集 | 作者 | 旁白 | |
7x01 "It Takes a Village" | The past cannot becured.旧伤口永远无法抚平。 | Queen Elizabeth I 英国女王 | JJ |
IwillsupportanddefendtheConstitutionoftheUnitedStatesagainstallenemies,foreignanddomestic;Iwillbeartruefaithandallegiancetothesame;thatItakethisobligationfreely,withoutanymentalreservationorpurposeofevasion;andthatIwillwellandfaithfullydischargethedutiesoftheofficeonwhichIamabouttoenter.SohelpmeGod.我谨庄严宣誓,我决心维护和捍卫合众国宪法,防止被国内外一切敌人侵犯。我将忠于宪法,恪守不渝。我自愿承担这项义务,毫无保留之意,也决无推诿之心。我必忠勤尽责,为执行我即将承担的职务鞠躬尽瘁。愿上帝助我。 | |||
7x02 "Proof" | If it is a miracle, any sort of evidencewill answer. But if it is a fact,proof isnecessary.若是奇迹,任何迹象都能解答。如是事实,证据则是必须。 | Mark Twain | Reid |
Nothinginspires forgiveness quite likerevenge.最能激发宽恕的是复仇。 | Scott Adams(美国漫画家、作家) | Rossi | |
7x03 "Dorado Falls" | Men are not prisoners of fate,but prisonersof their own minds.人不被命运囚禁,只会成为自己思想的囚徒。 | Orson Welles(美国著名电影人) | Reid |
We're born alone, we live alone, we diealone. Only through our love and friendship can we create theillusion for the moment that we're notalone.我们孤单地出生,孤单地活着,孤单地离世。唯有爱与友谊能营造一时的幻觉,觉得自己并不孤单。 | Franklin D.Roosevelt富兰克林·罗斯福(美国前总统) | Rossi | |
7x04 "Painless" | You may leave school,but it never leavesyou.你或许会离开学校,但学校将伴你一生. | Andy Partridge(著名音乐人) | Reid |
Pain is the breaking of the shell,thatencloses your understanding.痛苦是包裹悟性的外壳的破裂 | KahlilGibran纪伯伦(著名诗人) | Hotch | |
7x05 "From Childhood's | From childhood's hour I have not been asothers were; I have not seen as otherssaw.从童年起,我就和别人不一样我看不见他们看见的世界。 | Edgar Allan Poe | Reid |
All things truly wicked start from aninnocence.所有罪恶都始于清白。 | Ernest Hemingway | Rossi | |
7x06 "Epilogue" | To die is poignantly bitter,but the idea ofhaving to die without having lived isunbearable.死亡是痛苦的,但未活便死的想法是不容接受的。 | Erich Fromm (人本主义哲学家 精神分析心理学家) | Rossi |
The timing of death,like the ending of astory,gives a changed meaning to what precededit.死亡的降临,如同故事的结局,永远出人意料。 | Mary Catherine Bateson | Rossi | |
7x07 "There's No Place LikeHome" | For the man sound of body and serene ofmind,there is no such thing as bad weather.Every day has its beautyand storms which whip the blood do but make it pulse morevigorously.对于身体健全、心境平静的人而言,根本没有坏天气。无论什么天气都有其美好的一面,激荡血液流淌的暴风雨,只会使脉搏跳动得更加有力。 | George Gissing (英国小说家 散文家) | Hotch |
Adversity is like a strong wind.It tearsfrom us all but the things that cannot be torn,so that we seeourselves as we reallyare.灾难就像一阵狂风,撕裂一切,只剩下无法被撕裂的,因此我们能看见真正的自我。 | Arthur Golden | JJ | |
7x08 "Hope" | "Hope is faith holding out itshand in the dark."希望是信念在黑暗中伸出的援手。 | George Iles(著名作家) | Garcia |
"Findaplaceinsidewherethere’sjoy,andthejoywillburnoutthepain."寻觅欢乐之地,快乐会抚平伤痛的伤口。 | Joseph Campbell | Garcia | |
7x09 Self Fulfilling Prophecy | "Things do not change. Wechange."万物不变,变的是我们。 | Henry David Thoreau (美国作家、哲学家) | Morgan |
"Beware, so long as you live, of judging menby their outward appearance." 切勿以貌取人。 | Jean de La Fountaine(法国人) | Morgan | |
7x10 The BittersweetScience | "Everybody wants to go to heaven,but no onewants to die."人人都想上天堂,却无人想死。 | Joe Louis (著名拳击手) | Hotch |
7x10 The Bittersweet Science | “Some of us think holding on makes usstrong.But sometimes it is letting go." 有人认为坚持让我们强大,但有时放手才是。 | HermanHesse (德国作家) | Hotch |
7x11 True Genius | "Three can keepa secret if two are dead."只有死人才能守住秘密。 | Benjamin Franklin | Reid |
"There is no greatersorrow than to recall inmisery the time when we were happy."最大的悲伤莫过于在痛苦中回忆幸福的往昔。 | Dante | Reid | |
7x12 Unknown Subject | "We do not sufferfrom the shock of our trauma, but we make out of it what suits ourpurposes."我们不会受到创伤的冲击,只会从中摄取适于我们的目标之物。 | AlfredAdler(奥地利精神病学家) | Hotch |
"All the art of living lies in a finemingling of letting go and holdingon."生活的艺术在于把握每一次的坚持和放手。 | Henry Ellis | Prentiss | |
7x13 Snake Eyes | "At the gamblingtable, there are no fathers and sons."赌场无父子。 | A ChineseProverb | Hotch |
![]() | "A gambler with asystem must be, to a greater or lesser extent,insane."自有一套的赌徒或多或少都是疯狂的。 | GeorgeAugustus Sala(英国作家) | Rossi |
7x14 ClosingTime | "For trust nothim that hath once broken faith."一次不忠,百次不用。 | WilliamShakespeare | Hotch |
"You may bedeceived if you trust too much, but you will leave in torment ifyou don't trustenough."太过信任,你或许会受骗,然而终日怀疑,你会饱受痛苦。 | FrankCrane(美国演员、导演) | Hotch | |
7x15 | "Equality mayperhaps be a right, but no power on earth can ever turn it into afact."平等或许是每个人的权利,但世上没有任何政府可以将其化为现实。【拿去给五毛用】 | Honore deBalzac 奥诺雷·德·巴尔扎克 | Morgan |
"I'm for truth nomatter who tells it. I'm for justice no matter who it's for oragainst."我追求真相,不管出自谁之口,我追求正义,不管谁赢谁输。 | Malcolm X | Prentiss | |
7x16 A FamilyAffair | "Where there'sanger, there is always painunderneath."愤怒之下是深深的伤痛。 | EckhartTolle(作家、心灵导师) | Morgan |
"Live so thatwhen your children think of fairness and integrity, they think ofyou."让你的孩子每当想到公正和诚实,就会想到你。 | H. JacksonBrown, Jr.(美国作家) | J.J. | |
7x17 I Love You Tommy Brown | "It was once saidthat love is giving someone the ability to destroy you, buttrusting them notto."有人说,爱是赋予某人摧毁你的力量,你却坚信对方不会这么做。 | Unknown | Morgan |
"For every goodreason there is to lie, there is a better reason to tell thetruth."如果有一千个说谎的理由,就有一万个说真话的原因。 | Bo Bennett | Morgan | |
7x18 Foundation | "Memory is acomplicated thing, a relative to truth but not it'stwin."记忆是复杂的,既接近真相,又不同于真相。 | BarbaraKingsolver(美国作家) | Prentiss |
"Nothing fixes athing so intensely in the memory as the wish to forgetit."越想忘记,越难忘记。 | Michel deMontaigne(法国作家、哲学家) | Morgan | |
7x19 Heathridge Manor | We are each our own devil, andwe make this world ourhell.我们都是自己的魔鬼,我们将世界变成自己的地狱。 | Oscar Wilde(著名作家、诗人、戏剧家) | Prentiss |
All that we see or seem,Is buta dream within a dream.一切所见所感,不过是一场梦中梦。 | Edgar Allen Poe(美国诗人、小说家、文学评论家) | Hotch | |
7x20 The Company | Worse than telling a lie is spending your whole life staying trueto a lie.--” 比说谎更可怕的是用一生维系谎言。 | RobertBrault(作家) | Morgan |
7x21 Divining Rod | Sooner strangle an infant in its cradle thannurse unacted desires.有欲望而无行动等于把婴儿扼杀在摇篮中。 | WilliamBlake(英国诗人、艺术家) | Hotch |
It is only in love and murderthat we still remain sincere.只有在爱情和谋杀中,我们仍留有真诚。 | FriedrichDürrenmatt(剧作家、小说家) | Prentiss | |
7x22 Profiling 101 | To the living we owe respect,but to the dead we owe only thetruth.对生者我们应该给予尊重,对死者我们应该给予真相。 | Voltaire(法国启蒙时代思想家、哲学家、文学家,启蒙运动公认的领袖和导师) | Rossi |
7x23 Hit | Fear is met and destroyed withcourage.恐惧是冰,勇气是火。 | JamesF. Bell(天文学家) | JJ |
7x24 Run | |||
I've always heard every endingis also a beginning and we just don't know it at the time.I'd liketo believe that'strue.人们总说每个终点都是一个起点,只是当时的我们不知道罢了。我愿意相信这是真的。 | PagetBrewster(演员) | Emily Prentiss再见,我想我已经开始想你了,期待你的新剧~~ | |