英语辩论赛主持词 英文辩论赛主持

Welcome to the debating competition of the issue “the advantagess and disadvantages of Qinghai—Tibet railway”. We have 8debatorstoday,4 on each side and the positive side is leaded byXXX,the rest debaters are XX, XX. And the membersof the negative team are XX,XX is the leader of their team .ok,good luck to they(.or hot welcome to them.)

Next, I want to introduce today’s judges, theyare our dear instructor mrsyan,and our classmates XX ,XX,XX ,XX,hot welcome to all of you .and thanks to all for joiningtoday’s debating competition.

Now, I would like to introduce the rules for the contest.

英语辩论赛主持词 英文辩论赛主持

The first is the time .each debater is allowed to express inlimited.

Secondly, speakers are not allowed to bring any notes inhand.


Welcome comeback ,after our judges’ discussion, the mostexciting moment is coming, the winner of today’s debatingcompetition is the---.and the best debateris.congratulation!

i hope we can express ourselves on the stage in English ,I hopewe can show what we have learned in the competition, I hope we canexchange experience of how to learn English better, I hope we allmake good use of this opportunity to improve ourselves.

Ok, this is the end of today’s English debating competition.thank you all for join us today, I hope all of you can have a goodtime .thank you .


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101017/333610.html


英语六级考试技巧! 英语六级选词填空技巧



二、英文邀请函:1、针对公务人员/单位邀请函: 邀请函又叫请柬,也称请帖,是单位、团体或个人邀请有关人员出席隆重的会议、典礼,参加某些重大活动时发出的礼仪性书信。它不仅表示礼貌庄重,也有凭证作用。1>格式要求。请柬一般由标题、称谓

英语近义词辨析大全1. 近义词辨析 练习 大全

英语近义词辨析大全direct, directly这两个副词都有“直接地”之意。direct〓指行路中不停步、不绕道、直奔目的地。directly〓指以一种直接的方式。表时间时,指立刻,不拖延之意。dirty, foul, nasty这些形容词均有“脏的,污秽的”之意

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