1.Prepare yourself for the call as you would for aface-to-face interview.你怎么准备“面对面”面试的,就怎么准备电话面试。
2.Choose a quiet place to take the call, with no risk ofinterruption or background noise.找一个安静的地方接受电话面试,确保不会被打断,也不要有背景杂音。
3.Pay as much attention to listening as to speaking.听清楚问题和好好回答问题一样重要。
4.Call from a landline to minimise the chance of interferenceor lost connection.用固定电话进行电话面试,以避免发生信号中断或信号干扰。
5.Take things slowly –there is no need to rush.慢慢来,没有什么事需要你急着去做的。
1.Do something else while talking on the phone –give the callyour full attention.边打电话边做其他事情——你应该专心致志地进行电话面试。
2.Fail to take the interview seriously –it's your opportunityto make a good impression.不把电话面试当回事 ——这是你给招聘人留下好印象的机会。
3.Forget to listen and respond to the interviewer'squestions.忘记认真聆听提问,也不记得回答面试官的问题。
4.Portray a poor telephone manner –remember, you are trying toimpress.不注重电话礼仪——记住,你要想着给面试官留下好印象。
5.Exhibit a lack of enthusiasm –the interviewer expects tohear that you want this job.表现出兴趣缺缺的样子——面试官希望听到的是,你非常渴望这份工作。
【英孚所见】英孚英语怎么样——试听有感【生活点滴】面试也要英语?我愣了…… 现在的我,像是站在三叉路口【英语学习】面试英语大全【收藏:面试必备】 学好一门外语的20个小技巧 英语学习最有效的六大方法【学习之路】“我爱背单词”冲关学英语返回该博客>>