英译李白的《送孟浩然之广陵》 送孟浩然之广陵





A Farewell to Meng Haoran Leaving forGuangling

--- Li Bai

---Translatedby许景城(Peter Cooper Xu)

Alas!To Yellow Crane Tower myold friend waved goodbye.

In thriving March down toYangzhou eastwards was he sailing.

Away the boat was fading atthe kiss of sea and sky.

I saw but Yangzi River athorizon billowing.


1. Meng Haoran:Li Bai’s friend whowas also a famous poet in Tan Dynasty.

2. Guangling: Italso refers to Yangzhou.

3. Yellow CraneTower: Located on the Snake Mountain inWuchang, Hu Bei. It got its name for a legend about an immortalflying up to heaven by sitting on a crane.

注:该译文是鄙人于2010-05-10 翻译的。



Seeing Meng Hao-Ran off atYellow Crane Tower


My friendhas left the west where the Yellow Crane towers;
For River Town green with willows and red withflowers.
His lessening sail is lost in the boundless bluesky;
Where I see but the endless River rollingby.


Seeing Meng Haoran Of fromYellow Crane



At Yellow Crane Tower in the westmy old friend says farewell;

In the mist and flowers of springhe goes down to Yangzhou;

Lonely sail,distant shadow, vanish in blueemptiness;

All I see is the great riverflowing into the far horizon.


Saying Goodbye to Meng Haoranat the Yellow Crane Tower

--- LiBai

---Translated by RogerMason

Goodbye, old friend, at theYellow Crane Tower

As eastward in April, Yangzhoubursts in flower.

Your sail fades in thedistance against the blue sky

And to the horizon, the GreatRiver flows by.


Farewell at the Yellow CraneTower to Mr. Meng Going toGuangling

--- LiBai


Leaving Yellow Crane Tower,east my old friend will go;

In misty and flowery March hesails down to Yangzhou.

The lonely boat dims and islost at the end of blue sky,

And all I can see is theYangtze River’s seaward flow.


Seeing Meng Haoran Off toGuangling on the Yellow CraneTower

--- LiBai


Mine old friend leaveth theWest

From the Yellow CraneTower.

In this flowery Aprilclime

For thickly peopledYangzhou.

A solitary sail’s distantspeck

Vanisheth in the clearblue:

What could be seenheavenward

Flowing is but the LongRiver.

注:1.译本A-B选自徐静,唐诗英译的意象图式概念识解运作--- 以《送孟浩然之广陵》英译本为例,鞍山师范学院学报 2009-10。11(5):48—50

2. 译本C-D 选自http://esicq.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!748BAFBA1405B22C!1158.entry.

英译李白的《送孟浩然之广陵》 送孟浩然之广陵


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