C里面的#pragmaweak的含义 c pragma

#pragma weakto define a weakglobalsymbol. This pragma is used mainly in source files for buildinglibraries. The linker does not produce an error if it is unable toresolve a weaksymbol.

#pragma weak function_name
defines function_name to be a weaksymbol. The linker does not complain if it does not find adefinition for function_name.

#pragma weak function_name1 = function_name2
C里面的#pragmaweak的含义 c pragma
defines function_name1 to be a weaksymbol, which is an alias for the symbolfunction_name2. You must declarefunction_name1 and function_name2before using them in the pragma. For example:

extern void bar(int)
extern void _bar(int)
#pragma weak _bar=bar
If your program calls but does not definefunction_name1, the linker uses the definition fromthe library. However, if your program defines its own version offunction_name1, then the program definition is usedand the weakglobal definition of function_name1 in the library isnot used. If the program directly callsfunction_name2, the definition from the library isused; a duplicate definition of function_name2 causesan error.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101017/333728.html


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