在上面得故事里,我“懒干什么事情”或“嫌麻烦而不做”在英语有一个很常用的说法就是don’t bother to.比方说你想说:“我懒搞得!” 就可以说:I just don’t bother.还有一种被动语气地用法。新概念英语第三册就有一句: The dealer toldhim that it had just come in, but that he could not bebothered to open it.古董商告诉他那只货箱刚到不久,但他嫌麻烦不想把它打开。其他的例子还有:

Parents don'tbother to teach kids what is right and wrong these days.如今家长们也懒得去教孩子们哪些事是对的、哪些事是错的了。
She had not bothered to readTimes article. 她懒得去读纽约时报的文章。
Why should Ibother to try to do such useless things?我们为什么要劳神去做这些无用的事情?
He didn't even bother to saythank you. 他连说谢谢都免了。
`Shall I help you with thewashing up?' `Don't bother--I'll do it later.'(dictionary example)Don'tbother to dress up, come as you are.别劳神打扮了。就这样穿着来吧。
Why botheredto show up? 那你劳神来干嘛?
We will notbother with the rest.其余的我们就不劳神搞了。
He, as usual, just didn’twant to be bothered with her nonsense.想往常一样他懒得听她的鬼话。
His application letter wasthrown away by someone who cannot be bothered toread it. 他的求职信被某个懒得读信的人扔到一边了。
He could produce excellentwork but usually he can't be bothered.他可以把事情做蛮好,但他就是通常懒得去做。
The grass needs cutting but Ican't be bothered to do it today.草要割了,但我懒得去割。
She described it as a littlespot of bother.她说这只是一点小麻烦。(新概念英语第三册)
It is a bother to me.这是我的一件麻烦事. 还有,botherabout有“担心、着急“的意思:
I am doing what I can withoutbothering about mistakes.我在做我力所能及的是,不用担心出错。
You don’t have tobother about me---I am OK.别担心我。我没事。