IDareYouToDream love to dream 睡袋

Dear Friend,

Did you ever notice, while driving to work or just out andabout, those fancy RVs (recreational vehicles) go by, with bikeshanging off the back and stuff all over the roof, and wonder whatit would be like to be the guy or gal driving that thing?


Did you ever wonder where they might be going, or where youwould go if that really was you?


Do you imagine that the folks inside are on a long-awaitedvacation? Kids laughing and singing while they drive to the beach,the mountains, or a resort somewhere?


Do you wonder how you could ever afford such a junket? How youcan ever get ahead when it seems that you are running in place,with earthquake set-backs every so often for good measure?


Are you getting tired of this life ofyours?


I’d like to give you a sneak peek inside a world you may knowlittle about. Or perhaps you’ve heard someone mention it andwondered what it was?


First, I want you to form a picture in yourmind. The central character is you. Around you are thosepeople that you most love being around. And the activity that youare engaging in is that which you love the most.


Love your work? Great! Hate your job? Great! Love spending timewith your family? Great! Crave sitting in a hot tub with gorgeousgals or guys all over you? Great!


Why am I doing this? Am I trying to depress youby reminding you of everything that you don’t have in yourlife?

我这是在做什么呢? 我在提醒你、打击你 – 这一切你都没有?

No I am not. Instead, I am daring you to dreamagain. Honestly. I am encouraging you to seriouslyconsider, perhaps for the first time in your life, thepossibilities that your life could hold for you if only you knewhow to achieve them.


And then I am going to tell you exactly how youcan achieve them.


No, I am not selling anything! There is no catch. And yet whatyou will do to achieve your dreams will not be free or awalk-in-the-park.


But it is achievable. And it is much easier than youimagine.


The reasons that most people fail to pursue their dreams aretypically one or more of the following:

1) They get overwhelmed with the everyday
IDareYouToDream love to dream 睡袋
2) They imagine that their dreams are not realisticallyachievable
3) They follow the crowd, and the crowd is not living itsdreams
4) They think that their dream life will require tons ofmoney
5) Peer pressure keeps them on their current life path
6) They think that guys like me are living in a fantasy of our own– that none of this can possibly be true – at least not for regularpeople – unless they win the lottery or something.


1)已被日常生活打磨的毫无激情了2)以为梦想是不切实际的3)随波逐流-而大众刚好不为梦想而活4)以为梦想需要大量金钱做铺垫5)同伴的压力迫使他们按部就班6)以为像我这样的家伙只是活在自己的幻想中-什么都是不真实的 – 至少对于普通人来说 – 除非他们中大奖了或者天上掉馅饼什么的

Do any of the above reasons sound familiar to you?


If you would prefer a change in your life, but you arenot currently pursuing that change, ask yourself“Why?”


Why don’t you do something? Are you afraid of failing? Ofsucceeding? Of disapproval of your true desires by those closest toyou? Are you embarrassed by your dreams? Do you think maybe youdon’t deserve such a life? Do you hardly have time to read thisarticle, much less do anything else right now?


I am going to challenge you to convince me that you simplycannot pursue your genuine dreams right now.


I want you to write down, on a piece of paper or whatever, allof the reasons why you simply cannot live the life that you trulydeserve, starting today.


I’ll just wait here while you do that………

Hmmm hmm hmm…….

Done yet?

Good. Let’s take a look at that.


Oh, I see..Reads a lot like that list I just read to you above,doesn’t it? And I see that you weren’t joking. Some of you haveserious responsibilities right now. Stuff that you just cannot blowoff, no matter how much you might like to.


One of you is caring for a sick loved one. Yeah, that’s atoughie. What else do we have here? Hmmm. And I see that anotherone of you is working hard for a promotion. You’ve spent yearsgetting to this point, so you just can’t drop out now. You’d bethrowing out all of that effort that got you to this point. You arejust about to cash in on your efforts.
And one of you owns a business? Or perhaps it owns you?

Ok, A lot of pretty good excuses (I mean reasons) as to why youjust cannot pursue your dreams right now. A few really aredifficult to deal with. But most of them are well within yourcontrol. If you choose to take control, that is.

Fine, why don’t those of you with the best reasons just stopreading now. You won’t need to hear any more. You have my sinceresympathies. I wish you the best.


If you are still with me, I appreciate what you just did. Yousee, you just did something that most of us rarely do.You put yourself first.


Our culture teaches us that to put yourself first isselfish. And selfishness is a bad thing. Sharing is good.And serving others.


We are told that you should derive your highestsatisfaction from waiting on those around you.


But you don’t really believe that, do you? Have you everbelieved that? Have you ever really derived any true pleasure fromserving people? I’m not talking about volunteering at the localsoup kitchen – anyone would derive satisfaction from helping outpeople who really need our help.

I’m talking about waiting on those people around you – family,friends, lazy bosses and co-workers, and various hangers-on.

不过你对此并不是深信不疑的不是吗?你信吗?你真得从服务他人那得到过纯粹的快乐?我并不是指在当地施食处的施善行为 –任何人都会从帮助真正需要帮助的人那得到满足感。

我指的是服务你身边的人 – 家人、朋友、懒惰的老婆、同事和各种各样前呼后拥的人。

Any of us who work hard are likely carrying an armloadof others with us.


Is that fun for you? But you have no choice, right? You have aduty to these people, right? Well, at least to some of them? Andthe rest you tolerate because your spouse or other high influenceindividual won’t let you kick them out?


How much of your efforts, do you estimate, are really tocover the extra expense and burdens of these hangerson?


OK, and how about taxes. If you work hard you probably pay a lotof these too. But they are necessary, right? I mean, we heareveryday about the huge bonuses that the top executives at defensecontractors are getting, right? And all of those hard workingpeople down at the DMV need to be paid, too. And then there is themonumental waste. But taxes are the same everywhere, aren’tthey?

And who knows who else is relying on you to keep on driving towork, and forget about those crazy ideas.

It was all just a momentary daydream, anyway, wasn’t it?




But let’s stick with this and see where it might go.Just for fun.

How much effort would you need to expend merely tosupport you and those you care about most, at minimum?

Do you know this number?




Minus all of the hangers-on and involuntary expenses that I justmentioned? Now factor out all of the stuff you buy to keep up withthe latest things, or just to entertain yourself at the mall. Didyou really need that 3-way automatic wizbang device in your homeshop, guys? Ladies, did you really need that thirtieth pair ofshoes?

And then there is health care. If you’ve been sick lately, youknow how unbelievably expensive medical care is today in the US.You need to work just to pay for health insurance.

What else is there? House payment, car payments, fuel, parkingfees and tolls. Food for the hungry munchkins in your home, and ofcourse, you.



还有什么呢? 房贷、车贷、汽油费、停车费和通行费,还有给家里嗷嗷待哺的人和你自己的食物。

What you are doing now is a quick lifestyleaudit.

You are thinking about why you need to work. And work takes upmost of the time of those of us who are employed.


Time is the one resource that you cannotduplicate. Your only have so much of it. And the time youspend doing whatever you do every day defines your life.


You are also considering your life’spriorities. By breaking down the cost of things by theimportance that they have in your life, you are discovering whatyou may be able to abandon some day, and what really matters toyou.


How much do you really need to work to support justthose things that you voluntarily choose to support?

And what about the not-so-obvious expenses that you may notreally need to carry?



For example, where does the vast majority of your moneygo?


Do you really need that huge house? All of those cars? How muchof your auto expense is related to commuting to work? Or runningthe kids around to incessant activities? Do they really need to beinvolved in all of that stuff? Do they really want to? Could youachieve the same thing by just letting them have some sleep-overswith their friends? What will that cost you? A couple of peanutbutter and jelly sandwiches and a bowl of cereal in themorning?


Now you can determine your true cost ofliving.

OK, Great. Now hold that number.

Add to that the costs associated with a moderate involvementwith those newly prioritized activities that you truly love. Thisis about you putting what you love first. And what about yourfamily? They have loves too! And with all of this newly freed upcapital, they can afford to live it up, too.




Now, how much do you really need to have each month tolive a life with your loved ones truly crafted by you? Alife built directly around what matters to you most?

Not really that bad, is it? And you haven’t really sacrificedanything important to you. Just a lot of fluff and stuff you didn’twant or need anyway.

现在算算,为了和你所爱之人过上你精心设计的生活 – 生活中只有对你最重要的人和事,每个月到底需要多少钱呢?


So, how do you get from where you are to this “dreamlife?”

One careful step at a time, my friend.

Some of these steps will be easy. Others can be quitecomplicated. But every single one of them can be achieved byyou.

How much energy do you think that you should put into an effortlike this? Well, how important to you is your quality of life? Howbadly do you want to be happy?

You get the idea.




I call this processofre-craftingyourlife to fit your dreams “Creative Family LifestyleDesign,” and these days I spend most of my time writingabout it.

When I discovered this concept, after much difficulty and trailand error, I realized for the first time how huge it was. And howmuch people like you and me need to know about it.

That’s why I’m writing this article.

I hope that by reading this piece I have stirred up in you arealization of what your life could be like if you woke up one dayand decided to really live it.

Might today be that day? I hope so!

All the best,



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