Nowadays, some companieshave work-from-home or remote working policies, which means thattheir employees do not have to commute to work every day. Somepeople think that this can save a lot of time travelling to andfrom work, thus raising employees’ productivity. However, othersargue that in the workplace, people can communicate face to face,which vastly increases the efficiency of coordination andcooperation. What is your opinion?
Write an essay of about 400 words onthe following topic:
My Views on Working fromHome
In the first part of your essay youshould state clearly your main argument, and in the second part youshould support your argument with appropriatedetails.Inthe last part you should bring what you have written to a naturalconclusion or make a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content,organization,languageand appropriateness.Failureto follow the above instructions may result in a loss ofmarks.
Write your essay on ANSWER SHEETFOUR.
Telecommuting: an InevitableTrend
There is no denying the fact that thepast years have witnessed an increasing number of people workingfrom home, with some employers encouraging this practice. However,there exist opposing views on this phenomenon, with proponentsclaiming that it saves time and increases productivity, whileopponents arguing that it lacks face-to-face communication and thusaffects coordination. Personally, I believe that there is truth inboth opinions. Therefore, this new style of working suits more jobsthat demand less face-to-face communication. However, with thepopularization of the Internet and its increasingly mightyfunction, working from home, or telecommuting, will definitelybecome an inevitable and irreversible trend.
Firstly, the advantages oftelecommuting go far beyond saving time spent on travelling to andfrom the workplace. It provides a worker with an unimaginabledegree of freedom and comfort. One can nearly arrange everythingrelated to work according to his or her will. He can get up and goto bed at any time he wishes, as long as he fulfills his dailytask. Furthermore, he does not have to worry about his appearancesor dressing. This is especially convenient to female workers.Besides, one can choose to work out during the break at time hedeems proper. Plus, he can enjoy cooking at home and have hisfavorite food, instead of putting up with the monotonous cuisine inthe collective dining hall or potentially hazardous food inrestaurants.
Secondly, communicating face to faceis gradually losing its necessity in an increasing number ofprofessions along with the strides made in online communication.This is true not only in such advanced industrialized countries asthe U.S. and Japan, but also here in China. Such onlinecommunication tools as QQ, We Chat and micro blog provide peoplewith not only verbal chat, but also voice chat and even video chat.One does not necessarily go out to see his colleagues or clients,for it can all be accomplished online. A case in point is thesurging wave of online shopping. Another strong evidence is onlineeducation. Such virtual classrooms as YY and MOOC have renderedactual classrooms seem outdated and stupid.
Undeniably, face-to-face communicationcannot completely give way to virtual communication, especially atthe starting stage of a community, or in such cases asindividualized education and primary schooling. However, as anatural consequence of the development of science and technology,working from home represents the marching direction of advancedproductivity. As a member of modern society, one should get himselfor herself fully prepared for the challenge of such a new style ofworking.
Telecommuting: a Two-EdgedSword

Angels and devilsare two poles apart, but working from home, or telecommuting, seemsto combine them perfectly. Along with the advances in computer andInternet technologies, the past years have witnessed anincreasing number of people working from home, with some employersencouraging this practice. However, there exist opposing views onthis phenomenon. Some people take it for granted that it is ablessing, while others argue that it is a curse. As I see it, thereis an element of truth in both views, and one should make a carefulchoice according to his or her conditions.
On the one hand, noone can deny the fact that working from home brings about numerousbenefits, which go far beyond saving time spent ontravelling to and from the workplace. It provides a worker with anunimaginable degree of freedom and comfort. One can nearly arrangeeverything related to work according to his or her will. He can getup and go to bed at any time he wishes, as long as he fulfills hisdaily task. Furthermore, he does not have to worry about hisappearances or dressing. This is especially convenient to femaleworkers. Besides, one can choose to work out during the break attime he deems proper. Plus, he can enjoy cooking at home and havehis favorite food, instead of putting up with the monotonouscuisine in the collective dining hall or potentially hazardous foodin restaurants.
On the other hand,however, the above mentioned advantages of telecommuting may wellturn out to be its demerits. While enjoying the freedom of timearrangement, one may find himself lack of discipline and regularhours, which might be a hazard to his physical fitness. In the sameway, he or she may miss the opportunity to manifest his or herattractiveness to his or her colleagues or people on the way to andback from work while appreciating the time and money that otherwisewould be spent on dressing and making up. Similarly, he or she mayfind it troublesome to cook and wash dishes. What is the mostimportant, as mentioned in the directions, is that telecommutingcut into face-to-face communication and thus affects the efficiencyof coordination. As can be easily perceived,face-to-face communicationcannot completely give way to virtual communication, especially atthe starting stage of a community, or in such cases asindividualized education and primary schooling.
In the finalanalysis, I should admit honestly that I cannot give a yes-noanswer to the question whether telecommuting is a good thing ornot. Actually, it should beviewed as a two-edged sword, which presents both conveniences andtroubles. The best policy, as I see it, is to make your own choiceaccording to the nature of your work as well as yourpersonality.