。男士说:“Many thanks forletting me use them.”(太感谢你让我看他们了。)thankMany thanks和选项中的appreciate为同义词。

7. 考点:细节捕捉

答案:B. Go to work on foot.

本题的关键在于捕捉否定词之后被突出的信息。男士提到的“walk towork”和选项中的Goon foot. 为同义表达。

8. 细节捕捉

答案:A. Temporary closing has disturbed the airport’soperation.

本题考察的是一组明显的因果关系,即什么导致了延误。男士提到今早机场关闭了一段时间了,而且仍然没恢复正常。“closedfor a while”与选项中的Temporaryclosing构成同义替换。



Conversation 1

W: Morning, this is TGC!

M: Good morning, Walter Barry here, calling from London.Could I speak to Mr. Grand, please?

W: Who’s calling, please?

M: Walter Barry, from London.

W: What is itabout, please?——问题是考题

M: Well, I understand that your company has a chemical processingplant.(9题答案——回答是答案。)Myown company LCP, Liquid Control Products, is a leader in safetyfrom leaks in the field of chemicalprocessing.(9题答案——重复答案最容易)I’d like to speak to Mr. Grand to discuss ways in which we could helpTGC to protect itself from such problems and save money at the sametime.——第10题答案(男士公司存在的问题)

W: Yes, I see. Well, Mr. Grand is not available justnow.

M: Can you tell me when I could reach him?

W: He’s very busy for the next few days. Then he’ll beaway in New York. So it’s difficult to give you a time.

M: Could I speak to someone else, perhaps?

W: Who, in particular?

M: Acolleague, for example?——问题是考题

W: You are speaking to his personalassistance.——回答是答案(11题答案)I can deal with calls for Mr. Grand.

M: Yes, well,could I ring him tomorrow?——问题是考题

W: No, I’msorry, he won’t be free tomorrow.Listen, let me suggestsomething. You send us details of your products and services,together with references from other companies. And then we’llcontact you.——回答是答案(12题答案)

M: Yes, that’s very kind of you. I have youraddress.

M: Barry. Walter Barry, from LCP in London.

W: Right, Mr. Barry. We look forward to hearing fromyou.

M: Thank you, goodbye.

W: Bye.

Q9. What do we learn about the woman’s company?

Q10. What do we learn about theman?

Q11. What’s the woman’s position in hercompany?

Q12. What does the woman suggest the mando?

Conversation 2

M: MissYamada, did you ever think that you would find yourself living andworking in the western world?——问题是考题

W: No, not really, although I’ve always listened to recordings ofgreat orchestras from Europe.——回答是答案(第13题答案)

M: So you enjoyed classical music even when you were veryyoung?

W: Oh, yes. I was an only child.

M: You were born in 1955, is that right?

W: Yes, I began violin lessons at school when I was6.

M: As young as that, did you like it?

W: Oh, yes, very much.

M: When didyou first play on your own? I mean, when did you give your firstperformance?——问题是考题

W: I think I was 8…? No, Nine. I just had my birthday a weekbefore, and my father had bought me a new violin. I played a smallpiece at the school concert.——回答是答案(第14题答案)

M: Did you know then that you would become a professionalviolinist?

W: Yes, I think so. I enjoy playing the violin very much,and I didn’t mind practicing, sometimes three or four hours aday.

M: And whendid you first come to Europe?——问题是考题

W: I was very lucky. When I was fifteen, I won a scholarship to acollege in Paris. That was for a three-yearcourse.——回答是答案(第15题答案)

M: How did your parents feel about that?

W: I think they were pleased and worried at the same time.It was the chance of a lifetime. But of course I would be thousandsof miles from home. Anyway, I studied in Paris for three years andthen went back to Tokyo.

Q13. What do we know about the woman before she went toEurope?

Q14. What does the woman say about her musicexperience?

Q15. What does the woman say about her study inParis?



Passage One

What makes a person famous? This is a mystery that manypeople have thought about. All kinds of myths surround the lives ofwell-known people. Most people are familiar with the works of William Shakespeare, oneof the greatest English writers of the 16th and 17thcenturies. Yethow many know Shakespeare, the person, the man behind theworks? ——第16题答案(极端表达most预示答案,转折关系yet引导答案)Aftercenturies of research, scholars are still trying to discoverShakespeare’s personal history.

It is not easily found in his writings. Authors of thetime could not protect their works. An acting company, for example,could change the play if they wanted to. Nowadays, writers havecopy rights to protect their work. Many myths arouse aboutShakespeare. Some said he had no formal education. Others believethat he began his career by tending the horses of wealthy men. Allof these myths are interesting, but are they true? Probablynot.

Shakespeare’s father was a respective man in Stratford-upon-Avon, aman of the town council. ——第17题答案(新出现的信息为重点)Hesent young William to grammar school. Most people of Elizabethantimes did not continue beyond grammar school. So Shakespeare didhave at least average education. Some paths of Shakespeare’s lifewere always remain unknown. The great London fire arouses 1666 burned many important documentsthat could’ve been a source ofclues.——第18题答案We were always be left with many questions and fewfacts.


Q16. What does speaker say about William Shakespeare?

答案:B) His personal history is little known.

Q17. What does we learn about Shakespeare’sfather?

答案:D) He was a member of the town council.

Q18. Why does the speaker say parts ofShakespeare’slife remain a mystery?

答案:C) Possible sources of clues about him were lost ina fire.

Passage Two

Wherever you go and for whatever reason, it’s important tobe safe. While the majority of people you meet in travelling areshort to be friendly and welcoming, they are dangerous.First being the mostcommon. Just as in your home country. Do not expect everyone youmeet to be friendly andhelpful.——第19题答案It’s important top repaired for your trip in advance and totake precautions while you are travelling. As you prepare for your trip, make sure your have the rightpaperwork. ——20题答案Youdon’t want to get to your destination, only to find you have thewrong visa, or worse, that your passport isn’t valid anymore. Also,make sure you travel with proper medical insurance. So that if yousick or injured during your travels, you will be able to gettreatment. If you want to drive all year abroad, make sure you havea international driver’s license. When you get to your destination, use officialtransport.——第21题答案Always go to bus and taxi stands, don’t except rights fromstrangers who offer you a lift. If there isn’t a meter in the taxi,agree on the price before you get in. If you prefer to stay incheap hotels while travelling, make sure you can lock the door ofyour room from the inside. Finally, bear in mind to simile. It’sthe friendly and the most sincere form of communication. And itsure to be understood in any part of the world.

Q19 What is mentioned as a most common danger when people gotravelling abroad?

答案:A) Do not expect everyone you meet to be friendlyand helpful..

Q20 What is the most important thing to do when youprepare for your trip abroad?

答案:B) Have the right documents.

Q21 What does the speaker suggest you do when you arriveat your destination?

答案:B) Use official transport.


Passage Three

The British are supposed to be famous for laughing atthemselves, but even their sense of humour has alimit,——主旨对应推断题答案(25题)asthe British retailer Gerald Ratner found out to his cost.When Ratner took over his father's chain of 130 jewelry shops in1984, he introduced a very clear company policy. He decided thathis shops should sell down market products at the lowest possibleprices. ——第22题答案Itwas a great success. The British public loved his cheap goldearrings and his tasteless silver ornaments. By 1991,Ratner's company had 2,400 shops and it was worth over 680 millionpounds. But in April of that year, Gerald Ratner made a big mistake. At abig meeting of top British businesspeople, he suited up andexplained the secret of hissuccess.——第23题答案People say "How can we sell our goods for such a low price?"I say "Because they are absolute rubbish." His audience roared withlaughter. But the British newspapers and the British public werenot so amused. People felt insulted and stayed away from Ratner'sshops. ——第24题答案Salesfell and 6 months after his speech, Ratner's share price had fallenby 42%. The following year, things got worse and Gerald Ratner wasforced to resign. By the end of 1992, he lost his company, hiscareer and his house. Even worse, 25,000 of his employees had losttheir jobs. It had been a very expensive joke.——25题答案

Q22 What did Gerald Ratner decide to do when he took over hisfather's shops?

答案:C) Sell inexpensive products.

Q23 On what occasion did Gerald Ratner explained thesecret of his success?

答案:A) At a meeting of top Britishbusinesspeople.

Q24 How did people feel when they leaned of GeraldRatner's remarks?

答案:D) Insulted.

Q25 What does the story of Gerald Ratnersuggest?

答案:B) There should be a limit to one's sense ofhumour.



Looking at the basic biological systems, the world is not doingvery well. Yet, economic indicators show the world is prospering. Despite a slow start at thebeginning of the 80s, global economic output increased by more thana fifth during the decade. Theeconomy grew, trade increased, and millions of new jobs werecreated. How can biological indicators show the opposite of economic indicators? The answeris that the economic indicators have a basic fault. They show nodifference between resource uses that sustain progress and those uses that willhurt it. The main measure of economic progress is the GrossNational Products -- GNP. In simpleterms, this totals the value of all goods and services producedand subtracts loss in value of factories and equipment. Developed ahalf century ago, GNP helped establish a common way among countries ofmeasuring change in economic output. For some time, this seemed towork reasonably well, but seriousweaknesses are now appearing. As indicated earlier, GNP includesloss in value of factories and equipment, but it does not take into account the loss of naturalresources, including non-renewable resources, such as oil, orrenewable resources, such as forests. This basic fault can producea misleading sense of national


26. prospering

27. decade

28. opposite

29. sustain

30. In simple terms

31. establish

32. reasonably

33. take into account

34. misleading

35. using up

阅读选词填空(罗文婷)第一篇:36.A. assets连词and连接前后平行的结构,由resources可看出37空需要填入一个名词与之相对应,选assets。37.E. excellent be excellentteachers of…. “成为…的优秀老师”38.L. origin缺少一个名词,由and可知,要和后面的短语平行,相对于后面出现的“移民”概念,前面应该为“原住国”39.N. 缺少定语修饰information,up-to-date最新的,填入符合文意。40.B. 这里有一个不定式to do sth.,又因为空后面是concert音乐会,在动词里面只有attend为“参加”之意41.G. guidelines 由空前的should have和空后的for可得知需要填入一个宾语,在名词里面找,选guidelines,意思是“有关于…的指导”42.C. aware 记住be awareof是固定搭配啊43.H. involved be动词后面的接表语或者宾语,因为后面出现了介词in,可填入be involved in表示“参与到…”44.D. especially空所在短语为插入语,原意为“特别对于年纪大的学生”45.O. volunteering表示学生参加的是“志愿活动”,介词by后面接分词或名词

assets n . 资产

解析:源自动词 assess v 评估,核定.. 的金额 ;a$$e$$ 评估就是在算有多少钱,$$$$张的无比像钱呀!

熟词僻义:n . 有价值的人 ,优势


attend v 参加 ,出席



attend school 上学

attend concert 参加音乐会

attend training course 参加培训班

aware adj意识到

解析:简单词汇 主要考查用法 be aware of 意识到。。。

变体:awareness n 意识 ;觉悟

写作常用句型:We need to raise public awareness of theissue。我们务必要提升公众们对于该问题的的意识。

especially adv . 尤其,十分

解析:该词和specially很容易搞混,他俩有重合的意思,但就功能而言,especially往往表“尤其,十分”起强调作用;specially 往往表“专门,特地”表目的。

I came over specially to see you.

I hate those guys , especially Jimmy.

应用:especially 在写作中可以替换 very much 或very。

You are especially (very) important to me .

I love rose especially (very much).

技巧:在拿不准到底是用especially 还是specially 的时候,我们可以用替换法,如果可以换成very 或very much 那么请尽量选择especially !

excellent adj 优秀的

解析:源自动词excel v 擅长;突出

用法:excel at = be good at

变体:excellence n 优秀

expensive adj昂贵的

解析:词根pens-钱;常考的同根词有:pension n. 养老金 抚恤金 indispensable adj . 不可或缺的

考点:ive是典型的形容词后缀,在以后的选词填空中,看到ive可以把他直接归类为adj那一栏目;当然在四级中ive结尾做名词的特例为以下几个,请同学们记住:perspectiven 观点 incentive n. 刺激,动因 representative n. 代表 executive n . 执行官 detective n 侦探 motive n 动机

guideline n指导方针

解析:guide v 指导 line n线条;用于指导的条条框框称只为(指导方针)

变: misguide v 误导

用:misguided adj 被误导的 可以在写作中替换 wrong

比如misguided belief /idea

involve v 牵连;需要

解析:in-里面;-volve 转,卷;被卷入一场风波中就是被(牵连)其中,需要。。就是将一些因素卷入其中。

用:在写作中可以替换need ;require

Success involves more work than luck 。

第二篇36.H passively成分完整,缺少状语修饰sitting,选passively;37.F harmful原句为how harmful being a couch potato can be. couchpotato沙发土豆指的是总是长时间坐在沙发边吃边看电视而慢慢变成“土豆形”身材的人。38.N terminals从八个终端terminals上所获取的数据分析39.L surfing channel surfing,每天花两小时搜频道40.C decade空后面是逗号,就只能从前面获得信息;空前面是不定冠词a,应填入一个名词。填ddecade和前面的8.5years相对应。41.A climbed提升了13%。42.G outcomes这里的be动词前面应该是名词短语作主语,应填入名词,选G,all of theseoutcomes。43.E effective由空前的may beespecially可推出需要填入一个形容词,由文意可知填入effective。和其他的久坐型的活动比起来,促成不健康习惯的养成,看电视带来的效果特别明显。44.B consume make sb. likely to do sth. 应填入动词原形,consume使你更有可能去消费它们。45.D determine不定式,应该填一个动词原形。作者承认他们还没有比较出哪种久坐型活动决定着心脏病等症状的出现。

46、通过关键词collectingsignatures和opposition定位到F段的首句内容“opposingautomated assessment software”和最后一句“hascollected nearly 2000 signatures”.本题选F。

47、通过关键词saveteachers time for other work定位到B段最后一句内容“freeingprofessors for other tasks”.这句话尤其需要注意题干中teachers和work在文中的改写分别是professors和tasks本题选B。

48、通过关键词Hewlett和题干主要意思“目的是改进论文评分软件”定位到M段内容“aimedat improving software that grades essays and shortanswers”.本题 选M。

49、通过关键词multiple-choicetests和criticizedby many educators定位,但文中multiple-choicestests的重现不止一处,所以需要结合这道题的逻辑关系词although和still,定位到C段二句内容“althoughautomated grading systems for multiple-choice…and has manycritics”.本题选C。

50、通过关键词don’tbelieve和asgood a job as human graders定位到E段首句“theautomated system is no match for live teachers”以及最后一句“he has also been critical of studies claimingthat the software compares well to human graders”.本题选E。

51、本题难度较大,可供定位的关键词有critics和最后的lessfamous universities,但不幸的是文中并没有非常直接的对应,所以定位时对于句子的改写需要花时间理解,题干的意思大致可以理解为“论文自动评分的反对者们并没有意识到一些不那么出名的大学的实际状况”,与之意思相近的句子来自P段第二句“criticsof the technology have tended to come from the nation’s bestuniversities, where the level of teaching is much better than atmost schools”。这句话的大意是“这个技术的反对者多来自于国内最好的大学,并且教学水平远远高于多数大学”,逆向思考就会发现它指的就是反对者们忽略了其他学校的情况。本题选P。

52、通过关键词effectivemeasures和cannotbe measured定位到G段第二句“Theycannot measure the essentials of effective writtencommunication”.本题选G。

53、通过关键词asclass size grows和givestudents valuable comments 定位到P段第一句“Withincreasingly large classes, it is impossible for most teachers togive students meaningful feedback”.本题选P。

54、通过关键词doublecheck和题干主要意思“这个自动评估技术有时候用来二次检查人类的工作的”定位到J段最后一句“Insome cases, the software is used as a ‘second reader’, to check thereliability of the human graders.”本题选J。

55、通过关键词instantfeedback和improvetheir leaning 定位到D段的最后一句“Studentsare telling us they learn much better with instantfeedback”. 本题选D。

段落匹配题词汇精讲(曹林权)grade上下文: essay-grading software offers professors abreak(title)释义: vt. 给…评分解释:这原本是一个简单的初中单词,大家都知道是评分等级或是年纪的意思,但是这里出现的是大家不太熟悉的含义,叫给…评分,其实就是名词活用作动词了。所以阅卷可以翻译成gradethe exam paper.同样在文章中出现的一个词score,我们都熟悉它作为分数的意思,但是在文中考察的也是它的动词形式,意思也是是vt.给…打分例句:the examination papers have been graded. 试卷已经评阅好了。enterprise上下文:EdX, the nonprofit enterprise founded byHarvard…(注意这里的found是创建的意思)释义:n. 企业;事业记法:进入enter一个企业肯定需要很大的代价prise(price)拓展:entrepreneur 企业家introduce上下文:EdX,….., has introduced such a system释义:vt.引进解释:此处又是一个熟词僻意,introduce 大家用的很多,自我介绍的时候喜欢说introducemyself,介绍。但是这个词最核心的意思是根据其词根词缀 intro-=to the insideduce=lead得出的,即往里面引导,即引进。而要如果是要把一个新的东西或者人引进来,我们肯定需要先“介绍”它,所以引进和介绍两个意思就出来了拓展:produce vt 生产 产生 pro 往前,duce 引导可以想像工厂里传送带被向前引导,不断的“生产”出东西reduce vt 减少duce,引导,re,往回,传送带向前引导是生产,东西越来越多,那往回引导产品就会“减少”seduce vt.引诱 用色(se)来引导,当然是引诱啦。也可以用谐音法 色屌丝,总是“引诱”别人deduce vt.推断 低下(de)的屌丝 总是“推断”女神的想法artificial intelligence上下文:the software uses artificial intelligence to grade studentessay释义:人工智能(一种新的能以人类智能相似的方式做出反应的智能机器)解释:熟悉科幻片的朋友一定不陌生同名电影人工智能。人工智能简称AI,是科技领域非常热门的术语。artificial,人造的。art艺术,fic词根,做。用艺术,工艺去做的肯定的人造的。intelligence,智力,情报。distinct上下文:technology would offer distinct advantages overtraditional classroom system释义:adj. 显著的;确切的解释:这个词来源于distinguish,区分,被区分开来后,肯定非常“明显,确切的”,而distinct还有 不同的的意思 可以替换different 词组 be distinct from与...不同distinct做定于时一般用来表示强调,例句 being 6ft tall has some distinctdisadvantages. 身高六英尺有明显的劣势。所以上下文中可以将distinct advantage翻译成显著的优势拓展:distinction n. 区别 distinguishedadj.著名的;显赫的 (能从人群中被区分开来当然显赫著名)circulate上下文:he is among a group of educators who last month begancirculating a petition(呼吁) opposing automated assessmentsoftware.释义:传播;散布解释:这个词将circle动词化,所以最核心的意思是:vi. 循环 流传但在此处做及物动词 则是使其流传的意思 我们可以翻译成 vt.传播,散布但这里circulate a petition 我们可以翻译成四处呼吁拓展:一些类似的变形:article(文章)——articulate:vt. 清晰的表达,adj.表达清晰的(说话像文章一样)table(表格)——tabulate vt.将...列成表格 (键盘上的tab键即来源于此)feedback上下文:there is a huge value in learning with instantfeedback释义:n.反馈解释:这一个单词在这篇文章里出现了7次,是个高频词汇这个词也很好记,feed vt.喂食 而中文“馈”字是食字旁,最原始的意思就是给予某人食物,后来才衍生出馈赠这一含义,而back即是反,所以feedback就是反馈的意思essential上下文:they cannot measure the essentials of effective writtencommunications释义:n.基本要素(pl)解释:这个单词我们很熟悉它形容词的意思:完全必要的;本质的,可以记成“医生手”,医生的手要做手术,当然完全必要,而它做名词的时候,意思是“基本要素”(一般是复数形式)或者是必需品的意思。比如词组get down to essentials 从基础着手。拓展:essence 本质 记法:人生命的本质essence无非是 “爱,生,死”boost上下文:…. is likely to give the technology a boost释义:n. 促进,激励解释:词组 give sb/sth a boost推动某事/给某人以鼓舞/宣传某事这个词还可以做动词 vt 增加 boost one’s confidence增加某人的信心boost可以和boast一起记当信心被boost(增加)到一个程度就会boast(自夸)category上下文:More than 150 teams entered each category释义:种类解释:分成…种类的用法是fall into …. categories这个单词可以这么记猫(cat)和狗(go)和人妖(ry)是三个不同的种类。拓展:catalog 目录
仔细阅读 (罗文婷)Passage 156. B 定位在第一段第一行:Across the rich world, well-educated peopleincreasingly work longer than the less-skilled.57. B 定位在第一段的第四行。rapid technological advance提升了the highlyskilled的收入,从而进一步压榨了the unskilled 的收入。58. A 由题干中的20thcentury和observers定位到第二段第五行,“hisshift will lead to slower economiesgrowth”,所以答案选A:economic growth will slow down。59.C 由Europe定位到最后一段中间“even the better-off must work longer tohave a comfortable retirement”, 可选出答案C。60.D 这一题可以理解为主旨题,根据题干串联以及前面四题的总结和文章最后一段的最后一句可以推断出,选D选项。 Passage 261. C. The decline of the grain yieldgrowth.第一段有明显的转折词But,前面描述了大众常常关注的粮食方面的问题,后面转折引出作者关注的焦点:decline in thegrowth in yields of some of the world’s majorcrops,C选项是对其进行的原意改写,注意crop对应grain哦!A选项是大众关注的焦点,答非所问;C选项偏离文章“粮食问题”的主旨;D选项是报告的发现,干扰信息来自第三段,不仅偏离考点信息,而且答非所问。62. A. Their self-sufficiency is vital tothe stability of world food markets.根据关键词India and China定位到文章第三段的第二句,后一句为提到India andChina的解释,A选项是对其进行的原意改写,注意vital对应important哦,同义词替换是考察重点啊!B选项具有一定干扰性,但是它只是现象本身,并没有解释原因;C选项无中生有,文中根本没有提到worldwideconcerns;D选项反向干扰,文中并没有对India and China下定论哦。63. D. They focus more on the increase ofanimal feed than food grains.根据关键词cropimprovement定位到第四段的倒数第二行,注意该句话的主语为The author,也就是the newstudy的作者哦,所以他的观点也就是study的观点。而引号内为一个长难句,解读该句的关键是理解rather than,ratherthan是否定其后面的内容而肯定其前面内容,那不就是说“我们更专注于喂养动物而忽略了喂饱人类”?正好对应D选项!A选项无中生有;B、C都是反向干扰。64. D. The world will be able to feed itspopulation without increasing farmland.根据关键词Food and AgricultureOrganisation定位到文章的倒数第二段,该段前部分即为FAO的观点,D选项是对其进行的原意改写。B选项拼凑细节,而A、C都是无中生有!65. B. It is based on a doubtfulassumption.题干问的是作者观点态度,利用余下的最后一段解题。最后一段前一句为report的观点,后两句为作者的点评:could表“可能”,表现了作者的怀疑态度,最后一句中的定语从句更加表现作者对该预测的假设抱有怀疑态度(whichmay not actually happen)。纵观四个选项,只有B表现了作者的怀疑态度。

第一篇中国是世界上最古老的文明之一。构成现在世界基础的许多元素都起源于中国。中国现在拥有世界上发展最快的经济,并经历着一次新的工业革命。中国还启动了雄心勃勃的太空探索计划,其实包括到2020年建成一个太空站。目前,中国是世界上最大的出口国之一,并正在吸引大量外国投资。同时,它也在海外投资数十亿美元。2011年,中国超越日本成为第二大经济体。China is one of the oldest cultures in the world, from whichmuch that constructs the foundation of the modern world is derived.China is witnessing the fastest development ofits economy and experiencing a new industrial revolution.Also, China has started the ambitious program forexploring the outer space, including to complete a space station by2020. Currently, being one of the largest exporters in the world,China is attracting massive foreign investment. Simultaneously, ithas invested billions of dollars overseas. In 2011, China surpassedJapan as the world’s second-largesteconomy.解析前两句话都是简单句,抓住共同点China,可以用定从合并在一起;第三句两个简单句并列;第四句注意2020是将来时间,非谓语应采取to do 形式,如果用谓语要用将来完成时;第五句简单句并列,为避免单调,可以采取非谓语结构第六、第七句简单句

第二篇在西方人心目中,和中国联系最为密切的基本食物是大米。长期以来,大米在中国人的饮食中占据很重要的地位,以至于有谚语说“巧妇难为无米之炊”。中国南方大多种植水稻,人们通常以大米为主食;而华北大部分地区由于过于寒冷或过于干燥无法种植水稻,那里的主要作物是小麦。在中国,有些人用面粉做面包,但大多数人用面粉做馒头和面条。In the eyes of the western, the basic food closest to China isrice. Rice has long occupied so significant a position in the dietof Chinese that there is a proverb “ Even a clever housewife cannotcook a meal without rice”. Rice is grown mostly in southern Chinawhere people usually take rice as their staple food, while itcannot be planted in northern China where the climate is either toocold or too dry for rice to grow. As a result, the main crop in thenorth is wheat. In China, flour is sometimes the main ingredientfor bread but more often used to make buns and noodles.解析第一句,简单句;第二句如此以至于结构“so... that…"注意so的用法,直接接adj. 或adv.第三句南北对比,可以用while或whereas连接,最后一句也是对比句,主语people是比较泛的大主语,考虑改写为被动句。



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