电影《涉外大酒店》精彩对白 英语电影精彩对白赏析

Everything will be all right inthe end. So if it is not all right, it is not yet the end.一切终会好起来。如果现在不够好,那肯定是没到终点。(印度彦语)

Initially, you're overwhelmed. Butgradually, you realize it's like a wave. Resist and you'll beknocked over. Dive into it, and you'll swim out the other side.一开始令人不知所措,但渐渐你会明白这就有如海浪,与之抗衡只会被它拍倒,潜入水中,方能到达彼岸。

There is no past that we can bringback by longing for it. Only a present that bulids and createsitself as the past withdraws. 渴望过去,也不能让时光倒流。只有当下随过去的远去而渐渐形成。

What's the use of a marriage whennothing is shared? 两个人都紧闭心门,还算什么婚姻?

All you give out is this endlessnegativity. A refusal to see any kind of light and joy, even whenit's staring you in the face.你成天就是没完的发牢骚。不肯去看见光明和快乐,即使它们就摆在你眼前。

You can have anything you want,Sonny. You just need to stop waiting for someone to tell you youdeserve. 你可以得到你想要的一切,桑尼。但你不能再等别人跟你说你有这个资格。

That nothing happens unless firstwe dream. 成功始于梦想。

The any real failure is thefailure to try. And the measure of success is how we cope withdisppointment. As w always must.真正的失败是不敢尝试。衡量成功,得看我们如何应对失望。因为我们总得迈过这个坎。

But it's also that the person whorisks nothing, does noting, has nothing. 但不去冒险,不去尝试,只能空手而归。
电影《涉外大酒店》精彩对白 英语电影精彩对白赏析


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《白梅》王冕 白梅王冕赏析

《白梅》-- 王冕冰雪林中著此身,不同桃李混芳尘。忽然一夜清香发,散作乾坤万里春。【翻译】白梅生长在冰天雪地的严冬,傲然开放,不与桃李凡花相混同。忽然一夜花开,芳香便传遍天下。【赏析】

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原文地址:《破阵子》(醉里挑灯看剑)赏析作者:微人莫里哀 《破阵子》(醉里挑灯看剑)[赏析]这首《破阵子》选自《稼轩长短句》。陈同甫是陈亮的字。史称陈亮"为人才气超迈,喜谈兵",在政治上始终坚持抗战,与辛弃疾是志同道合的挚友,多所唱和。这



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