damage; destroy;ruin;spoil这三个词都有“破坏;损坏”的意思,区别如下:
⑴The car was not damaged badly inthe accident, but five people were seriouslyhurt.汽车在事故中损坏不严重,但却有五个人受了重伤。
⑵The earthquake damaged severalbuildings.地震使一些建筑受到了破坏。
⑶Her heart was slightly damaged asa result of her long illness.长期生病使她的心脏受到轻度损伤。
⑷What they said and did damage therelations between the two countries.他们的言行损害了这两个国家之间的关系。
⑸The storm did a lot of damage tothe crops.暴风雨使庄稼受到了很大损失。
⑹Smoking has damaged his healthbadly.吸烟严重地损害了他的健康。
Soft wood damageseasily.软木容易损坏。
⑺The earthquake did a lot ofdamages to the city.这场地震给这座城市带来了巨大的破坏。
⑻An earthquake sometimes causesgreat damage.地震有时造成重大损失。
do damage to损害, 破坏
cause damage to损害, 破坏
2、destroy ,为常用词,指“剧烈地破坏”、“使之不存在”或“使之失去效能”,“破坏;摧毁;消灭;毁灭”,通常指程度非常严重的“毁坏”,一般情况下不可以修复再用。另外,它既可表示毁坏具体的物品,也可表示毁坏抽象的东西;。打破(希望,计划), 使失败,如:;
①That town was destroyed in a bigfire.那个城镇在一场大火中被毁了。
②The Nazi wanted to destroypeople's hopes, but in the end what was destroyed was the Nazi'sdream by the power ofpeople.纳粹想摧毁人民的希望,最终是纳粹的梦想被人民的力量所摧毁。
③The fire destroyed all mybooks.这场大火毁了我的全部书籍。
④The houses were destroyed by afire [a flood, an earthquake].房屋被火灾[水灾, 地震]所毁。
⑤The heavy rain destroyed all hopeof a picnic.大雨打破了野餐的一切希望。
⑥The enemy destroyed thecity.敌人破坏了这座城市。
①My new coat isruined.我的外套不能再穿了。
②The rain will ruin thecrops.这雨会把庄稼毁掉的。
③I was ruined by that law case;I'm a ruined man我被那场官司毁了,我破产了。
④He knocked over a bottle of inkand ruined the table cloth.他打翻了一瓶墨水把桌布弄脏了。
⑤She poured water all over mypainting, and ruined it.她把水全倒在了我的画上,把画毁了。
⑥I was ruined by that lawcase.我被那场官司搞得倾家荡产。
be the ruinof成为...毁灭[堕落]的原因
bring sb. to ruin使某人失败;使倾家荡产
bring ruin upononeself自取灭亡
come to ruin毁灭, 灭亡; 崩溃;破坏掉
fall to ruin毁灭, 灭亡; 崩溃;破坏掉
go to ruin毁灭, 灭亡; 崩溃;破坏掉
in ruins成为废墟
ruin oneself毁掉自己
in ruins成为废墟,遭到严重破坏
Gambling was his ruin[the ruinof him].赌博是他堕落的原因。
4、Spoil vt. (spoilt,spoiled)损坏[害], 损伤; 弄坏, 弄脏, 糟踢; 搞糟;;使无用;破坏,宠坏,溺爱; 姑息
①Our holidays were spoilt by badweather.我们假日的乐趣被恶劣天气所破坏。
②They spoil theirchildren.他们宠坏了他们的孩子们。
③The rain has spoilt mypainting.雨水毁了我的画。
④Mankind is warned to stopspoiling the environment.人类受到警告不能再污染环境。