Bullshit holy shit


“Bullshit”是 “nonsense”和“rubbish”的粗俗说法,可作动词、名词和程度副词。作名词时指代不好的事物,语气比“shit”强烈,带有对抗性,我不推荐你使用。日常使用只用单数形式。

Bullshit holy shit

Make sure you readMonday’s blog about the proper usage of profanity!

“Bullshit” is theprofane version of “nonsense” or “rubbish” in its primarymeaning. It’s pretty close to废话 in meaning, thoughit is definitely a vulgar word; if you say “bullshit” to someonewho is not your friend, it is a very strong challenge to thatperson’s honor that could lead to a serious confrontation, so becareful about using it. It’s a verb, a noun, andan expletive so you can say, “Stop bullshiting me,” “that’sbullshit,” or simply, “bullshit!” (This, by the way, is the name ofa very good and funny TV show: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTkyOTExMDI0.htmlSorry, no subtitles). Additionally, it is also astronger way to refer to “stuff” than “shit” is.It’s confrontational. You might hear: “Get thisbullshit out of my way!” This is very aggressive,so I don’t recommend you use it unless you are looking for afight. Finally, this word is ALWAYSsingular. You will never hear a native speakersay “bullshits” (unless on the very rare occasion that someone istalking about a male cow defecating more than once); it’s alwaysjust “bullshit.”


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101017/334890.html


怎样用英语骂人! 骂人的话用英语

前几天,上小学的女儿回来说,妈妈,今天我们英语老师教我们用英语骂人了。我一听,大吃一惊!不会吧?竟然对小孩子下这样的“毒手”?后来一问,才知道,原来老师教的是:Yougo你“狗”,I go我“狗”,He(She)goes他(她)“狗日”.小孩子的想象力可真“狗”

用英语脏话反对种族歧视 反对种族歧视 英文

那个鬼佬敢歧视中国人,就用英语骂他们,狠狠地!All Ghosts r fucker!粗话我很少讲,不过我知道一点怎么骂人的如果你对人或事情不满的时候可以用shit,也可以用于说别人胡说八道,,bullshit也可以,,,fucking bullshit,fucking就是我们中文

曾经的DF31泄密 df31


英语“脏字”Shit的翻译(少儿不宜) no bullshit 歌词翻译


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