Today I am going to translate the allusion known as:“husband and wife treating each other withcourtesy”
注释:① “男子二十冠而字,女子十五笄而字”(《礼记·曲礼》),“字”只是限于古代有身份的人。不管男女,只有到了成年才取字,取字的目的是为了让人尊重他,供他人称呼。一般人尤其是同辈和属下只许称尊长的字而不能直呼其名。字与名有密切关系,字往往是名的补充或解释,这叫“名字相应”,互为表里,故字又称作“表字”。古人命字方法的主要依据有以下几种:①同义反复。如:如屈原名平,字原,广平为原。梁鸿,字伯鸾。鸾和鸿都是飞禽,但不是一种,鸿雁和鸾凤可以互为辅助。②反义相对。如:赵孟頫,字子昂③连义推想。如:杨过,表字改之。
3、English Translation
Liang Hong, with the courtesy name of Bo Luan, was bornin Ping Ling, Fu Feng, a town in the Northwest of Shanxi Province.Known for his noble qualities, he was the ideal husband or son-inlaw in the town. Many families, rich in wealth or powerful inpolitics, were willing to marry their daughter to him. To theirsurprise, Liang Hong declined all of those proposals. Living in thesame town, The Mengs had onestout daughter whowascharnus in size and black in skin color. Shewas so strong in strength that she could lift up the stone mortarby hand. However, whenever her parents invited the matchmakers tointroduce her ideal husband, she would always reply with refusal.Their parents became worried as she was almost 30 years old, at theage of which most of the girls would have already got married inancient China. "I would marry nobody but the one who was as nobleas Bo Luan", she said to her worried parents. Hearing of this,Liang Hong got the betrothal gift prepared, ready to marryher.
With great joy, Miss Meng set about preparing thetrousseaux on her part. She invited the flax dressers to makewedding cloth for her. The day they got married, she dressed upgloriously. Out of her expectation, Liang Hong kept silent aftertheir marriage for as long as seven days. So anxious as she was,she kneeled down in front of Liang Hong, and said: "I’ve heard thatyou’re noble, and that’s why I vowed to marry nobody but you. Onyour part, you had declined many marriage proposals before takingme as your wife. In this case, your silence after our wedding is soconfusing that I can’t help to wondering if there was anything thatI’ve done wrong?" "I'm looking for someone who will be willing towear rug clothes and live as hermits with me in the remote andthickly forested mountains. Yet you’re now wearing in luxurioussilk clothes, cosmetically dressed up with powder, how on earth canyou be my ideal wife?" replied Liang Hong.
Onhearing this, Miss Meng said, "I’m wearing these clothes to checkwhether you’re the truly ideal distinguished man in my mind. I haveprepared myself clothes and stuff for hardlabor." Finished those words, she bobbed herhair, put on her coarse clothes, set up the loom, and began to makethe cloth. Seeing this, Liang Hong was so pleasant that he wenttowards his wife and said, "you are exactly the wife I want". Henamed his wife"Meng Guang" , with the courtesyname "De Yao" which means glorious with virtue and kindness.
Later, they retreated together in the Ba Lin Hill, a hillin the northeast of Xi’an, lived on farming andweaving, and entertained themselves by reading poetry or playingmusic.
Before long, in order to avoid the disturb of beingmustered in as an government officer in the capital city, thecouple left Qi Lu for Wu, which is know as Suzhounowadays. They rented a small house in the luxurious mansion of thedistinguished family Gao Botong, and lived on rice-husking for thefamily. Each time when Liang Hong came back home, Meng Guang wouldget the food ready in the tray, lift the tray as high as hereyebrow, and lower her head rather than look up into the face ofLiang Hong to show her great respect tohim.
----------------Translated from The Book ofDong-Han
Later on, people take "lifting the tray as high as the wife’s eyebrow" as an allusion to express the meaning that "husband and wife treating each other with courtesy." Synonyms most frequently used in Chinese allusions are "husband and wife respect each other as if they are guests of the family" (Legend of Spring and Autumn Century by Zuo Qiuming) and "The lute and psaltery are in harmony"(The Song of Poetry) to allude the felicity of husband and wife.
“纵然是举案齐眉,到底意难平”(《红楼梦》)现在中央提倡建立和谐社会,社会和谐离不开家庭的和谐,夫妻之间的和谐,但我们不希望是那种“相敬如宾和举案齐眉”的和谐。写到这里,不觉又想到一个成语,叫“琴瑟和鸣”,亦作“琴瑟和好”“琴瑟和同” “琴瑟相调” “琴瑟调和”。
《诗经·周南·关雎》有曰:“窈窕淑女,琴瑟友之。”。此典用得颇多,如:“结同心尽了今生,琴瑟和谐,鸾凤和鸣。”(元徐琰《青楼十咏言盟》),“夫妻和顺从今定,这段姻缘夙世成,琴瑟和谐乐万春。”(沈受先《三元记团圆》),“孙由是琴瑟和好。生一男两女,十余年从无角口之事。”(《聊斋志异孙生》),“愿心儿折桂乘龙,怎能勾鱼水相逢,琴瑟和同。”(《群音类选<诸腔类点绛唇>》),“妻子好合,如鼓琴瑟。”(《诗经 ·小雅· 棠棣》) ,“今日也鱼水和谐,燕莺成对,琴瑟相调。”(元王子一《误入桃源》四折),“琴瑟相调,芝兰又吐,三迁慈教推贤母。”(明汪廷讷《狮吼记 抚儿》),“琴瑟调和,百年相聚。”(《群音类选<玉钗记桂亭赏月> 》)