下面是各个发音的发音技巧,我没有翻成中文的,因为觉得英文的可能更能很好的去理解。因为我找不到相应的在线音频,本来对着音频练的话效果会更好,如果有需要的可以加我微信Vowel sound 1 : It’s calleda high, front, tense vowel because the tongue is high in the frontof the mouth, and because the muscles of the throat and lips aretight.
Vowel sound 2: It’s a lotlike vowel sound 1; it’s a front vowel but not quite so high andnot quite so tense as vowel sound 1
Vowel sound 3: It’s reallytwo front vowel sounds; the tongue makes a middle,relaxed frontvowel [e] and then glides to a higher, tenser front vowel[i].
Vowel sound 4: It’s calleda middle, front, lax vowel because the sound is made in the frontof the mouth, but the tongue isn’t very high or low in the mouth,and the muscles are relatively relaxed tongue
Vowel sound 5: It’s calleda low, front, lax vowel because the sound is made in the front ofthe mouth, and the tongue is low and relaxed. It’s a veryanimal-like sound, not very beautiful but veryimportant!
Vowel sound 6 : It’s calleda low, central, lax vowel because the tongue is low and in thecenter of the mouth, and the muscles are more or lessrelaxed.
Vowel sound 7: It’s calleda low back vowel, and it’s very similar to vowel sound 6.In fact,many dialects of North American English use only 6, and don’t use 7at all.
Vowel sound 8: It’s calleda back vowel, but it’s really a glide because the sound starts alot like the o,then it gets higher and tenser, and it changes to au sound: o-u
Vowel sound 9: It’s calleda high, back vowel, too, and it’s a little hard to distinguishbecause it sounds a lot like vowel sound 10; the lips are rounded,as in 8 and 10, but it’s not quite as high or tense or rounded as10.
Vowel sound 10 : It’scalled a high, back, rounded vowel because the tongue in theback ofthe mouth, and the lips make a circle.
Vowel sound 11: is called amid, central, lax vowel; it’s neutral --- not high, not low, notfront, not back --- and very relaxed. Some people say it soundslike a punch in the stomach!
Vowel sound 12: It’s calleda retroflex because many people curl the front of the tongue back alittle bit when they make this sound.