学什么语言最好? 现在学什么语言最好



《经济学人》杂志最近刊登了一篇Best Language toLearn的文章,兹转载如下。或许我们不同意里面的观点,但至少这篇文章会给我们提供一个探讨“学什么语言最好”这个问题的视角。

Once a mark of the cultured, language-learning is inretreat among English speakers. It’s never too late, but where tostart? Robert Lane Greene launches our latest Big Question...


For language lovers, the facts are grim: Anglophones simplyaren’t learning them any more. In Britain, despite four decades inthe European Union, the number of A-levels taken in French andGerman has fallen by half in the past 20 years, while what was agrowing trend of Spanish-learning has stalled. In America, thenumbers are equally sorry. One factor behind the 9/11 attacks wasthe fact that the CIA lacked the Arabic-speakers who might havetranslated available intelligence. But ten years on, “English only”campaigns appeal more successfully to American patriotism thancampaigns that try to promote language-learning, as if the mostsuccessful language in history were threatened.


Why learn a foreign language? After all, the one you already speakif you read this magazine is the world’s most useful and importantlanguage. English is not only the first language of the obviouscountries, it is now the rest of the world’s second language: aJapanese tourist in Sweden or a Turk landing a plane in Spain willalmost always speak English.


Nonetheless, compelling reasons remain for learning otherlanguages. They range from the intellectual to the economical tothe practical. First of all, learning any foreign language helpsyou understand all language better—many
Anglophones first encounter the words “past participle” not in anEnglish class, but in French. Second, there is the culturalbroadening. Literature is always best read in the original.


Poetry and lyrics suffer particularly badly in translation. Andlearning another tongue helps the student grasp another way ofthinking. Though the notion that speakers of different languagesthink differently has been vastly exaggerated and misunderstood,there is a great deal to be learned from discovering what thedifferent cultures call this, that or das oder.


The practical reasons are just as compelling. In business, if theteam on the other side of the table knows your language but youdon’t know theirs, they almost certainly know more about you andyour company than you do about them and theirs—a bad position tonegotiate from. Many investors in China have made fatally stupiddecisions about companies they could not understand. Diplomacy,war-waging and intelligence work are all weakened by a lack ofcapable linguists. Virtually any career, public or private, isgiven a boost with knowledge of a foreign language.


So which one should you, or your children, learn? If you take aglance at advertisements in New York or A-level options in Britain,an answer seems to leap out: Mandarin. China’s economy continues togrow at a pace that will make it bigger than America’s within twodecades at most. China’s political clout is growing accordingly.Its businessmen are buying up everything from American brands toAfrican minerals to Russian oil rights. If China is the country ofthe future, is Chinese the language of the future?
学什么语言最好? 现在学什么语言最好


Probably not. Remember Japan’s rise? Just as spectacular asChina’s, if on a smaller scale, Japan’s economic growth led many tothink it would take over the world. It was the world’ssecond-largest economy for decades (before falling to third,recently, behind China). So is Japanese the world’s third-mostuseful language? Not even close. If you were to learn ten languagesranked by general usefulness, Japanese would probably not make thelist. And the key reason for Japanese’s limited spread will alsoput the brakes on Chinese.


This factor is the Chinese writing system (which Japan borrowed andadapted centuries ago). The learner needs to know at least3,000-4,000 characters to make sense of written Chinese, andthousands more to have a real feel for it. Chinese, with all itstones, is hard enough to speak. But the mammoth feat of memoryrequired to be literate in Mandarin is harder still. It deters mostforeigners from ever mastering the system—and increasingly trips upChinese natives.


A recent survey reported in the People’s Daily found 84% ofrespondents agreeing that skill in Chinese is declining. If suchgripes are common to most languages, there is something more to itin Chinese. Fewer and fewer native speakers learn to producecharacters in traditional calligraphy. Instead, they write theirlanguage the same way we do—with a computer. And not only that, butthey use the Roman alphabet to produce Chinese characters: type inwo and Chinese language-support software will offer a menu ofcharacters pronounced wo; the user selects the one desired. (Or ifthe user types in wo shi zhongguo ren, “I am Chinese”, the softwaredetects the meaning and picks the right characters.) With less andless need to recall the characters cold, the Chinese are forgettingthem. David Moser, a Sinologist, recalls asking three nativeChinese graduate students at Peking University how to write“sneeze”:

最近《人民日报》发表的一篇调查发现有84%的受访者表示其中文水平在退步。如果说大多数语言都面临这样的问题,中文的问题是特别严重的。越来越少的中文母语者学习以传统的方式书写汉字。他们写文章的方式和我们一样,用电脑。不仅这样,他们也使用罗马字母来打出汉字:键入wo,支持中文的软件会列出一系列发音为wo的汉字,用户可以选择想要的那个。(或者说当用户键入woshi zhongguoren,软件会自动探测到意思,选出合适的汉字,显示“我是中国人”)随着越来越不需要记忆,很多中国人开始遗忘汉字的写法了。汉学家莫大伟曾回忆他问过三个北大的中国研究生怎么写“喷嚏”:

To my surprise, all three of them simply shrugged in sheepishembarrassment. Not one of them could correctly produce thecharacter. Now, Peking University is usually considered the“Harvard of China”. Can you imagine three phd students in Englishat Harvard forgetting how to write the English word “sneeze”? Yetthis state of affairs is by no means uncommon in China.


As long as China keeps the character-based system—which willprobably be a long time, thanks to cultural attachment andpractical concerns alike—Chinese is very unlikely to become a trueworld language, an auxiliary language like English, the language aBrazilian chemist will publish papers in, hoping that they will beread in Finland and Canada. By all means, if China is your maininterest, for business or pleasure, learn Chinese. It isfascinating, and learnable—though Moser’s online essay, “WhyChinese is so damn hard,” might discourage the faint of heart andthe short of time.


But if I was asked what foreign language is the most useful, andgiven no more parameters (where? for what purpose?), my answerwould be French. Whatever you think of France, the language is muchless limited than many people realise.


As their empire spun off and they became a medium-sized power afterthe second world war, the French, hoping to maintain some distancefrom America and to make the most of their former possessions,established La Francophonie. This club, bringing together all thecountries with a French-speaking heritage, has 56 members, almost athird of the world’s countries. Hardly any of them are places whereFrench is everyone’s native language. Instead, they includecountries with Francophone minorities (Switzerland, Belgium); thosewhere French is official and widespread among elites (much ofwestern Africa); those where it is not official but still spoken bynearly all educated people (Morocco, Lebanon); and those whereFrench ties remain despite the fading of the language (Vietnam,Cambodia). It even has members with few ties to French or France,like Egypt, that simply want to associate themselves with theprestige of the French-speaking world. Another 19 countries areobserver members.


French ranks only 16th on the list of languages ranked by nativespeakers. But ranked above it are languages like Telegu andJavanese that no one would call world languages. Hindi does noteven unite India. Also in the top 15 are Arabic, Spanish andPortuguese, major languages to be sure, but regionallyconcentrated. If your interest is the Middle East or Islam, by allmeans learn Arabic. If your interest is Latin America, Spanish orPortuguese is the way to go. Or both; learning one makes the secondquite easy.


If your interests span the globe, and you’ve read this far, youalready know the most useful global language. But if you wantanother truly global language, there are surprisingly fewcandidates, and for me French is unquestionably top of the list. Itcan enhance your enjoyment of art, history, literature and food,while giving you an important tool in business and a useful one indiplomacy. It has native speakers in every region on earth. Andlest we forget its heartland itself, France attracts more touriststhan any other country—76.8m in 2010, according to the WorldTourism Organisation, leaving America a distant second with 59.7m.Any visit there is greatly enhanced by some grasp of the language.The French are nothing but welcoming when you show them and theircountry respect, and the occasional frost that can greet visitorsmelts when they come out with their first fully formed sentence. Soalthough there are other great languages out there, don’t forget aneasy, common one, with far fewer words to learn than English, thatis almost certainly taught in your town. With French, vous neregretterez rien.


Robert Lane Greene is a business correspondent for The Economist inNew York and the author of "You Are What you Speak"



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