星际争霸 星际人族单位语录 星际争霸2人族教学

StarCraft TerranUnits人族单位
(high beep) Upgradecomplete.升级完成
(high beep) Research complete.研究完成
(high beep) Nuclear missileready. 原子弹已经准备完毕
(high beep) Add-on complete.附加建筑已经建好
(high beep) Base is underattack. 基地正在受到攻击
(high beep) Your forces areunder attack. 你的部队正在遭受攻击
(high beep) Nuclear launchdetected. 监测到原子弹攻击
(mid error beep) Not enoughminerals. 水晶矿不足
(low error beep) InsufficientVespene Gas.气矿不足
(mid error beep) AdditionalSupply Depots required.要造补给站了
(mid error beep) Not enoughenergy. 没魔力了
(mid error beep) Landingsequence interrupted.着陆进程被中断
(mid error beep) Unacceptablelanding zone. 不被接受的着陆地点
(high beep) Abandoningauxiliary structure. 放弃附属建筑
Battlecruiser operational.大和战舰可以使用了
All crews reporting.所有的士兵开始集中
Receiving transmission.接收信息
Good day, commander.天气真好啊,长官
Hailing frequencies open.打开频率(Commander Nyota Uhura, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)引自星际大战
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Identify yourself. 证明你的身份
Shields up, weapons online.防护罩打开,所有武器已经准备好了
...Not equipped with shields?我们没有装防护罩吗?...Well then, buckleup!。。。那么,快点系好安全带吧(准备逃跑了,这长官还有心情幽默一下)(probably a reference to StarTrek: Generations and the lack of shields on Enterprise B maidenvoyage) 引自星际大战的一个场景
We are getting way behindschedule. 我们已经落后原计划很多了
I really have to go, NumberOne. 1号,我们真的要走了(reference to Star Trek) 引自 “Star Trek”
Confirming GivenOrder
Make it happen. 实现它(Take-off of"Make it so" by Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: The NextGeneration)引自“Star Trek” “Make it so”
Set a course. 设定前进路线
Take it slow. 慢点(could also be"Make it so", referencing Captain Picard again; undetermined due topoor sound quality) 引自“Make it so”
Engage! 交战
(again, Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation)引自“StarTrek”
Note: It can be debated that the "number one" line is actually inreference to using the lavatories; which for all intents andpurposes would probably be more humorous. 备注上文中的I really have togo, Number One.实际上是想说,#1我要上洗手间,憋不住了(I really have togoooooo在英文中,可以婉转地说我想上洗手间。不过要拖长go这个音。语气不对,不能表达这层意思)为了更搞笑
Note: The voice of the Battlecruiser is homage to Admiral Glovalfrom the anime Robotech. Just as the Yamoto cannon it fires ishomage to the anime "Space BattleshipYamoto."(这个备注真不知道用中文该怎么说)
Hey, how'd I get here?喂,我怎么来的?(Civilians cannot be built in the game engine withoutmodifications.) 平民在游戏引擎中,如果不加与修改是不可以被造出来的
Hey there! 你好
How y'all doing?你们过得怎么样啊?
What's up?有什么新鲜事吗?(你好)(美国的黑人最常用这种方式打招呼,年青人也很常用。简写有what up, sup都是同一种意思)
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I wanna be all I canbe...我想要做到所有我能做到的事(个人觉得应该是美军的口号“be all that you can be”无所不能)
I'll tell what, I think I'lljoin up!! 我想加入
I'm a little claustrophobicthough... 我有一点幽闭恐怖症(有这种病?)
Hope they don't put me in anytight spaces.我希望他们不要把我扔到一个很挤的地方
Ah, what the hell. I need thatcollege money. 。。。Ah 不管那么多了,我想要钱去念书(为了那笔钱,豁出去了)(what the hell, whatthe f^^k , what theheck之类我感觉是语气词,表示意思上更进一层。在美国服完兵役的军人,国家会负担所有的教育费用,如果这个退伍军人想进学校深造的话。所以对于很多美国青年来说,当兵是一条很好的出路)
Confirming GivenOrder
Sure thing! 当然了
All right! 好
No sweat! 小意思(连汗都不用出)
Yep!" 好
I'm goin'!我去了
Can I take your order?可以给我下命令了吗?
Go ahead HQ.请讲,总部(HQ=headquarters)
I'm listenin'. 我在听
Destination? 目的地?
Input coordinates. 输入地理坐标
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When removing your overheadluggage, please becareful.拿你头上的行李时,请小心一点(运输机还带空姐?)
In case of a water landing, youmay be used as a flotation device.万一是在水上降落,你可能会被用做浮起装置(意思是说士兵要下水去,把运输机托起来,不让它下沉。希望是开玩笑的吧?)(觉得这里的英文表达地不是很清楚,我姑且这么理解了)
To hurl chunks, please use thevomit bag in front of you.如果你想呕吐的话,请使用在你面前的呕吐袋。
Please keep your arms and legsinside until this ride comes to a full and complete stop.请你在飞机没有停稳前,不要把手或者脚伸出窗外
Confirming GivenOrder
In the pipe, five by five.五个一起,从出口下去(Originally from the film Aliens) 出自电影“外星人”
Hang on, we're in for somechop. 抓紧了,我们要去打战了(Originally from the film Aliens)出自电影“外星人”
In transit HQ. 正在联系总部
Buckle up. 系好安全带
Strap yourselves in boys.兄第们,把安全带系好
I copy that. 收到
Need alight?要火吗?(一般情况说这话,是要给对方点烟的时候。但是用火兵的喷火器点烟,果然很豪爽)
Fire it up! 烧死它
Yes? 什么事?
You got my attention.随时听命
Wanna turn up the heat?想要再热一点吗?
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Is something burning?有东西烧起来了吗?
(short fireburst)短暂地扑火(烧到自己衣服了?) Haha, That's what I thought.呵呵,我想也是这样
I love the smell of napalm.我喜欢凝固汽油弹的味道(Reference to Apocalypse Now) 参见“Apocalypse Now”
Nothin' like a good smoke.没有什么东西会比烟火还好看
You tryin' to get invited to mynext barbecue?你想去我下一个烧烤吗?(这里虽然用邀请,但是不是以客人的身份去的,意思是我会把你烤来吃。很搞)
Got any questions aboutpropane? 你想问一些关于丙烷的问题吗?
Or... propane accessories?或者是使用丙烷的设备?(Originally from King of the Hill) 出自“King of thehill”
Confirming GivenOrder
Naturally. 理所当然
Slammin'! 打击中
You got it.(同上)
Let's burn. 让我们烧死它
Somebody call for anexterminator? 有人需要毁灭者?
Ghost reportin'. 鬼兵前来报到
I'm here. 我在这
Finally. 终于。。。
Call the shot. 指定攻击目标
Selected SeveralTimes
You called down the thunder...你请来了雷电(possible reference to the 1993 western Tombstone) 可能引自
...now reap the whirlwind!现在是报仇的时候了(reap the whirlwind报仇)(From Young Guns, or a reference tofirst line of the Biblical verse Hosea 8:7) 可能来自“YoungGuns”也可能是Biblical VS Hosea 8:7的第一句对话
(breathing faster)呼吸加快 Keep itup! I dare ya! 你有胆的话就跟上
I'm about t' overload myaggression inhibitors! 我快要控制不住自已的破坏欲了
Confirming GivenOrder
I hear that.听到了
I'm gone. 我消失了
Never know what hit'em.他们不知道谁攻击他们了
I'm all over it.我已经全面着手做了
You got it. (同上)
Goliath online.机甲巨人已连线
Go ahead TACCOM请讲TACCOM(Theater Army Communications Command).
Comm-link online. 已经同总部连接
(beebeep) Channel open.频道打开
Systems functional.系统工作正常
Selected SeveralTimes
【星际争霸】星际人族单位语录 星际争霸2人族教学
MilSpec ED-209on.军用武器已准备好(MilSpec=military specifications) (ED-209, Robocop)ED-209武器编号,出自“机器战警”
(low triple beep) Checklistprotocol, initiated. 名单协义初始化
Running level one diagnostic.进行第一级诊断
(strange beep) U.S.D.A.Selected美国农业部认证?(和这个有关系吗?) (United States Department ofAgriculture) USDA
(strange beep) F.D.I.C.Approved 联邦储蓄保险组织(????)(Federal Deposit InsuranceCorporation)
(beebeebeep) Checklistcompleted... S.O.B. 名单检查完毕(Son Of a Bitch)
Confirming GivenOrder
Acknowledged H.Q. 收到,总部
(high beep) Nav-comm locked.导航命令锁定(Nav应该是navigation)
Confirmed. 确认
Target designated. 确认目标
You wanna piece of me, boy?你想尝尝我的历害吗?
Commander? 长官?
Standin' by. 待命
Jacked up and good to go.升起,并准备好出发
Gimme something to shoot!给我一点东西打手枪(呵呵,果然够男人)
Selected SeveralTimes
We gotta move! 我们必需要离开
Are you gonna give me orders?你不要给我下命令吗?(意思是快点给我下命令)
Oh my god, he's whacked!天哪,他受伤了
I vote we frag this commander.我投票,我们把这个长官给宰了
How do I get out of thischickenshit outfit? 我们怎么脱掉这个像鸡屎一样的套装?
(Originally from the film Aliens and the book A Rumor ofWar)出自电影“外星人”和“战争传闻”
If it weren't for these damnneural implants, you'd be a smoking crater by now!如果不是这个植入神精的芯片,你早就被我宰了
Confirming GivenOrder
Go go go!
Let's move!出发
Outstanding! 非常好
Rock & Roll!(Military slang for firing a weaponfully-automatically)军队用语,全力开火
Prepped and ready. 准备好了
Need medical attention?需要治疗吗?
Did someone page me?刚才有人呼叫我?
State the nature of yourmedical emergency. 告诉我你要什么样的紧急救护(Originally from the EMH in StarTrek: Voyager)出自“Star Trek”
Where does it hurt? 哪里疼?
Selected SeveralTimes
I've already checked you outcommander. 我已经检查过你了,长官(看来这个长官为了泡MM装死)
You want another physical?你想要现做一次身体检查吗?
Turn your head and cough.把头转开再咳
Ready for your sponge-bath?准备好洗澡了吗?
His EKG is flatlining! Give mea defib stat! 他的心电图开始平缓,给我起搏器
He's dead Jim.他死了Jim(Originally from the series Star Trek: The Original Series)出自 “Star Trek”
Confirming GivenOrder
Right away. 马上就来
Stat! 什么情况(应该是status的简写)
I'm on the job! 我正在做这件事
On my way! 在路上了
(bling) Explorerreporting.探索者报告
Ah, greetings command.向长官致意
Transmit orders. 传送命令
(bling) Receiving,headquarters. 正在接收,总部
(bling) We have you on visual.我们在屏幕上看见你了
Selected SeveralTimes
I like the cut of yourjib.你长得很有趣 (Reference of Montgomery Burns from The SimpsonsHalloween Episode "Devil and Homer Simpson") 出自“Devil and HomerSimpson”(很不错的美国动画片,用来学英语很不错,推荐)
E equals MC... D'oh, let me getmy notepad. E=MC。。。D’oh,。。。我还是看一看我的笔记吧(看来这位仁兄数学不太好)(D'oh has alasting "o" sound) D’oh中的o发长音
Hmm... Fusion eh? I'll have toremember that.嗯,溶解?我要把它记下来(难道这位仁兄是相田彦一?) (In reference ofMontgomery Burns from The Simpsons) 自出“Simpons”
(monkeys screeching inbackground)猴子在背后狂叫 What the- Who set all these lab monkeys free?!What the (老美说这句的时候有时候会省略掉)谁把实验室里的猴子放出来的?
(monkeys still screeching, hissstarts)猴子继续狂叫 (voice rises in pitch) I think we may have a gasleak! 我想我们可能在漏油!
(alarm blaring)警报响起 Do any ofyou fools know how to shut off this infernal contraption?你们这些笨蛋中,有谁会关掉这个该死的装置?
(alarm noise dying out)警报渐渐消失Ah... (breathing heavily)大口喘气 The ship... Out of danger?已经没有危险了吗?(Captain Spock, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan) 出自 “StarTrek”
Confirming GivenOrder
"Excellent!" 非常好(Monty Burnsstyle)
"Commencing!" 着手处理
"Affirmative sir" 是的,长官
"Let's roll!" 我们出发吧(Also fromThe Simpsons)引自“Simpsons”
SCV good to go, sir.SCV可以使用了
Yes sir? 什么事
Orders, cap'n? 命令?
I read you. 我知道了
Reportin' for duty.前来接受任务
Selected SeveralTimes
Come again, Cap'n?你说什么?队长
I'm not readin' you clearly.我听到不是很清楚
You ain't from around here, areyou? 你不是当地人吧?(意思是你说的话我听不懂)
I can't believe they put me inone of these things! 我不敢相信,他们把我放进这一个鬼东西里(SCV是要人来驾驶的)
And now I gotta put up withthis too? 现在我还要戴上这个?
I told 'em I wasclaustrophobic, I gotta get outta here!我已经告诉他们我有幽闭恐怖症,我要离开这个地方
I'm locked in here tighter thana frog's butt in a watermelon seed fight.我锁在这里,挤得就像西瓜籽在青蛙屁眼里一样(。。。汗)
Confirming GivenOrder
Affirmative. 好的
Roger that. 收到
Right away sir. 马上
Orders received. 命令收到
Unable to Build无法建造
I can't build it. Somethin's inthe way.我不能建造它,有东西挡着
I can't build there.我不能建在那里
Job's finished. 工作完成
Siege Tank坦克
Ready to roll out!准备出发
Yes sir?! 怎么了,长官
Destination?! 目的地?
I-dentify target! 确认目标
Orders, SIR! 请下命令,长官
Selected SeveralTimes
(hums Ride of the Valkyries byWagner in reference to the film Apocalypse Now) 参考电影“ApocalypseNow”
I'm about to drop the hammer...我马上就要发射导弹了
...and dispense someindiscriminate justice! 以传达一些不容质疑的司法公证
What IS your major malfunction?你有什么主要机器故障(这里可能是在抱怨玩家为什么一直点它)(Originally from the film Full MetalJacket)出自电影“Full Metal Jacket”
Confirming GivenOrder
Move it! 快走
Pro-ceedin'! 执行中
De-lighted to SIR!乐意效劳
Ab-so-lutely! 完全没有问题
Need something destroyed?想要摧毁什么东西吗?
I am eager to help.我非常想效力
Don't keep me waiting.不要让我等待
Achtung! (German forattention)德语中的注意
Selected SeveralTimes
This is very interesting... Butstupid. 这样非常有趣,但是很愚蠢(Arte Johnson, Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In)出处
I have ways of blowing thingsup... 我有很多方法,摧毁目标
You're being very naughty.你真顽皮啊!
Who's your mommy? 谁是你娘(也有who’syour daddy?的说法,有一层意思是你应该听谁的话)
Blucher! 叫马的名字(Originally fromthe film Young Frankenstein)
(horse winnies) 马回应(Originallyfrom the film Young Frankenstein, right after Igor says Blucher)引自电影“Young Frankenstein”
Confirming GivenOrder
Of course, Mein Herr.完全可以,先生(德语)(German for "sir")
Perfect! 非常好
It's show time!现在是表演时间
Jawohl! 好的(德语)(German for yes,sir)
(Bike engine starts up)雷车的引擎发动Alright! Bring it on!好的,放马过来吧!
Whadda you want?! 你要怎么样?(Whatdo you want?)
Yeah? 怎么了?
I hear you...Sir...我听到了,长官
Somethin' on yo' mind?你有什么主意?
Selected SeveralTimes
Somethin' you wanted?!你想要什么?
I don't have timetoaround! 我没有时间陪你玩
You keep pushin' me boy...小子,如果你再逼我的话。。。
...and I'll scrap YOU alongwith the aliens! 。。。我要把你和那些外星人一起撕碎!!
What the hell do youwant?你到底想要什么?
Confirming GivenOrder
Yeah I'm goin! 好的,我出发了
I dig.我知道了(好像应该是这样理解,dig有被吸引的意思。比如说You have a weird hair color, somegirls dig that.你的头发颜色很奇怪,有一些女生喜欢这样。和这个翻译好像有一点联系,供参考)
No problem. 没有问题
Oh... Is that it? 就这些吗?
Wraith awaiting launchorders.隐飞等待发射命令
Go ahead command. 总部,请讲
Transmit coordinates.传送地理坐标
Standing by. 正在待命
Reporting in. 报到
Selected SeveralTimes
Last transmission... breakin'up... come back.最后一次传送。。。中断。。。回到线上来
I'm just curious, why am I sogood? 我有一点好奇,为什么我会这么强
I gotta get me one of these.我也要给我自己弄一个那东西(Originally from the film Independence Day)出自电影“独立日”
You know who the best starfighter in the fleet is? 你知道谁是最好的飞行员吗?
Yours truly. 你们的很真实(?)
Everybody's gotta die sometime,Red. 人总要死 (Originally from the book "Platoon") 出自书“Platoon”
I am invincible, that's right.我无敌了,是的(Possibly From 007 Golden Eye) 可能出自,“007”的金眼
Confirming GivenOrder
Coordinates received.地理坐标已收到
Attack formation. 战斗编队
Roger. 收到
Vector, locked in.方向与速度,锁定


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