1 Unveil 的用途
‣ Reduction of reverb on location sound and dialog
‣ Matching of reverb amounts and thus perceived distance onmultiple location/dialog recordings
‣ Reduction of reverb on sub-optimally miked musical recordings,or recordings from venues with less-than-ideal acousticproperties.
‣ Up-Mixing by separating reverb and direct signal, and usingthese complementary signals for rear and front channels
‣ Reducing or boosting “mud” or “grit” in a music mix to bringout the details or move the mix out of focus to make space foradditional signals
‣ Moving sounds/ambience in to or out of focus forOn-Screen/Off-Screen differentiation
‣ Moving background sounds further back to allow foregroundsounds to stand out clearer
‣ Creative sound design
‣ Generating dynamic “states” from just one recording in gameaudio.
2 参数
2.1 Focus
The FOCUS parameter controls the overall signal focusing, orreverb attenuation/boost. Essentially it is a cross-fade betweenreverb/mud and the direct/foreground signal.
Higher values remove reverb and "mud" from the signal,
lower values add reverb by attenuating the direct (incident)signal. Center has no effect and leaves the signal unchanged.
For best results we recommend setting FOCUS to its highest valuewhile adjusting the other parameters so their effects becomeimmediately apparent, then backing of FOCUS as needed. CTRL-Clicksets this parameter to default.
2.2, f FOCUS bias
This bank of sliders allows setting the FOCUS parameterdepending on the signal frequency. With these parameters you cande-reverberate critical frequencies more than frequencies that haveless reverb to them, such as the low
frequency end. The FOCUS BIAS is relative to the amount setusing the FOCUS control. If you set FOCUS to its center positionthe signal will pass through unchanged. You can then use FOCUS BIASto change the signal focus for certain
frequencies only. A CTRL-click on one of the sliders resets itto neutral, and a click on the CLR button resets all sliders toneutral.
2.3 t/f LOCALIZE
This parameter determines pattern localization along the timeand frequency axes. Higher values resolve individual frequenciesbetter but might introduce high frequency oscillations that cansound artificial when a lot of noise is present within the signal.Lower values reduce this type of artifacts but might cause signalamplitude modulation ("pumping") that results from the processaffecting not only the detected patterns, but their surroundingsounds as well. A value around the center position is usually thepreferred setting. If both low and high values do not producesatisfactory results, we recommend you set it to its centerposition, set FOCUS to center as well and change FOCUS using theFOCUS BIAS sliders for critical frequencies only.
That way you will be able to separate reverb without applyingthe process to the entire signal at once.
2.4 t[REFRACT]
t[REFRACT] determines the refractory time for the analysisnetwork, or “how long the algorithm thinks about what it has heardbefore reacting”. Shorter values will cause the analysis to be moresensitive to signal changes, but might affect short termoscillations such as noise in a way that sounds artificial.
If you increase the refractory time, the overall sound of thede-reverberated signal usually improves, but some of the reverbreflections might return. We recommend you start out at a zerovalue and increase as needed.
2.5 t[adaptation]
This determines the adaptation time of the analysis network("forgetting factor"). The setting of this parameter should beapproximately equal to the reverb tail length of the signal.
You can get an idea of how to set this parameter by visuallycomparing the related decay curve in the display to the amplitudedecay of the input signal. If the steepness looks similar, you’regood. “Release Time” is a suitable analogy to get the idea of thiscontrol (though technically, it is very
different.). If the adaptation time is lower than the reverbtail time of the reverberated signal you will hear some reverb comeback on a few msec after the incident sound. In this case youshould increase the adaptation time until the reverb is gone
2.6 Presence
This parameter adds a random signal to the network's input oneach pass of the analysis recursions. This changes the startingconditions of the evaluation slightly, and causes the output to bemore generalized. The effect on the audio signal is mainly a gainin high frequency content and a more natural sound, as the noiseand short time scale fluctuations in the signal are averaged awayand remain largely untouched. With some "well behaved" signals thissetting might not have any effect, some signals (especially voice)can benefit greatly from increasing this value. Start low& raise as needed.
2.7 Transient thresh
UNVEIL offers the option to automatically bypass very shorttransient signals in order to increase "punch" and intelligibilityfor certain types of signals. This bypass is triggered both byevaluating overall signal levels as well as its statisticalproperties. We recommend you use the SOLO switch to monitor theoutput of this circuitry and use the threshold slider to set anappropriate value between 0 ( = everything is regarded a transient)and 1 ( = circuit is off, nothing goes through).
2.8 Gain
This control adjusts the output gain of the plug-in, the unit isdB. Processes based on perceptive modeling generally tend to changepeak levels. The GAIN control allows you to compensate forthis.
2.9 I/O diff
Activating this switch creates a volume compensated differencebetween input and output signal
2.10 Bypas
Bypasses all processing and routes the input signal directly tothe output
2.11 PK LINK
Links the peak of the input and output signal display so theUNVEIL effect becomes visible independent of absolute signallevels.
2.12 norm
Soft-normalizes the display of the input and output signals.
2.13 diagram
Enables the diagram that displays the adaptation rate inrelation to the input signal