
徐虎龙 提供:

第四十四条 经铁路、公路、水路、航空运输动物和动物产品的,托运人托运时应当提供检疫证明;没有检疫证明的,承运人不得承运。
Article 44 Before having the animals and animal productstransported by railway, highway, waterway, or air, the consignorshall provide the quarantine certificate when consigning them fordelivery. No carrier may accept them without the quarantinecertificate.
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 Michael Xu

Non-vessel-operating services, as referred to in the precedingparagraph, mean such international maritime transportation businessoperations in which a non-vessel-operating common carrier acceptsshipments from the shipper as a carrier, issues its own bills oflading or other shipping documents, procures through theinternational shipping operator the carriage of goods by seaagainst payment of freight by the shipper, and assumes theresponsibilities of a carrier.
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 Michael Xu

Article 15Carriers may directly organize and contract the container cargo,and shippers may directly hold business talks with carriers orentrust cargo forwarders to arrange for the consignment of importand export container cargo.
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 Michael Xu

Article 17Shippers or carriers shall, before packing, inspect carefully thebodies of containers, and may not use the containers which mightaffect the safety of the cargo transported and handled.
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 Michael Xu

Article 23Carriers and shippers or consignees shall, in accordance with themethods for tender specified in the bills of lading, handle thetendef of containers and container cargoes at marshalling yards,freight stations or other places agreed upon by the twoparties.
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 Michael Xu

Article 27Unless otherwise provided by law, carriers and shippers shall, inaccordance with the following provisions, bear the liability forthe damage or shortage of container cargoes:
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 Michael Xu

(2) For cargo packed by the shipper, the shipper shall bearliability for damage or shortage of the cargo within the periodfrom the packing for consignment to delivery to the consignee ifthe container bodies and the seal marks have remained intact; andif the container bodies or seal marks are damaged, the carriershall bear the liability for the damage or shortage of the cargo inthe containers.
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 Michael Xu

The time limits between carriers and shippers or consignees toraise claims for compensation shall not exceed 180 days, beginningfrom the date when container cargoes are tendered, unless otherwiseprovided by law.
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 Michael Xu

Article 288: A contract of carriage is a contract for carriage of apassenger or goods by a carrier from the place of departure to theagreed place, and payment of a fare or freight therefor by thepassenger, consignor or consignee.
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 Michael Xu

第二百八十九条 从事公共运输的承运人不得拒绝旅客、托运人通常、合理的运输要求。
Article 289: A common carrier may not refuse normal and reasonablerequests for carriage made by passengers or consignors.

Article 292: The passenger, consignor or consignee shall pay thefare or freight. If the carrier carries the passenger or goods viaa route other than the agreed or usual route and thereforeincreases the fare or freight, the passenger, consignor orconsignee may refuse to pay the amount added to the fare orfreight.
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 Michael Xu

Article 304: When a consignor arranges for the carriage of goods,he shall accurately state to the carrier such necessary informationconcerning carriage of the goods as the name of the consignee ofthe goods or the fact that the goods are consigned to order, aswell as the name, nature, weight and quantity of the goods and theplace of delivery, etc.

The consignor is liable for damages if the carrier suffers loss asa result of the consignor's inaccurate or inadequate declaration ofthe necessary information.
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 Michael Xu

第三百零五条 货物运输需要办理审批、检验等手续的,托运人应当将办理完有关手续的文件提交承运人。
Article 305: If the carriage of goods is subject to examination andapproval procedures or inspection procedures, etc., the consignorshall deliver to the carrier the documents evidencing thecompletion of such procedures.

If the consignor violates the preceding paragraph, the carrier mayrefuse to carry the goods.
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 Michael Xu

Article 307: If the consignor consigns dangerous goods which areflammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive or radioactive, etc., heshall properly package the same, and mark and label the same asdangerous goods, in accordance with State regulations on thetransportation of dangerous goods, and shall deliver to the carrierwritten information on the name and nature of the goods and on thesafety precautions to be taken in respect of the goods.
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 Michael Xu

If the consignor violates the preceding paragraph, the carrier mayrefuse to carry the goods; alternatively, the carrier may takeappropriate measures to prevent loss, in which case the expensesarising therefrom shall be borne by the consignor.

Article 308: Before the carrier delivers the goods to theconsignee, the consignor may instruct the carrier to suspendcarriage, return the goods, change the place of destination ordeliver the goods to another consignee, but he shall compensate thecarrier for the loss suffered as a result thereof.
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 Michael Xu

Article 311: The carrier is liable for damages in respect of damageto or loss of the goods in the course of carriage, unless he provesthat the same was caused by force majeure, the nature of the goodsthemselves, reasonable wear and tear or the fault of the consignoror the consignee.
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 Michael Xu

Article 313: In the case of unimodal transportation by two or morecarriers, the carrier that concludes the contract with theconsignor shall be liable for the entire transit. If damage occursduring one particular leg of the carriage, the carrier that signedthe contract with the consignor and the carrier for the leg inquestion bear joint and several liability.
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 Michael Xu

Article 314: If the goods are lost in the course of carriage due toforce majeure and no freight has been collected, the carrier maynot demand payment of the freight. If freight has been collected,the consignor may claim a refund thereof.
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 Michael Xu

Article 315: If the consignor or the consignee fails to payfreight, the custody fee and/or other carriage charges, the carrierhas a lien on a corresponding portion of the goods carried, unlessthe parties have agreed otherwise.
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 Michael Xu

Article 53When going through the formalities for transportation of narcoticdrugs or Class I psychotropic substances, a consigner shall give acopy of the transportation certification to the carrier. Thecarrier shall verify and retain the copy and check the packaging ofthe goods. The carrier shall not accept the goods in absence of atransportation certification or if the packaging is not inconformity with the relevant regulations.
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 Michael Xu

Article 57 The carrier andconsigner of hazardous goods shall have such goods packed, handled,and transported in accordance with the operating rules specified bythe State, so as to prevent leakage and explosion of thegoods.
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 Michael Xu

Article 58 The carrier andconsigner of special medicines shall pack, handle and escort thegoods in accordance with the stipulations of the State, so as toprevent theft, robbery or missing of the medicines duringtransportation.

Article 41Consignors, in consigning hazardous chemicals, shall state the itemnames, quantity, hazards, emergency response measures, etc. of suchchemicals to the carriers.
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 Michael Xu

When inhibitors or stabilizers need to be added for transportationof hazardous chemicals, consignors shall add them upon theconsignment, and inform the carriers.

(4) a consignor, when consigning hazardous chemicals, fails tostate the item names, quantity, hazards, emergency measures, etc.of such chemicals to the carrier, or fails to add inhibitors orstabilizers needed upon consignment; or
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 Michael Xu

Where a carrier clearly knows that the consigner is to transportmedical wastes in violation of these Regulations and stilltransports the medical wastes for the consignor, or transportsmedical wastes and passengers on the same transportation means,punishment shall be made in accordance with the provisions of thepreceding paragraph.
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 Michael Xu

Article 9 In the case that a carrier, on demand of the shipper of astraight bill of lading, ceases the carriage, returns the goods,changes the destination or delivers the goods to another consignee,if the consignee holding the straight bill of lading requires thecarrier to assume civil liability for delivery of goods withoutoriginal bill of lading, the people’s court shall not rule infavour of such consignee.
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 Michael Xu

Article 12 With respect to a shipper who actually delivers thegoods to the carrier and holds the order bill of lading, althoughhis identity as shipper is not set forth in the original bill oflading, if he demands the carrier to assume civil liability fordelivery without original bill of lading pursuant to the shippingcontract on the ground that the carrier delivers the goods withoutoriginal bill of lading, the people’s court shall rule in hisfavour.
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 Michael Xu

第四十四条 经铁路、公路、水路、航空运输依法应当检疫的动物、动物产品的,托运人托运时应当提供《动物检疫合格证明》。没有《动物检疫合格证明》的,承运人不得承运。
Article 44 To transport animals or animal products which shall bequarantined pursuant to law by railway, highway, waterway, or air,the consignor shall provide an Animal Quarantine ConformityCertificate when consigning them. No carrier may accept themwithout an Animal Quarantine Conformity Certificate.
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 - Lawinfochina 徐虎龙 MichaelXu


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