涤纶:ployester锦纶:nylon/polyamide醋酸:acetate 棉cotton人棉:rayon人丝:viscose
仿真丝:imitated silkfabric真丝:silk氨纶:spandex/elastic/strec/lycra长丝:filament短纤:spun 黑丝:blackyarn阳离cation三角异形丝:triangle profile
空气变形丝:air-jet texturingyarn超细纤维:micro – fibric 全拉伸丝: fdy full drawnyarn)
预取向丝: poy(preoriented yarn)
拉伸变形丝: dty(draw textured yarn)
牵伸加捻丝: dt (drww twist)质量标准: quality standard(oeko-tex standard100、iso9002、sgs、its、aatcc、m&s)
客检: customer inspection
台板检验:table inspection
经向检验: lamp inspection
色牢度: color fastness
氯漂白色牢度: chlorine bleach color fastness尺寸稳定性: dimensionalstability
外观持久性: appearance retention拉伸强度: tensile strength撕破强度: tearstrength接缝滑裂: seam slippage抗起毛起球性: pilling resistance耐磨性: abrasionresistance拒水性: water repellency抗水性: water resistance织物密度: threadper inch/stich density
纱支: yarn count 克重: weight wool 羊毛m mohair 马海毛rh、 rabbit hair 兔毛alalpaca 羊驼毛 s silk 真丝 j jute 黄麻 l linen 亚麻 ram ramie 苎麻 hemhemp 大麻 t polyester 涤纶 ws cashmere 羊绒 wa angora 安哥拉山羊毛 lalambswool 羊羔毛 ts tussah silk 柞蚕丝 yh yark hair 牦牛毛 md modal莫代尔 ch camel hair 驼绒 cu cupro 铜 ms mulberry silk 桑蚕丝 ly lycra 莱卡kender kender 罗布麻 silkool silkool 大豆蛋白纤维 cvc cvc 涤棉倒比 n nylon锦纶 r rayon 人棉 v viscose 粘胶 sp spendex 氨纶 pp polypropylene丙纶 pv polyvinyl 维纶 a acrylic 腈纶 tel tencel 天丝
纱线 yarns
棉及其混纺纱线 cotton, cotton mixed & blended yarns
棉纱 cotton yarns
涤棉纱 t/c & cvc yarns
粘棉纱 cotton/rayon yarns
棉晴纱 cotton/acrylic yarns
棉/氨纶包芯纱 cotton/spandex yarns
棉与其他混纺纱 cotton/others blended yarns
毛纺系列纱线 woollen yarn series
羊绒纱 cashmere yarn series
全羊毛纱 wool (100%) yarns
毛晴纱 wool/acrylic yarns
毛涤纱 wool/polyester yarns
毛粘纱 wool/viscose yarns
毛/丝纱wool/silk yarnss
羊毛/其他 wool/other yarns
兔毛纱 angora yarns
雪兰毛线 shetland yarns
牦牛毛纱 yak hair yarns
羊仔毛纱 lambswool yarns
真丝系列纱线 silk yarn series
白厂丝 white steam filature yarns
双宫丝 duppion silk yarns
柞蚕丝 tussah silk yarns
绢丝 spun silk yarns
柞绢丝 tussah spun silk yarns
柚丝 silk noil yarns
真丝线 silk threads
丝棉混纺纱 silk/cotton blended yarns
麻纺系列纱线 halm yarn series
***系列纱线 hemp yarn series
亚麻系列纱线 linen yarn series
苎麻系列纱线 ramie yarn series
黄麻系列纱线 jute yarn series
其他植物纤维纱线 other plant yarns
剑麻系列纱线 sisal yarn series
人造纤维和合成纱线 manmade & synthetic yarns
晴纶纱 acrylic yarns
晴纶仿羊绒 cashmere-like acrylic yarns
仿兔毛 sunday angora yarns
锦纶丝 polyamide yarns
涤纶纱/丝 polyester yarns
人造棉纱 spun rayon yarns
天丝纱 tencel yarns
弹力纱线 elastane yarns
涤粘纱 t/r (polyester/rayon) yarns
人棉混纺纱 spun rayon blended yarns
其他化纤纱线 other synthetic yarns
人造长丝或线 viscose filament yarns or threads
雪尼尔纱 chenille yarns
大肚纱 big-belly yarns
带子纱 tape yarns
马海毛纱 mohair yarns
羽毛纱 feather yarns
蜈蚣纱 centipede like yarns
项链纱 neckline yarns
辫子纱 pigtail yarns
梯子纱 ladder yarns
圈圈纱 loop yarns
tt 纱 tt yarns
结子纱 knot yarns
乒乓纱 ping-pong yarns
其它花色纱线 other fancy yarns
金属纱线 metal yarns
绳、索及缆 twine, cordage, rope & cables
靛蓝青年布:indigo chambray
人棉布植绒:rayon cloth flocking
pvc植绒:pvc flocking
针织布植绒:knitting cloth flocking
珠粒绒:claimond veins
倒毛:down pile making
平绒:velveteen (velvet-plain)
仿麂皮:micro suede
牛仔皮植绒:jeans flocking
尼丝纺:nylon taffeta (nylon shioze)
尼龙塔夫泡泡纱:nylon seersucker taffeta
素面植绒:plain flocking
雕印植绒:embossing flocking
皮革沟底植绒:leather imitation flocking
牛仔植绒雕印:embossing jeans flocking
兔羊绒大衣呢:angora cachmere overcoating
羊毛双面呢:double-faced woolen goods
立绒呢:cut velvet
顺毛呢:over coating
粗花呢:costume tweed
弹力呢:lycra woolen goods
塔丝绒: nylon taslon
塔丝绒格子:n/taslon ripstop
桃皮绒:polyester peach skin
涤塔夫:polyester taffeta
春亚纺:polyester pongee
超细麦克布:micro fiber
锦棉稠(平纹):nylon-cotton fabric (plain)
重平锦棉稠:nylon-cotton-cotton fabric(double weft)
人字锦棉纺:nylon-cotton fabric
斜纹锦棉纺:nylon-cotton fabric (twill)
素色天鹅绒:solid velvet
抽条磨毛天鹅绒:rib fleece velvet
雪花天鹅绒:melange velvet
轧花天鹅绒:ginning velvet
粒粒绒布:pellet fleece velvet
麻棉混纺布:linen/cotton blended fabric
麻棉交织布:linen/cotton mixed fabric
素色毛巾布:solid terry
蚂蚁布:fleece in one side
素色卫衣布:solid fleece
彩条汗布:color-stripes single jersey
t/r弹力布:t/r bengaline
t/c色织格子布:t/c yarn dyed check fabric
弹力仿麂皮:micro suede with spandex
t/r仿麂皮:t/r micro suede
仿麂皮瑶粒绒复合布:100%polyester micro suede bounding with polarfleece
仿麂皮针织布复合:100% polyester bounding with knitting micro suedefabric
仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布:100% polyester micro suede bounding with lamb fur
蜡光缎:cire satine
全消光尼丝纺:full dull nylon taffeta
半消光尼丝纺:semi-dull nylon taffeta
亮光尼龙:trilobal nylon
全消光塔丝隆:full dull nylon taslan
全消光牛津布:full dull nylon oxford
尼龙格:nylon rip-stop
塔丝隆格:taslan rip-stop
哑富迪:full dull micro polyester pongee
全消光春亚纺:full dull polyester pongee
春亚纺格子:polyester pongee rip-stop
全消光涤纶桃皮绒:full dull polyester peach
宽斜纹桃皮绒:big twill polyester peach
涤锦复合桃皮绒:poly/nylon peach
涤纶格子:polyester taffeta rip-stop
涤纶蜂巢塔丝隆:polyester honey taslan
全消光涤纶低弹牛津布:full dull poly textured oxford
涤锦交织桃皮绒:nylon/polyester inter-wovenpeachsynthetic fibre 合成纤维chemical fibre 化学纤维 jute 黄麻
gunny cloth (bag) 黄麻布(袋) mixture fabric, blend fabric 混纺织物
woven fabric 机织织物
spun silk 绢丝 linen 麻织物 woolen fabrics 毛织物(品) cotton textiles 棉纺织品 cotton velvet 棉绒 cotton fabrics 棉织物(品) non-crushable 耐绉的 viscose acetal fibre 黏胶纤维 matching, colour combinations 配色
rayon fabrics 人造丝织物 artificial fibre 人造纤维 crewel work 绒线刺绣mulberry silk 桑蚕丝, 家蚕丝 silk fabrics 丝织物 silk spinning 丝纺linen cambric 手帕亚麻纱 plain 素色
figured silk 提花丝织物 jacquard 提花织物
applique embroidery 贴花刺绣
discolourization 褪色
mesh fabric 网眼织物
bondedfibre fabric 无纺织物 embroidered fabric 绣花织物 flax 亚麻
linen yarn 亚麻纱
knitting 针织
knitwear 针织品 hosiery 针织物 textile fabric 织物 ramee, ramie 苎麻
tussah silk 柞蚕丝calico 白布;本布serge 哔叽
camel hair cloth 长毛骆驼绒 plush 长毛绒tweed 粗(花)呢
overcoating 大衣呢
satin 缎子 flannel 法兰绒 worsted flannel 精纺法兰绒canvas 帆布
valetin 立丁tartan 格子呢admiralty cloth 海军呢cotton prints 花布
gabardine 华达呢
pongee 茧绸
brocade 锦缎
khaki drills 卡其布
reversible khaki 双面卡
cashmere 开司米
anti-pressing standing velvet 抗拉力绒sheetings 阔幅平布;被单布faille, bengaline, tussore 罗缎 melton 麦尔登呢wool serge 毛哔叽cotton cloth, cottonpiecegoods 棉布
bleached cotton cloth 漂白棉布cotton serge 棉哔叽
trueran 棉涤纶vinylon 维尼纶cotton sateen 棉缎
cotton poplin 棉府绸
cotton pongee 棉茧绸
cotton plush 棉织长毛绒
cotton gabardine 棉织华达呢palace 派力斯
seersucker, blisger crepe, plisse crepe 泡泡纱
georgette 乔其纱
herringbone 人字呢;海力蒙flannelette 绒布
taffeta 塔夫绸
cotton venetians 泰西缎
broche quilts 提花床单布
mosquito netting 蚊帐纱
grass cloth 夏布
mackintosh cloth 橡胶防雨布drills 斜纹布
embroidered gauze 绣花纱罗linen, linen cloth 亚麻布
linen canvas 亚麻帆布
linen checks 亚麻格子布
iondanthren cloth 阴丹士林布camblet 羽纱
tapestry satin 织锦缎
crepe satin 绉(背)缎
bobbin net 罗纱
acrylic fibres 腈纶
artificial cotton 人造棉
artificial silk, rayon 人造丝
artificial wool 人造毛
capron, kapron 卡普纶
dacron, terylene 的确良
modelon 毛涤纶
nylon 锦纶(耐纶)
nylon chiffon 尼龙薄绸
orlon 奥纶
terylene 涤纶
c cotton 棉
关于面料的缩写c::cotton 棉
w:wool 羊毛
m:mohair 马海毛
rh:rabbit hair 兔毛
al:alpaca 羊驼毛
j:jute 黄麻
l:linen 亚麻
ts:tussah silk 柞蚕丝
yh:yark hair 牦牛毛
ram:ramine 苎麻
hem:hemp ***
t:polyester 涤纶
ws:cashmere 羊绒
n:nylon 锦纶(尼龙)
a:acrylic 腈纶
tel:tencel 天丝,是lyocell莱赛尔纤维的商品名
la:lambswool 羊羔毛
md:model 莫代尔
ch:camel hair 驼毛
cvc:chief value of cotton涤棉倒比(涤含量低于60%以下)
ms:mulberry silk 桑蚕丝r:rayon 粘胶
里料:lining面料:fabric平纹:taffeta斜纹:twill缎面: satin /charmeuse绡:lustrine提花:jacquard
双层: double –layer双色:two –tone花瑶:faille 高士宝:koshibo雪纺:chiffon乔其:georgette弹力布:spandex/elastic/strec/lycra 牛仔布:jeanet牛津布:oxford帆布:cambric 涤棉p/c涤捻:t/r白条纺:whitestripe黑条纺:black stripe 空齿纺: emptystripe水洗绒/桃皮绒:peachskin
卡丹绒: peachtwill绉绒:peachmoss玻璃纱:organdy
a.h. armhole 夹圈
abs area bounded staple fabric 面粘非织造布
adl acceptable defect level 允许疵点标准
aql acceptable quality level 验收合格标准
attn. attention 注意
aud. audit 稽查
b. back 后
b.h. button hole 钮门/扣眼
b.l. back length 后长
b.p. bust point 胸点
bk. black 黑色
bl bust line 胸围线
bmt basic motion time 基本动作时间
bnl back neckline 后领圈线
bnp/bnpt back neck point 后领点
br back rise 后浪
bsp back shoulder point 后肩颈点
btm. bottom 衫脚
btn. button 钮扣
c.v.c. chief value of cotton 棉为主的混纺物
c/b (c.b.) center back 后中
c/f (c.f.) center front 前中
cad computer aided design 电脑辅助设计
cae computer aided engineering 电脑辅助工程
cal computer aided layout 电脑辅助排料
cam computer aided manufacture 电脑辅助制造
cap computer aided pattern 电脑辅助画样
cbf center back fold 后中对折
cbl center back line 后中线
cbn-w center back neck point to waist 后颈点至腰
cfl center front fold 前中对折
ci corporate identify 企业标识
cif cost, insurance & freight 到岸价
clr. color 颜色
cmt cutting, making, trimming 来料加工
col. color 颜色
cord. corduroy 灯心绒
cs commercial standards 商业标准
ctn. cotton 棉
ctn. no. carton no. 纸箱编号
d. denier 旦
d. & k. damaged & kept 染厂对疵布的认赔
d.b. double-breasted 双襟
d/y delivery 出货, 交付
dbl double 双
dbl ndl double needle 双针
dept. department 部门
dk. dark 深色
doz. dozen 打
e.g. exampli gratia / for example 例如
el elbow line 手肘线
emb. embroidery 绣花, 车花
etc. et cetera=and so forth 等等
exp. export 出口
f. front 前
fab. fabric 布料
faq fair average quality 中等品
fb freight bill 装货清单
fnp front neck point 前颈点
fob free on board 离岸价
fqc field quality control 现场质量控制
fty. factory 工厂
g. green 绿色
g.w. gross weight 毛重
gl grain line 布纹
h. hips 坐围
hl hips line 坐围线
in. inch 英寸
jkt. jacket 夹克
k knit 针织
l. large 大号
l. line 莱尼/号(纽扣大小单位)
l. length 长度
l. left 左
l.g. length grain 经向, 直纹
lb. pound 磅
lbl label 唛头, 商标
loa length over all 全长
m medium 中码
m/b must be 必须
m/c machine 机械
mat. material 物料
meas. measurement 尺寸
mhl middle hips line 中臀围线
mkt. market 市场
mmts. measurements 尺寸
n. to w.(n.-w.) nape to waist 腰直
n.p. neck point 肩颈点
ndl. needle 针
nil nothing 无
nk. neck 颈圈
o/n order no. 定单号
ojt on-the-job training 在职培训
os over size 超大号
ovrlk. overlock 及骨, 包缝
p. purple 紫色
p.o. no. production order no. 生产制造单编号
p.o.b. post office box 邮箱
p.p. paper pattern 纸样
p.s.i. per square inch 每平方英寸
p/c polyester/cotton 涤棉混纺织物
pa polyamide 聚酰胺
pap posterior armpit point 腋窝后点
pb private brand 个人商标
pc. price 价格
pcs. pieces 件, 个
pkg. package 包装
pkt. pocket 口袋
pls. please 请
pnt point 点
p-o-r product-o-rial system 吊挂系统
pos. position 位置
pp poly propylene 聚丙烯
pv polyvinyl fibre 聚乙烯纤维
pvc polyvinyl chloride 聚氯乙烯
qc quality control 质量控制
qly. quality 质量
qpl qualified products list 合格产品目录
qty. quantity 数量
r. right 右
r.s. right side 正面
r.t.w. ready to wear 成衣
ref. reference 参考, 参照
rej. reject 拒绝
rm. room 场所
rn. rayon 人造丝
s small 小码
s.a. seam allowance 止口
s.b. single breasted 单排纽扣, 单襟
s.p. shoulder point 肩端点
s.p.i. stitch per inch 每英寸线迹数
s.p.m. stitch per minutes 每分钟线迹数
s/b should be 应该
sc shopping center 购物中心
sgl ndl single needle 单针
slv. sleeve 袖子
smpl sample 样板
snl single 单
snp side neck point 颈侧点
spec. specification 细则
sq. ft. square feet 平方英尺
sty. style 款式
sz. size 尺码
t/c terylence/cotton 涤棉织物
t/s top stitches 间面线
tqc total quality control 全面质量控制
tqm total quality management 全面质量管理
t-s t-shirt t恤衫
ubl under bust line 下胸围线
v. violet 紫色
w woven 梭织
w. waist 腰围
w. width 宽度
w.b. waistband 裤头
w.i.p. work in process 半成品
w.l. waist line 腰线
w.s. wrong side 反面
w/ with
wmsp. workmanship 手工, 车工
wt. weight 重量
x king size 特大号
xl extra large 特大号
xxl extra extra large 超特大号
y. yellow 黄色
yd. yardage 码数
gws garment wash sample 成衣洗水样板
rn # reference number 参考号
lcl less container loaded 拼柜?
p/c polyester/cotton 涤纶/棉
t/c terylene/cotton 涤纶/棉
ext. extension number分机号
cell. cellular phone 手机
upc universal product code 通用产品码,通用货单代码
cmpt cut/make/pack/trim
iq including quota
eq excluding quota
s/y sample yardage
lsaw. 穿后左侧骨(left side as weared)
sku stock keeping unit为储存单位。8位数代码为最小级商品单位。
coo label: country of origin label 原产唛
goh garment on hanger 走挂装
fcl full container load 走整柜
tbd to be determined 待定
l/s long sleeve 长袖
cfs container freight station 走拼箱
cy container yard 走整柜
whk whisker 猫须
h/s 手擦
t/p teck pack 技術檔案
t/c polyester / cotton
t/r polyester / rayon
f.o.a. feed off arm 埋夹
t/t telegraphic transfer 电汇
cvc chief value of cotton
irre.l/c irrevocable l/c 不可撤销信用证
imag.line imaginary line 参考线
c 棉
v 维纶
t 涤纶
r 粘胶
a 腈纶
o 丙纶
n 锦纶
f 麻
s 丝
w 毛
n/a not available
eta estimated time of arrival 估计到达时间
etd estimated time of delivery
mop mother of peral 仿珍珠钮
s/s short sleeve 短袖
ldp:landed dutypaid.据我了解好像是要空运,负责运费,保险费,出口清关,送至指定地点而且还要负担出口商品在进口国的捐税,是所有的贸易术语里出口方义务最重的一个,现在在美国比较流行。
a.s.(arm size)肘围
b.c.(biceps circumference) 上臂围;袖宽
b.d.(bust depth)胸高
(back depth)后腋深
b.l.(back length)后长
(bust line)胸围线
b.n.(back neck)后领围
b.n.p.(back neck point)后颈点
b.p.(bust point)胸高点,乳峰点
b.r.(back rise)后(直)裆
(body rise)股上
b.s.l.(back shoulder line)后肩线
b.t.(bust top)乳围
b.w.(back width)后背宽
c.b.(centre back)后中长
c.f. (centre front)前中长
c.l. (coat length)衣长
c.p.l.(collar point length)领尖长
c.p.w.(collar point width)领尖宽
c.w.(cuff width)袖口宽
d.b.(double breast)双排钮
e.c.(elbow circumference)肘围
e.l.(elbow length)肘围
(elbow line)肘线
e.p.(elbow point)肘点
f.d.(front depth)前腋深
f.l.(front length)前长
f.n.(front neck)前领围
f.n.p.(front neck point)前颈点
f.r.(front rise)前浪
f.s.(fist size)手头围
f.w.(front width)前胸宽
h.l.(hip line) 臀围线
(head length)头长
h.s.(head size)头围
i.l.(inside length)股下,下裆长
k.l.(knee line)膝围线
m.h.(middle hip)中臀围
m.h.l.(middle hip line)中臀围线
n.h.(neck hole)领圈,领口
n.l.(neck length)领长
n.l.(neck line)领围线,领口线
n.p.(neck point)颈点;肩顶
n.r.(neck rib)领高
n.s.(neck size)颈围
n.s.p.(neck shoulder point)颈肩点
n.w.l.(neck waist length)背长
o.s.(outside seam)外长
p.s.(palm size)掌围
p.w.(point width)乳间宽,乳中
s.b.(single breast)单排钮
(slack bottom) 裤脚口
s.c.(stand collar) 领座
s.d.(scye depth) 腋深
s.l.(sleeve length)袖长
(skirt length) 裙长
s.n.p.(shoulder neck point)肩颈点
(side of neck point)旁颈点
s.p.(shoulder point)肩点
s.s.(sleeve slope)肩斜
s.s.p.(shoulder sleeve point)肩袖点
s.t.(sleeve top)袖山
s.w.(shoulder width)肩宽
t.l.(trousers length)裤长
t.r.(trouser rise)裤(直)裆
t.s.(thigh size)腿围
w.l.(waist line)腰围线,腰节线
braided fabric编织物deformation变形;走样fast colours 不褪色;色泽牢固
punch work抽绣embroidery刺绣品acetate fibre 醋酯纤维
hemp大麻damp proof防潮sanforizing, pre-shrunk 防缩
extiles纺织品crochet钩编编织物gloss,lustre 光泽
synthetic fibre合成纤维chemical fibre化学纤维jute 黄麻
gunny cloth (bag) 黄麻布(袋)mixture fabric, blend fabric混纺织物wovenfabric 机织织物
spun silk绢丝linen麻织物woolen fabrics 毛织物(品)
cotton textiles棉纺织品cottonvelvet棉绒cotton fabrics 棉织物(品)
non-crushable耐绉的viscoseacetal fibre 黏胶纤维matching,colour combinations 配色
rayon fabrics人造丝织物artificialfibre人造纤维crewel work 绒线刺绣
mulberry silk 桑蚕丝, 家蚕丝 sil
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